
Chapter 885 Tang Zhinian Also Became a Patient

"Haven't you always said that among the Ren Family, your dad has been relatively good to you? He's just confused. Everyone has moments of confusion. Can you set aside the past for now and let him live out his remaining years in peace?"

He urged Ren Li, really not wanting her to place so much weight on the word 'hate' and then spend her whole life imprisoned by it. When one starts hating someone, it's all too easy to become obsessively fixated.

If the person passes away, it'll be too late for any regrets.

So while they are still with us, don't do things you'd regret. Fulfill your own sense of duty, and as long as your conscience is clear, that's enough.

"Thank you, Zhinian, I understand."

Ren Li wiped away her tears, "I'll go and see him. No matter what, I want him to get better for now. Ren Ying, that son of a bitch, definitely won't take care of him."