
Chapter 545 They Didn't Leave

Tang Yuxin glanced back at the path behind her.

Gu Ning placed a hand on her shoulder, "We'll be home soon."

Tang Yuxin gently nodded, she believed, truly believed — believed in Gu Ning like she always had, that he would never give up on her. And as for the others, those who were coming to save them, they wouldn't abandon them either.

Time went on, second after second, minute after minute. So much time passed that it felt like a century to Tang Yuxin. They all anxiously stared at the path, hoping that their rescuers would appear.

"They are here!"

Someone suddenly exclaimed.

In a split second, everyone stood up. At that moment, the sun broke through the heavy clouds. The warm sunlight finally fell on them once again.

One car after another appeared in the distance. They could hear the wail of ambulance sirens, growing louder and closer. For the first time, Tang Yuxin found the sound comforting.

This wasn't a tragedy of life, but rather, the redemption of life.