
Chapter 439 Uncle Gu, is it you again?

"Eat something, you'll soon be busy," Tang Yuxin had already settled down at one side, started eating the snacks she had bought. Seeing Tang Yuxin eating, Li Jia also began to eat. They were both in the lounge during their break, finishing their snacks. Just as they finished eating, an announcement blasted from the hospital speakers, asking all medical staff to meet injured patients at the entrance.

Caught off guard, Li Jia choked on her food.

Tang Yuxin quickly handed her a cup of water.

"Thank you," Li Jia patted her chest, raising the cup to her mouth and gulping down the water. By the time they rushed outside, many injured patients had already been delivered.

The patients were wounded, with injuries to their heads or legs and they all appeared to be soldiers in uniform.