
My Wife Is A Grim Reaper

After being brutally betrayed by his girlfriend. August found himself in the netherworld and in front of him stood the grim reaper.... herself? This grim reaper was nothing like he was told, with an astounding beauty rivaling Aphrodite's and a sassy attitude. He desperately craved for a few more years of life, but just when everything seemed lost, the king of the netherworld made him a proposal. He gets magical powers and a few more years to live and in return the grim reaper would get half of his soul. Could August survive in this strange new world while finding his real murderer? ----------- The cover is not mine, credits go to the original artist. Contact info- Discord- Celestial Creature#2358 Server- https://discord.gg/VXhcPVEjcD Insta- wabi.sabi_1083

Night_Creature · Kỳ huyễn
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203 Chs

The library of Niflheim

"Y-you…are a real-life LADY MACDEATH!?" August asked excitedly again causing a stir in Azrael.

She was stupefied by him, "W-Who?" She stammered, blinking a few times.

August excitedly went close up to her with his eyes dazzling like a little kid who was meeting his idol.

But, due to the release of the force he put on the shelves, the bookshelves became wobbly and a few of the books on them fell.

Azrael rushed to stop the book from falling, in the process she even pushed August to the floor but she still was late to catch them.

The books fell on the ground, splitting wide open. Without a second, a few vague hazy figures break out from the books and vanish into mid-air without a trace.

Azrael rubbed her forehead in frustration. She was trying to find a way out of the mess, sighing. If she didn't put everything back in place, her time here will be lengthened and she didn't wish to be that.

Azrael glared at August who was still on the floor, throwing daggers at him with her eyes, but it was unbearable for her to watch him and stop the urge to kill him once again. So, she turned her back on him hoping this would calm her down enough to not kill him.

Meanwhile, August looked at her unaware of what mess he had caused. He didn't understand why she was so upset with a few books falling to the ground. He can put them back for her, there was nothing to make her that annoyed.

"Hey, I am sorry for the books. I can put them back." August got up from the floor, dusting his still-damp clothes. He didn't wait for her answer and was about to pick one of them.

"Don't TOUCH IT!" Azrael shouted at him and walked up to him.

August was flustered by her, but he stopped right away, standing straight right up. Azrael gave him another sharp scowl before bending down to the ground. She silently picked up the books without a word or explanation.

August didn't say another word, he just stood there silent. Like always, he would be nothing but black sheep. August would be lying if he said his heart didn't ache on seeing her trying to not even hide her disgust. Then again, he should be happy at least she was honest, unlike his girlfriend.

A sharp stinging pain hit him. Even though he tried to deny it or ignore it, he still felt pain. A surging pain of betrayal. Not even once, he had a suspicion about her. The image of her viciously smiling through her dirty blonde hair as he fell off the bridge, was the cruellest thing he had ever encountered.

In his short course of time, August had a fair share of pain, insults, suffering and cruel fate but none of that surpasses it.

"You!" Azrael growled at him in anger enough to break him out of his thoughts. August was muddled by her sudden growl, he blinked twice while questioning her gaze.

On seeing him like that, Azrael had no choice but to sigh in defeat. After putting the books back on her desk, she turned around to look at him. Her eyes burning in anger, her whitish silver eyes turning into a darker shade of grey.

"Do you know what ruckus you caused just now? You let go of souls to the mortal world! And if it was not bad enough you tried to touch a book without a soul! If I didn't stop you, you would be sucked in, taking their place in that book!" Azrael burst out on him. She was so focused on her anger that she didn't notice even the slightest bit of him.

She finally took a deep breath once she was done. Yeah, she knows scolding him about something that he doesn't know was wrong but thinking of the ruckus he caused just now, doesn't calm her to resonate.

In the world of the dead, once a person dies they are sent to the library of Niflheim, previously known as The abode of the abyss or The Inferno before that. Every soul was given a book based on their lives, sins and virtues. But they can be freed from their fate if a soul who was still stuck in between opens the books directly or indirectly.

It may sound nothing but once a soul who has been inside the book desires nothing but life back in the mortal realm. Azrael was not afraid of the souls residing in the mortal realm. She was powerful enough to bring them back. But…she glanced at the book on her table, which was vaguely covered by a few other books.

August's eyes trailed behind her gaze, and it was not hard to know which one she was eyeing. The same book that he tried to pick up a few moments ago. It was way thicker than other books, with a musky dark red leather cover, unlike others. There were carvings on it with a golden inscription.

August was unable to read it but something didn't settle right. The more he looked at her than at the book, an uneasy emotion surged inside him. Something he never felt, a kind of emotion he can't really describe but it was far from pleasant.

Azrael stopped glancing at the book and sighed. She turned her gaze at him and for a brief second their eyes met. Azrael noticed that his eyes were green with golden flecks on them. Around his cornea, there was a discreet golden ring around it. As if those little golden flakes were part of that ring.

Even the green was not emerald or jade. It was in between. His eyes shone like a newly budded leaf after being soaked in the rain for the first time. The lush and glistening can bring quietude to one by just looking at them. That's how magical they were. The eyes of the protector.

"I apologise for…" His words brought her back to her senses. She instantly shifted her focus from his eyes and looked at him. He looked like a sad puppy forbidden of his joy.

Normally Azrael would rarely pity someone but she did feel bad for her. Maybe because of how she yelled at him when he was not even aware of the problem. It was partially her fault too.

She was having fun playing around when she could have focused on her job and sent him to his assigned world. Azrael didn't enjoy even the little company of his; it was mostly how he first reacted. He joked even though he already knew he was dead. But it didn't let him turn his mood sour.

If it was someone else they may. They may beg, threaten sometimes even physically after knowing how their loved one betrayed them. As for him, he had already accepted his fate. At first, she was disgusted that he was one of those people who killed themselves for others but just these few minutes she spent with him made her realise he was nice. Way nicer and better than others, which made her sympathise with him.

How could someone be cruel enough to kill a guy like him?