
Number four

As his eyes glanced down, his heart started to pound against his chest, hoping that nothing happened like he thinks. As his eyes reached the end of, it was what he didn't want to be true.

Azrael was still standing at that place, her arm covering her face and neck. However, her shoulder and arm scratch off, with blood splattered all around. It all happened in the blink of an eye.

The claw backend once the harm was done. August immediately got up from the floor, rushing to Azrael.

"Azrael!" August called out, holding the injured arm gently, and letting her head rest on his shoulder.

"Hey, look at me. Nothing will happen to you okay?" August reassured, trying his best to find a way out. They can't stay there anymore.

Azrael looked through her hazy vision, before she passed out, she took all her energy to speak,"Run away." Azrael ordered, pushing him away from her.

"Let me help you then." August was confused by her pushing him away like that.