
Curse I

August's pov.

Ever heard of the Baobhan Sith from the Scottish tale? They are female fairies, similar to succubus.

Gabriella told me about those when she was studying there. My sister was always a geek for myths. She believed myths are wildfires and the root cause of the fire can be traced to explain something science can't.

So, Baobhan sith are beautiful females who prey on hunters who stay the night out in the forest. According to the legend, they seduce their victims before killing them. Blood sucked out, throats cut and chest laid open. That's what happens when you get seduced by supernatural beings who wear black clothes and have the looks of a goddess. You know who.

Third pov.

Instead of feeling butterflies in his stomach, August felt terrified.

"I will call the supernatural police department, I guess. If that's a thing. " August thought carefully and answered.