
My Wife Is A Grim Reaper

After being brutally betrayed by his girlfriend. August found himself in the netherworld and in front of him stood the grim reaper.... herself? This grim reaper was nothing like he was told, with an astounding beauty rivaling Aphrodite's and a sassy attitude. He desperately craved for a few more years of life, but just when everything seemed lost, the king of the netherworld made him a proposal. He gets magical powers and a few more years to live and in return the grim reaper would get half of his soul. Could August survive in this strange new world while finding his real murderer? ----------- The cover is not mine, credits go to the original artist. Contact info- Discord- Celestial Creature#2358 Server- https://discord.gg/VXhcPVEjcD Insta- wabi.sabi_1083

Night_Creature · Kỳ huyễn
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203 Chs

Betrothed to him

August gasped for air, seeing the blue-green flames covering her hands. August wanted to touch those majestic flames but hesitated to go even forward. How could he? Not after knowing that it was hellfire in her hand.

The same infamous fire that is known as eternal punishment for sinners and he read somewhere that being burned alive by a normal fire was the most torturous death to humankind and this one…was hellfire, which burns souls; even worse.

Azrael saw the struggle and fear on his face for the first time from the moment he landed there. It was kinda amusing to see that reaction on his face, her wicked self couldn't help but tease him further.

With flames still in her hands, Azrael walked closer to him. With a mischievous grin on her face. August, on the other hand, feared death with every step she took toward him. He backed up but those blue flames encircled them, leaving no options for him.

"Now you fear me, huh?" She arched her brow, walking further close to him.

August, who turned rock in his place, even forgot to breathe as the distance got closer. He nodded his head intensely, trying to keep his head far away from that damnation. Azrael forwarded her hand closer to his face, making his dead heart jump out in panic.

But to his surprise, she stopped just an inch away from his face and kept her hands still. A triumphant smile appeared on her face. After a few moments, she finally drew back her hand and the flames on her hand disappeared into thin air. As if none of it appeared in the first place, but the circle of flares remained.

With his dampened cloth and a chilling temperature, the fire kept them warm. Azrael leaned onto the wooden table, looking back at the old couple bickering lazily. It was not a new thing happening in Niflheim, their bickering was infamous in the netherworld.

August saw her peacefully watching the drama, with no emotion but her eyes said something different. Her face may not show anything but her eyes were pleased, they felt warm. Maybe the wickedness she shows is not that all to her.

"Cora!!" The man cried out, feeling the pain of his wife pulling his ear like he was some kind of kid. Cora's grip tightened the more he called her Cora.

"How dare you call me Cora!" She yelled, annoyed at him. She is not Cora for him, he should call him a wife. That was the deal. Now he was breaking the rules and even talking back. Cora couldn't be more furious at him.

"I am sorry. I am sorry! Wife!" He cried, finally calling her by her nickname. Cora finally calmed down and let go of his ears. She stood straight, pouting and crossing her arms over her chest.

The room finally came back to normal temperature, which finally let Azrael cool off the flame enveloping them and seeing the fire gone, August never felt relief like that. All the time the flame was on, he remained still; not even breathing.

The man went behind his annoyed wife, wrapped his arms around her and gave a small peck on her cheeks. August couldn't be tortured by anything worse. He died because of his girlfriend's betrayal and now he was forced to watch an old couple being lovey-dovey. What can be worse after this?

"You better remember it next time, Scheol," Cora grumbled, returning to her old self with a gentle warm smile and looking at Azrael and August.

While Azrael definitely enjoyed watching the show, August was cringing hard. The only thing he could never bring himself to like was a couple giving dog food.

Schoel narrowed his glance to the two, after nodding to his wife's request. He removed his hands from her and turned serious, still keeping a soft gaze at her.

"Wife, can you give us a moment?" He asked gently cupping her cheeks as if they both didn't bicker just a few minutes ago. Cora looked back at her husband lovingly and nodded before leaving through the path they first entered.

Once Cora was out of sight, Schoel turned at them. His face was serious, and his amber eyes burned looking like the pit of hell itself.

"You know what disruption you cause?" Schoel glanced at Azrael, and so did August. He saw her trembling in fear again, her head down, hands straight on the front, standing as politely as one could.

Azrael bit her lips and finally nodded to his question without meeting his gaze. How could she look at those eyes? The one infamous to be formed from the deepest pit of hell itself. One look at them and your soul would be burned into ash.

"Good then. Prepare yourself to be betrothed to him." Schoel announced calmly pointing his crane towards August.