
My Wife Is A Grim Reaper

After being brutally betrayed by his girlfriend. August found himself in the netherworld and in front of him stood the grim reaper.... herself? This grim reaper was nothing like he was told, with an astounding beauty rivaling Aphrodite's and a sassy attitude. He desperately craved for a few more years of life, but just when everything seemed lost, the king of the netherworld made him a proposal. He gets magical powers and a few more years to live and in return the grim reaper would get half of his soul. Could August survive in this strange new world while finding his real murderer? ----------- The cover is not mine, credits go to the original artist. Contact info- Discord- Celestial Creature#2358 Server- https://discord.gg/VXhcPVEjcD Insta- wabi.sabi_1083

Night_Creature · Kỳ huyễn
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203 Chs

'Happy face.'

Azrael glanced at August, who was looking at Ailyn the murk was back. Azrael knew this time even though she couldn't control him.

"Ok. Nat, leave her," Azrael ordered in a stern voice and grabbed one of August's arms. Nat wanted to resort but more than human life, his and Eve's lives are more important. So he listened to her and grabbed him like Azrael ordered and walked towards the door.

Azrael stopped before walking past her. Ailyn was still on the floor, trying to process everything.

"We will meet again someday." Azrael smiled and squatted down to be on par with her, and continued whispering, "Then we can have a good talk on how to torture someone. After all, that's my job." With that Azrael got up and left the place like nothing ever happened.

Ailyn, who was still stunned on the floor, had no idea how to react to her sentence. What did it even mean?

Those words that came out of Azrael's mouth send chills down her spine. A threat that sounds harmless in a world where it's used often, it was terrifying.

Ailyn's shambolic thought process got diverted by the vibrations of her phone in her pocket.

Ailyn dives her hand into one of the shirt's pockets to take out her phone. After all, she doubted her phone even worked anymore. She took it out and looked at the shattered screen and a caller ID.

Above the white background, the name was the only thing that appeared. With an icon of a happy face.

'Happy face.'

Seeing the name Ailyn gulped in fear. Why can't trouble just leave her alone at this point? Looks like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed and even imagined a monster in her bathroom and her hallucination was so good that her bathroom is torn apart somehow by some kind of black magic and now this.

Ailyn sighed thinking about it. With a clear mind and a fake smile, she received the call as if nothing happened.



Azrael put August back down on the same bed he slept in the previous night.

"Take a rest for a bit. I will explain this later." Azrael ordered, stealing a glance at Natlus who was standing at the doorway far away from August.

Azrael could clearly see the tension building up around Nat if she didn't take him out, he would break the dam of emotion right in front of August which was not good.

Getting a nod as a response from August, Azrael proceeded to Nat and yanked his arms and dragged him out of the room.

"Don't start your blabber here," Azrael warned, noticing him opening his mouth to speak something.

Nat immediately held his tongue and silently followed Azrael. Only after he was out, did he meltdown.

Nat stroked the corridor up and down, mumbling words to himself like a crazy one. Azrael looked at him being in such a debacle. She sighed giving a light squeeze to her temples.

"Nat, stop moving, you're giving me a headache. " Azrael warned, gritting her teeth in between.

"Did you know about this? He is a cadger, isn't he? Wait no, he can't be a cadger, right? Then what is he?..." Nat swamped her with questions while shaking her shoulders vigorously.

Natlus didn't even give her a chance to speak, at that point, he was answering his own question.

At the end after being shaken to death, Azrael finally burst out and slapped his hands away from his arms.

"Stop it!" She barked, straightening her sleeves and sending a glare in Nat's way.

Natlus gulped and finally stopped speaking. Only for a moment, he kept his stillness.

"Wait! Is this why you are not annulling your marriage to him?" Nat questioned, his eyes widened from the epiphany.

Azrael gave up. He will not stop this, she just sighed and rolled her eyes before walking away from him without explaining anything.

It was nothing like Nat saying. Him being a creature of the dark was the least important thing. Even though it never happened before there was more to the story than that.

"Ever heard of the book 'What happens when dark mixes with purples'?" Azrael inquired before walking out of the corridor.

" W-what?" Flustered by an abrupt question, he blinked a few times at her, trying to process her words. While Azrael didn't wait for him to get a grip on what she said. She just let out a smile and left the hall, leaving him to all by himself with a question he had no idea of.

Azrael walked in the direction of Niflheim. The smile already vanished into.the gloomy stairs. She vividly remembers that book.

A story of a witch falling in love with a king and being dragged into the world of the Royals. It was written during a period when a sword was mightier than a pen. The author never became known to the public but what he wrote still holds a place in Azrael's heart. A story of her own and her bitter past.

Azrael pushed open the door, unveiling the old man sitting on her desk, flipping through the same red leather book she put away earlier.

A sheer horror appeared on her face, as her brows furrowed together with curiosity. Azrael swallowed hard, before hastened up to him and snatched the book away.

"What are you doing here?" She inquired trying to change the topic.

Schoel smirked, his eyes already noticing her hiding the book away behind her. Instead of pointing out, he said nothing and decided to follow her way.

"How is your husband? Did you forget your wedding is this weekend?" Schoel interrogated, looking in the direction she entered the room.

Azrael huffed at his question in annoyance which Schoel blatantly ignored and remained quiet for a moment, thinking something.

"Tracked him or not?" He questioned again.