
My Wife Doesn't Know That I am the Youngest Heir

Poverty Training, this thing I loathed from the depths of my heart since I was destined to go through this. Finally, the day came, and the battle started of becoming the successor. But who would have thought, being poor meant being a trash in other's eyes, but then in my life came Julieta, she was the light to my darkness. Ok that was cringe, well in her eyes I was her soulmate but in mine. Well, she was just a tool to be used to ascend. Few Years after we married, and her family was literal trash to be honest. But then I still survived until................ Authors Note: Yes, Poverty Training, it will be a little different though since I aim to make the protagonist eligible of being an heir meaning no submissive mc. Also, by reading the synopsis you may guess that the wife is obsessed with him, but he doesn't care in the slightest only using her just to gain an upper hand. So yeah, the first arc will be his growth while the later on arcs will have magic but no spoilers. Enjoy

the_spreme_being · Thành thị
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Family of Wife

The gas burned, as I flipped the pan cooking for my so called family. Now as I continued cooking mistakenly, some hot oil fell on my hand causing me to wince and drop the pan I was holding onto.

As the food being cooked dropped on the floor along with the pan making a loud clang, that rhymed. A yell generated in the house.

"WHAT THE HELL? WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU LEECH?" This was the deep voice of an old man who came rushing to the kitchen accompanied by his son and wife.

I briefly looked at them observing their features. The old man had anger on his face which expressed his wrinkles more as his blue eyes burned with rage and he gritted his teeth. 

If he had hair, he would probably rip it out but due to his age there was only the dry scalp. This was my father-in-law accompanying him was the witch or in my case my mother-in-law.

She still looked young due to her marrying at a young age, but she still had wrinkles though no white hair. Her black eyes simply looked at the fallen food with shock not being able to express herself. 

Now comes the third and the final my brother-in-law. Compared to them he was the most dignified with inherent pale face and blue eyes, accompanying it was his jet-black hair increasing his attractiveness.

He was lean in figure in comparison to mine who was more muscular. Well, this was my wife's family, and, in their home, I was staying since what was it again?


Why is Poverty Training done?

Ans: Poverty Training is done to make the heir of the richest family realize the importance of money and so that they don't make the empire fall.

Thank Brain GPT but back to my saying. This system was ass just ass and not even the good kind. If you really want to instill the kid with good values teach them when they were a kid about all the hardship so that they aspire to become great.

But oh no no no! They wanted them to do this hellish bitch ass training when they are fucking 18!!!

Now thank God, I married a decently rich and very attractive hot girl otherwise I would still continue living in that cockroach infested apartment shared with smelly roommates, yuck!

But the con was that no matter how much my wife was angelic or what not, her family along with her relatives were fuckers. Sorry for my obscene language but I am frustrated as fuck like seriously.

If I was still in power, I would literally do complete massacre while making them beg for mercy, but sadly no intrusive thought was going to take control today. Maybe this was karma?

Since after all even if my wife loves me a lot, I don't as I am only using her as a pawn just to increase my chances of winning the position after all in my dictionary money matters the most.

"ANSWER ME" As my thoughts were wondering, the old man rushed to me and started yelling at me with drop of saliva landing on my face which caused me to instinctively slap him since whenever someone broke me out of my concentration, my hand would unconsciously slap them.

"Shit, What the fuck did I just do?" These were my thought as my palm connected sending him down the floor. Fuck.

After regaining his composure, he looked at me with rage and shock while the other two members standing were all presenting wide eyes along with the maids and servants.

"hmmmm, I am not guilty my hand is" I uttered as this was the only thing which came to my head and went out through my voice box in form of signal. Father-in-law got up and silently went away probably to complain to my wife.

My mother-in-law also went away with heavy steps while my brother-in-law walked towards and suddenly punched me in the face with rage evident though it was strong as he was a trained martial artist, but it didn't have any effect on me, nor did it make me feel anything.

"The next time you do something like this, I will kill you" he said angrily as he grabbed my collar and I simply smirked at his impulsive behavior. I wrapped my fingers around his wrist and tightly grasped making him wince and let go off my collar.

"Well, I would like to see you try" I stated as a grin expanded on my face, with malicious thoughts roaming in the brain of mine. He simply grunted not wanting to admit defeat and left.

I simply chuckled as I went to the bathroom to have a good shower of course. I slowly dropped my clothes and turned on the water as the droplets connected with my muscular body and I looked down seeing scars running down my body.

Why? Well, when I was 10, we heirs were expected to receive combat training which led to all this training. After having a good bath cleaning every single part of my body.

I went to the basin to wash my face and after doing so I looked in the mirror which was reflecting every part of my face. I could see that my brown hair reached my shoulders and my dark brown eyes glowed with strategies hidden underneath.

Overall, I was exceptionally handsome another which made Julieta (the wife) accept me. I applied face wash and washed it afterwards as my skin glowed like the yellow sun.

"Looking good Dani" I said to myself flexing in overconfidence because only in the bathroom, when there was no one, I could show my vulnerable side otherwise everyone would only see my business side only.

I wrapped the towel around my waist and exited the bathroom which was located in my personal bedroom and to my surprise, my wife was there waiting with a stern looking which instantly turned into blushing.

"You pervert, wear some clothes" She stammered as she covered her eyes but still slightly peeked through. Slowly I felt my business side taking cover and the glint in my eyes probably changed as I became confident again instead of my usual introvert self.

"Why should I? after all during the nights you have already seen every part of me" I retorted with a smile as I got some clothes out of the big wardrobe. Her redness intensified as she couldn't come up with anything almost like, a cat had gotten her tongue.

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