
The Storm of the Red Gang (Part 3)

After Riv’s command, Immediately, the two behind John went to the front and pulled his arms. They held them, so his palms were flat on the floor by the wrist.

“From your form, I can tell that you’re a boxer. You had a good stance and your punches seemed to pack some power. Well, you hit one of my guys, so this is only right. Say goodbye to them.” Riv started lifting his foot just above John’s hands.

“Wait!” A deep voice bellowed from the crowd. When the students looked at who it was, they could see it was their large teacher, who was as big as a tree in his red tracksuit, Mr. Root, the P.E teacher and Rugby coach.

“It was me, I was the one who planned that attack. Don't hurt the students because of me!” Mr. Root shouted. Riv’s foot stayed hovering over John’s hands, he looked at the students one more time before making a decision.

“Fine then. Bring him in!”