
The infected fighter (Part 1)

The system message had appeared, and recently, the system messages didn't appear around Gary much. Only when it felt like it, the system would warrant giving him any type of exp for the challenge he would face.

In fact, that was partially the reason why Gary knew he had nothing to worry about when he met Haze, just like other Altereds he came across, there was no quest when it came to defeating him.

It did make Gary wonder, though, at what level would one have to be in the AFC for Gary to gain exp? Had he now reached the same level as Jayden? In his mind, he hadn't. He could maybe put up a fight at nighttime if he used everything he had, but that was all, putting up a fight.

There wasn't even the chance of him winning compared to what had occurred last time. So if he wanted to gain exp through the AFC, then he would have to rise up the ranks fairly quickly.