
Slough vs Notsburg

As usual, Tyler was incredibly nervous as he drove the limo with the core members of the Howlers and the AFA students. And yet, despite them heading towards Notsburg, the stronghold of the Scatterbugs, he felt less nervous than during their other trips. The main reason for that was because Gary was travelling with them this time. For some reason, seeing the younger teenager always gave him a feeling of safety, reminding him of the time when Gary had stood up for him in his last job.

At the same time, Tyler could see how different the Alpha Werewolf looked now, how much pain and anger was behind that face of his. He wanted to do something to help him, even if it was something as simple as driving him and the others to their destination.

During the drive, the group spent the majority of their time silently watching out the window as they were approaching the Tier-2 city. Anyone would think that the whole thing was mad, going along with a small amount of people like that.