
A Star promotion

‘I can’t believe I'm actually here.’ Blake thought to himself as he took in the sight of the few hundred Altered Hunter who had gathered in this secret base today. Up until now, his father had been the only other Altered Hunter he had ever come in contact with.

It hadn’t been easy getting here. His father had taken him across the country into some seemingly random no-name Tier-4 town, where they had been picked up by a guide who had then dropped them off in a car park. Before leaving, the woman had pressed a certain button combination, which had made it so that the elevator had let them out below the supposed basement that went deep underground.

Unsurprisingly, there was barely any light down there. Fortunately, that wasn’t really an issue for Blake or the others. All those who were in attendance were dressed in the full set of an Altered Hunter, including masks capable of night vision.