
My Werewolf's Slayer System

200 years ago, mysterious portals unleashed a horror beyond imagination: Creatures that were only known in myth; the mythical werewolves. After a decade of desperate struggle, three enigmatic families rose to challenge the beasts, armed with ancient powers, forbidden knowledge and equipment. They managed to push the werewolves back. After a heavy loss on both sides, they decided to step back from the battle a bit to restore their manpower. In the present day, 16-year-old Jake Lucas, fueled by vengeance for his parents' brutal death, enrolls in Aurora Academy to join the fight. But his weakness seems an insurmountable obstacle... until he discovers a mysterious orb granting him a revolutionary system. As Jake levels up and unlocks new abilities, he must confront the darkness within and the very real threat of werewolf domination. Will he become the hero humanity needs, or will the world succumb to the threat of werewolves?

KBKayboy · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Who won

Chapter 18

It was finally time for the duel between Jake and Sebastian and the whole crowd were excited to see how the duel will go.

The rules were simple; if you knockout your opponent or your opponent gives up or the watch pings, then you win.

With the rules set in place, it was finally time for the duel but Jake's friends couldn't help but worry.

Sophia's brow furrowed with concern. "Peter, do you think Jake has a chance against Sebastian?" To which Peter shook his head.

"Honestly, I don't know. Sebastian's skills are on a whole different level. But Jake's determination might just give him an edge." Peter said.

"I asked because you got the previous predictions right after all. That's why I asked." Sophia said now looking at the match.

"Honestly, I don't see any chance of Jake winning this fight. Sebastian is ranked number 20 for a reason." Peter added now also focusing on the fight that was about to take place.

"Let us just hope that somehow he is going to pull a miracle here." Kate added.

Before the duel started, a ding was heard in Jake's head.

<Ding! An incredibly strong opponent has appeared, defeat the opponent.>

<Rewards: ???>

"Huh!?!? Why is the rewards coming up with question marks?" Jake asked Zee.

"I don't know." Zee answered.

"How don't you know? Aren't you supposed to be the AI that help answer all my questions about the system?" Jake asked.

"Yes. But there are some things hidden from me also. So just focus on your duel." Zee said.

"The rewards better be worth it." Jake said getting ready for the fight.

And with that short conversation, the battle was underway. Sebastian didn't want to waste any time, he decided to finish the battle quickly by charging right at Jake who just quickly pivoted to the side avoiding Sebastian's strike by a few centimeters.

But Sebastian quickly regained his footing and quickly turned around striking Jake on his head causing Jake to stagger a few steps. Not letting up, Sebastian quickly dashed towards Jake and gave him a strong solid kick that connected with Jake's head therefore making Jake's head go crashing down and also bouncing a few times.

Jake lay there unmoving and Sebastian slowly walked towards him.

"Is he dead?" Someone from the crowd asked.

"Who cares." Another person added. "He just wasted our time. I thought he was going to perform properly but who am I kidding. How can someone ranked 180 take on someone in rank 20?"

Meanwhile Sebastian finally got to Jake's position and then he bent down and picked up Jake's hair.

"You just wasted my time. Anyway, per the rules, you owe me all your credits." Sebastian said about doing the transfer from Jake's watch to his but before he could touch Jake's wrist, Jake's eyes snapped open and he grabbed Sebastian's hand and quickly standing up, he kneed Sebastian in his stomach with all the strength he could muster.

Sebastian crouched down a little due to the strength of the hit and then Jake quickly seizing the opportunity, quickly kneed him in the face thereby breaking his nose and Sebastian's head was flung back causing him to fall on his butt.

Jake moved back a bit trying to regain his composure and breathing. While Sebastian slowly stood up with his nose bleeding and his hands shaking in pure anger.

Sebastian's eyes blazed with fury. "You dare to shed my blood?! He roared, charging at Jake with a speed that seemed almost inhuman. "You will pay for this, Jake. You will pay dearly!"

"What the!? Was he holding back the whole time? Crap! I can't keep track of him." Jake worriedly thought trying to focus to see where Sebastian would come from.

But it was too late for Sebastian was already in front of Jake throwing a strong hook towards Jake's stomach that it knocked out the air out of Jake's mouth.

"Was he also holding back on his strength also?" Jake thought crouching down holding his stomach that was in so much pain.

Not allowing Jake to rest, Sebastian kicked Jake in his face sending Jake flying a few feet away. After some seconds, Jake slowly got up with his face all bloody and his nose broken but he still managed to smile.

Jake's eyes flashed with a sudden realization. "I was a fool to think I could take you down without going all out!" he stood tall, his stance firm. "You were holding back, and so was I. But that ends now?"

"System!" Jake called in his mind. "Activate Inspect skill!"

<Inspect skill>

<Opponent: Sebastian Delbert>

<HP: 13 15>

<Strength: 38>

<Speed: 30>

"Good. It's time to end this now." Jake said while activating one skill from the system.

<Triple Threat> and immediately Jake started moving exactly like sergeant Lee when he displayed the skill.

"What the! How did Jake manage to learn that skill and perfect it so well that it feels like am watching sergeant Lee?" Jack asked.

"Am also as surprised as you but let's just focus on the fight." Peter answered.

"Dammnn! He's moving so fast like sergeant Lee, I can't keep track." Sebastian said a little bit worried.

After Jake closed the distance between him and Sebastian with the last step of the skill, he quickly activated another skill.

<Frenzy strike>

"I only have two seconds with this skill." Jake thought activating it and immediately, Jake rapidly attacked Sebastian that Sebastian couldn't even keep up with Jake's movement.

Jake attacked for 2 seconds straight rapidly not letting up. And when the skill ended, Jake quickly moved back to observe Sebastian. Although Sebastian was bleeding and coughing out blood, he was still standing strong.

"I gat to admit, you are quite fast and strong but you can't beat me." Sebastian said and quickly dashed forward again towards Jake this time with fury written all over his face.

"I'm going to end this now!" Sebastian shouted moving his hands rapidly while running trying to gather energy for one last powerful attack.

"Funny thing, that was what I was about to say." Jake replied smiling charging towards Sebastian while activating 'The Triple Threat' skill again one last time to also create a powerful punch like he did on that drum like thing.

And then the two of them met in the middle with a big bang that shockwaves hit the students watching. There was so much dust lifted that they were unable to see anything for a few minutes and then finally, the dust settled and they could finally see a winner for one person was on the floor unconscious while the other was standing.

Guys motivate me by sending power stones my way. it is not easy to come up with a story. so please guys motivate me.

KBKayboycreators' thoughts