
The Year of Preparations

After Izuku's Interaction with All Might, things changed for him. The fact that All Might's power comes from a quirk that wasn't his, a quirk that is inherited 'One for All' and he was going to become the next inheritor made a huge change in his plans. The fact that there was a quirk like this could help him when he steals other quirks, he would just have to study how this 'One for All' quirk works and it could give his plans a big leap forward in time required. Of course, first, he had to get the quirk and all might told him to meet at a beach early tomorrow morning, it was probably to get the quirk and train.

"[I need to go and meet All Might tomorrow, so that leaves me only today to change my plans. Where shall I start... Well the research and learning part will stay and the body training, I can hand that over to All Might and follow his training plan while making some adjustments if there needs to be any, even after looking back through all my memories I still can't understand why I didn't start training my body, the only thing useful was how my body has grown tougher after all the bullying. I also need money or think of a way to make money, I'll need a lot for my plans and the objects needed for them. I could sell all those All Might collectables that I have but then mom would notice something wrong. ]" - Izuku

For some reason Izuku had a smile on his face as he thought of the final part, the smile looked calm but would send a chill down the spine of the person it was directed at.

"[Let's see what else... Make a list of items for my needs which can wait till later, a lab area where I could inspect the quirks which again can wait till later, how I'm going to catch the quirks I want...hmm... Maybe I could get the hero killer help on this, give him information on his fakes and maybe even help him by telling him how to improve his quirk, if he trusts me enough to tell me what it is and how it works, in return he'll bring back the body intact (hopefully).]" - Izuku

Izuku remember all the rumours that spread about the hero killer, and he only had rumours to go on which made him out to be the most savage person, that was until he met him and felt that there was a meaning towards his actions and figured it had to do with fake heroes.

"[Finally, the main problem that my entire plan depends on, how am I going to implement these quirks into my body, I can't trust anyone with what I'm doing. If how All Might describes 'One for All' as in it gives you the strength of all the previous predecessors and it works throughout your entire body is true, then maybe I could use it to manipulate my body to change. If it doesn't work like that then I would need a backup and should follow along with my old plan of nanobots, which take a while to acquire.]" - Izuku

Although it would be dangerous as someone with a technological quirk could use them harm to him, but he didn't have much of a choice, besides that was the only downside he could think off. The upside is how they could be used to change his body, monitor his body and he could even use them as a semi A.I to access the Internet.

"[If I could get All Might to help with this, saying something along the lines of how if you could get permission to connect to the cameras of an area it would make hero work more easier. Then he could use some of his contacts to help me minimise the danger from outside hacking, I could even get him to pay for it. But I need to make sure I am the one making those nanobots, even the hacking prevention, these nanobots would enter my body I can't trust anyone else with this. I should probably go and find the blueprint and other information about them, along with my other research so I know all about them when I have the opportunity to make them.]" - Izuku


The next morning Izuku met All Might on the beach, he was told he needed to train his body before he could gain the quirk as his current body was too weak for it, it came down to him questioning again why he didn't train his body from when he was small. The training was the generic muscle building type, by clearing out all the rubbish that was gathered onto the beach he could train his body as he carried or dragged the objects to the truck to load them.

Izuku found this acceptable training, but decided to add a small other training in there, he asked all might to throw balls at him randomly while he's doing the training and he would need to dodge them, this could help build his reaction speed and also keep an eye on his surroundings and All Might all too happy to comply with this, after all, it would train Izuku and it would be better than just standing there and watching. Izuku also thought of getting All Might to help him in his strategical thinking by getting a certain object in the trash to the truck while outmanoeuvring All Might who would stop him, All Might would obviously have to hold back to probably about 1% but even that would be tricky, anyway this part would probably need to wait until he was strong enough to carry the objects.

A week goes by in this training and Izuku so far in his training has been able to load only 1 truck full of objects a day and in the entire week was only able to dodge one ball because he tripped. Today he was going to train only for half the day and relax for the rest as All Might said he shouldn't over-stress his body, coincidently he and his mother were invited to a party at the Bakugou house it was to cheer Katsuki up after the sludge monster attacked him, although he didn't care for it, he wanted to try something.


As Izuku walked into the Bakugou Residence with his mother, he saw all the kid's surroundings Katsuki and the parents gathered to the side talking among each other. He and his mother first went to greet katsuki's parents, Masaru (father) and Mitsuki (mother) Bakugou. His mother and Inko were friends so they greeted each other enthusiastically, but when it got to Izuku's greeting, he got scolded for putting himself in danger, he expected this and decided to act like the old Izuku, he and his mother continued to go around and greet all the other parents there. Unlike Mitsuki they were more insulting when they reprimanded Izuku, they had those eyes of disdain he had seen all his life and when they spoke it always revolved around one thing.

"I always heard how you were disillusioned that you could become a hero but I didn't think you would jump in to act like one, you could have got hurt and worse, hurt others" - Parent A

"Yeah, there were heroes there and they could have taken care of it, so why do you jump in when your quir-" - Parent B

"Why did you stop? He needs to learn he can't become a hero, if he carries on like this he could get others hurt, Izuku you can't become a hero, your a quirkless." - Parent C

Izuku kept his act of being the old Izuku going, where he would have a worried and sacred face on and keep bowing as an apology. But on the inside Izuku was boiling in anger, he's going to remember every one of these people faces for future test subjects. That's when Izuku heard an annoying sound, he smirked to himself.

"[Let's see what happens]" - Izuku

"Deku! I didn't need your help! I was fine by myself, you're a quirkless failure playing without a full deck, Are you trying to make me owe you? don't think you can look down on me! you Damn Nerd!" - Katsuki

"Of course Katsuki-chan, you have such an amazing quirk, you'll definitely become a hero in the future." - Parent A

"Yeah, when the monster used your quirk even the heroes had to stay back, you definitely have the best quirk." - Parent B

"Only someone with a quirk can become a hero... I mean a quirk like Katsuki-chan" - Parent C

Izuku just watched as all these parents kissed Katsuki's ass, the Bakugou couple didn't say anything and even his own mother didn't, although she looked angry.

"Katsuki Bakugou, my name isn't Deku, it is Midoriya Izuku, please refrain from calling me by that name in the future." - Izuku

"Huh? What did you say you, damn nerd, aren't you getting cocky DEKU!" - Katsuki

Katsuki started making explosions in his hand as he glared at Izuku.

"[Perfect, as expected of Katsuki, let's begin now] There is a difference between being a hero and acting like a hero, Katsuki. I was a hero when I saved you from the sludge monster, I was a hero when I stopped you from bullying other kids, I was a hero when I went out of the way to help someone that was hurt. You, on the other hand, are nothing but a VILLAIN!" - Izuku

No one expected Izuku to suddenly start a tirade, they were caught unaware and everyone became speechless, and their mouths dropped when Izuku called Katsuki a villain. Mitsuki and Masura threw angry looks at Izuku, while Katsuki glowered at Izuku ready to pounce at any minute. But Izuku didn't end things there.

"What? Are you angry at what I called you? Have you forgotten how you bullied me for so many years? How you bullied everyone you thought weaker than you? How you thought you were above everyone else? And I saved the best for last, have you forgotten how you told me to jump off the roof and commit suicide?!?!? YOUR NOTHING BUT A VILLAIN." - Izuku

Everyone was caught off guard by each question that Izuku asked, but the final question made everyone freeze. Izuku's mother was frozen but a rage never before seen was burning in her eyes, Katsuki's parents changed their angry looks towards Katsuki but they still held a big amount of anger towards Izuku, for outing their kid in front of this many people. All the other parents wore shocked expressions as they looked at Katsuki.

Katsuki couldn't handle the stares and focuses all his rage on Izuku, he rushes towards Izuku with a right swing, Izuku is prepared for this and throws Katsuki on his back, Izuku then climbs on top of him and throws punch after punch. Katsuki is finally able to get a hold of himself and starts fighting back, he pushes Izuku of and they both just start a brawl, the tides start turning into Katsuki's favour and Izuku is only able to throw a few punches. Only after a few breaths do the Bakugou couple pull Katsuki off Izuku, they both are injured but Izuku seems to have taken more damage. While all the other parent murmur between each other, the Bakugou couple ask everyone to leave and Izuku's mother grabs him and takes him home.


A week passes by and things still remain the same, he trained with All Might, went to school and then went home to study his research and to improve his strategic mind, either by reading about that kind of stuff or playing games. Even Katsuki stayed the same and everyone treated him the same, there was a difference though, everyone kept saying how he was a rude and evil boy for what he did at the party, they said he started the fight and insulted Katsuki, even his school teachers started to ignored him and reprimand him more, even when he did nothing. Izuku was a little disappointed about all of this, he expected to crush Katsuki's hero spirit and then use the societies judgement to press him further onto the darker path, but he underestimated societies darkness, they put all the blame on Izuku and wrote everything Katsuki did off. Izuku didn't really care about this though, it was only a short break from his actual plan, and now, he was going back to it.

Throughout the rest of the year Izuku stuck to his plan and everything went smoothly, he trained his body, he understood everything from his research and was able to become a master in the strategic gaming world. His personality also changed in this year, it was changed at a slow constant pace throughout the year and All Might and his Mother thought it was puberty and Izuku was maturing, they gladly welcomed this change, but if they knew it was a change brought out by Izuku getting rid of the old Izuku slowly, they probably wouldn't have.


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This was a long chapter, 2212 words, I was planning on cutting it down and make two chapters but then I was like I can't be asked.

I have a deadline for this Friday so I'm going to work on that for the rest of this week, So enjoy because this is probably last chapter of this week. Notice the probably.

Sechudule after this week should be 1 chapter every 2-3 days I geuss.

Bodhisattva_Pandacreators' thoughts