
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Kỳ huyễn
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Vision 9 - Assistant (1)

Lisa and Todd both looked at me with curious eyes. Since Ducas called me out aloud, it was obvious he knew me.

I really wanted to keep pretending like I didn't know him, but there is no way I can do that now.


I got up from the chair and turned toward the door. I only took a step when I noticed a white cat standing between me and the door. It was the same cat that was sleeping on the couch when I came inside the office.

I looked down toward the cat, the white cat was already looking at me with her blue eyes. It was a cat but I could feel curiosity in those eyes. I crouched down and picked up the cat.

She did not show any resistance, but she was still maintaining her eyes on me. I hold her in my arms and ignored her gaze.

I walked toward Todd and Ducas, while holding the cat. Ducas was looking at me with happiness and Todd was looking at me with a shocked expression. Both of their expressions were unpleasant to me.

I stood at the door entrance to keep inside the barrier that Lisa had on the office. Todd moved to the side and Ducas came forward. He stood outside the office since I was obstructing the door.

" Sir Arthur, I am glad we could meet again. "

Ducas start speaking with a happy expression. I tried so hard to avoid him, but this problem followed me all the way here.

" I heard what happened about... the incident, and I am- "

" Ducas. "

" ...Yes. "

" Shut up. "

Ducas shut his mouth at my commanding voice. I was having an urge to hit him. He started to speak without any consideration of the people present. It was annoying.

" I am having an important meeting here. Wait outside quietly. "

Ducas nodded his head like a chicken, he had a little sad expression but I ignored it. I looked towards Todd, he was still looking at me with wide eyes.

" Todd. "

Todd flinched when I called out his name, he opened his mouth and closed it back, he wanted to say something but apparently, he didn't. I did not need to say anything else, he understood that there is no problem here anymore.

He closed the door and I was about turn around, when I realize Todd never told me his name before, maybe he wanted to ask about that. I just decided to deal with it at the time if it becomes a problem later.

I turned around and walked back to the chair opposite to Lisa.

" I apologize for the inconvenience Miss Lisa. "

I sat down while apologizing and looked at Lisa.

As soon as I looked at her. I was greeted with an odd atmosphere.

She had a similar shocked expression as Todd, but She was not looking at me. Instead, she was looking at the cat in my arms. I smiled internally, now this is time to solidify my position as her assistant. I put on an embarrassed smile and spoke with my glib tongue.

" I am sorry. I picked up your cat without asking. "

I said that but I did nothing to move the white cat from my arms. I placed her on my lap and started patting her. She looked very comfortable but the cat was still looking at me with her blue eyes. I just smiled at her.

Lisa finally looked at me, She was looking at me with disbelief. She opened and closed her mouth and then spoke after a few seconds.

" Don't you know who that cat is? "

" ...A white Persian cat? "

I spoke like I was confused by her question. I know who exactly the cat is, but I act like I did not know anything.


Lisa let out a sigh. It was obvious, the cat in my hand was special, everyone in the school respected the cat.

Why? The answer to that question came from Lisa as she pointed at the cat in my lap.

" She is the one people in 'Trivia' address as Headmaster. "

I put a shocked expression very similar to the one Todd and Lisa had before.

" Huh? She is the legendary cat who is rumored to be the pet cat of goddess Heckat? "

The school 'Trivia' which once was said to be the mansion where Heckat used to live. Everyone knew that Heckat was a cat lover, but she had a favorite white cat and this white cat was said to be that cat.

It was not like the school picked any white cat and chose to address it as Headmaster. This white cat is rumored to be very smart, she also had lived in the mansion for centuries.

There are also many stories that this same cat had protected the school on many occasions. She was also said to be found in many classes observing and helping with the lectures and research.

" Yes. She is the same cat. She had never let anyone touch her before. "

Lisa confirms the identity of the white cat on my lap. I stopped patting the cat and looked at it with surprise, I try to show that I was genuinely surprised.


The cat meowed as I stopped petting her, this time I was really surprised. She was asking for me to pet her. A smile formed on my face and I started petting her. It seems it will be easier than I thought.

The cat never stopped looking at me but I can feel she was comfortable. Lisa was still looking between me and the cat.

" So Miss Lisa, about my position as your assistant. "

" You are hired. "

" Thank you. "

I was already hoping for that reply. I finally become her assistant, now I can be around her often. I closed my eyes and tried to target her as my Blesser. When I opened my eyes messages appeared.


[ You have targeted an existence as your Blesser. ]


[ A Lower Existence 'Lisa Hart' has been marked as your Blesser. ]


[ Affection Attribute Is been processed. An attribute has been placed. ]


I have successfully targeted Lisa as my Blesser. The affection attribute got activated, and I could see a heart shape icon appear above Lisa's head. There was a number twelve written inside the heart shape icon.


[ Affection of the existence towards you is less than 40. ]


[ The Targeted existence can not become you Blesser. ]


I was able to target Lisa as my Blesser, but she could not become my Blesser. Her affection for me was less than forty. I need to change that.

Lisa pulled out an assistant form. She put my name on it and signed the form. She gently put the form in front of me.

" Come tomorrow morning at sharp 7:00 A.M. "

" I will make sure to be on time. "

I put the white cat on the table and took the form. I smiled at Lisa and the white cat.

" See you in the morning, Miss Lisa, you too Headmaster. "

" Call me, Professor. "


I smiled at their response and walked out of the office. I closed the door behind me, and as soon as I was out, I felt a headache.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Tell me what you did inside?" ]


[ Some Nubecula are curious about Gumiho's question. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is curious.]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is curious. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' likes the existence 'Ducas'. ]


I got many messages, it was quiet because of the barrier Lisa placed in her office.

But Why does it feel like I am being accused of something? also, Raziel is taking interest in Ducas? It was a surprise.

Ducas was standing near the door of the office like a guard. I made eye contact with him, he was about to say something, but I ignored him and walked towards the reception.

I motion my hand for Ducas to follow me and his face brightened up.

I went to the reception desk, and Ducas followed me from behind. I reached the desk, Todd was there. I gave him the form that Lisa gave me.

He did not look surprised. It looks like seeing me holding the white cat changed his perspective towards me. He looked at the form and made a copy of it. He gave me the original form and put the copy inside a file.

" Follow me. I will take you to your room. "

Since now I am an official assistant of a Professor, I will get my own room in the faculty building. I was quite excited. Since I am an assistant, my room will not be as good a professor, but it will still be great.

I followed Todd and Ducas followed me from behind, with an assassin and a cheat character I felt pretty safe, also I had an even stronger existence walking beside me.

i noticed that Persephone was thinking something looking in a daze. Since we have been to Lisa's office I could feel Persephone is been feeling uncomfortable. I already know the reason, so I didn't ask, but I have also been feeling uncomfortable because of Soul Contract.

-What is it?

Persephone regained her focus and looked at me.

" It's... It's nothing. "

-Tell me. I also feel what you feel because of Soul Contract.

" I feel weird around that cat... like she is spying on me without looking at me. "

She was a little unsure about what she was feeling. I nodded my head in understanding. I expected that, it was pretty obvious for me.

-It was because that cat is Hekate.

" What are you talking about? "

-That cat. She is Hekate.

Persephone was a little surprised by what I said.

" You mean that cat which is known as that witch's cat. "

-No. That cat 'IS' Hekate.

Yeah, that cat really was the Nubecula Hekate. That is one of the big secrets of the school. Only Lisa knows about the cat's real identity since she was her Blesser. That is also one of the reasons she was so surprised to see her in my arm.

" That witch is really down here? I have heard about it, but it seems surreal for her to be here. "

-She is one of the Nubecula which is known to be neither evil nor good. So her being in the lower realm doesn't affect the balance.

Persephone looked at me and then nodded her head as if she understood the situation.

" That explains the weird feeling. She always gave me that feeling, but I never understood why. "

Persephone spoke and shrugged her shoulders. But I was baffled by her words. She does not know why she gets that uncomfortable feeling around Hekate?

-Don't you know the story of Persephone and Hekate?

" What story? "


What is this? She did not even know the story associated with the goddess, whose name she took.

-Hekate and Persephone's story. Hekate was a virgin goddess who was devoted to Persephone, hence she dwells in witchcraft and magic related to death. She went to search for Persephone. She spends her whole life searching for the goddess of the underworld.

I told the story associated with her and Hekate. It was because of this that Hekate felt an attraction to Persephone, and I guess Persephone felt uncomfortable around her.

It was also one of the reasons that Hekate in a cat form did not show any resistance to me. Since I had a Soul Contract with Persephone, that means I share a part of her soul. Hekate must have felt the same attraction to me.

" There was a story like that? "

-I am surprised how little you know about the goddess whose name you took.

" I just took her name. I am not associated with anyone, that is why I didn't bother learning about them. "

Learn them? They don't need to learn. Nubeculas just knows this stuff. But once again I could feel the seriousness in her word, it was the same as on the Island so I did not say that out loud.

After walking for a while, Todd took us to a hallway on the fifth floor. The hallway was very long but it had only a few rooms, it was the guest rooms that school turned into normal rooms for faculty.

Todd took us to the room with the number two hundred three on the wall beside the door. He gave me a key and left without saying anything.

I used the key and went inside the room. The room was very lavish, it could compare to any five-star hotel room on earth. It had a balcony, couches, tables, and a big bed in the corner. It also had carpet, bookshelves, and a door which I think leads to a bathroom.

I walked and sit on the couch, it was very comfortable. As I sat down, I looked at another person inside the room beside me and Persephone. It was Ducas, he was looking around the room like a little child.

I couldn't help but question.

'Why is he so adamant to find me?'