
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Kỳ huyễn
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78 Chs

Vision 4 - Scammed (1)

" School? Why? I hate schools. "

To be honest, I didn't like school that much either. There are kids and I don't like kids. It is because most of them are stupid, ...but dangerous.

"Believe me I don't like schools either. "

" Why? were you not good at studies? "

" No. I wasn't. "

I was a pretty average student. I realized that after a long time, and I was stupid as well. I thought it was all about dreams, you wish for something and it will happen, eventually. But I was very wrong.

Persephone didn't said anything. I thought she would tease me, or mock me, but she didn't. Is it because of The Contract? Was she able to sense something through it? It was a weird feeling, able to have a thought like that. I was thinking about some of the craziest things I could have thought about.

" Where is this School? " Persephone spoke while releasing a long breath, her chest moved up and then down as she seems to sink further under where she floated like it was her bed.

" Fortunately, It is also in Atlas. " I ignored the fortunate scene and focused on flying, taking its epic sensation inside my body.

" We are already going there, so its convenient. " She said casually like she was about to fall asleep.

Yeah, we were lucky that the person I want as my blesser was in the same country where we are going.

" If we're are not going for the Hidden Script. What will you find in that School? "

" There is a woman I want to meet. " I replied to the sudden - and an obviously understandable - question that she asked.

" Am I not enough for you? " Suddenly Persephone jerked waking up with a fake angry expression.

What is this woman trying to say? Accusing me? I am just going to get myself a Blesser.

Persephone's expression slowly changed to hurt. " We made the Contract, linked our soul, and the first thing you do is go look for another woman. " and with her every word it became worse.

I get it. She is stretching the show from earlier. I just waved my hand, to signal her to stop the charade.

" Stop being so overdramatic. It's just a stupid contract. "

Persephone pouted at me with her red lips, but her eyes never changed, maintaining the same grace she always has.

In the middle of the conversation. Suddenly, a notification window appeared, forcing me to stop mid-air.


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments " Hi. " ]


It looks like some 'Nubecula' finally noticed me.

A white slate screen appeared floating infront of me. It was like a sci-fi game screen with several features on its border, and a "comment" was neatly written on it.

Nubecula. It was a term granted by 'Milky-Way Revelation Administration' to higher existences who uses their services to view Lower existence. And 'Milky-Way Revelation' is the name of the stream where all the media-like system exists and Higher Existence can access it to watch live streams.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments " Wave your hand. " ]


What the hell? He wants me to wave at him? I am not some monkey. I shouldn't be surprised, though. This is how Nubeculas are.


[ The Nubecula 'Kafzeil' Comments " What is your flight skill? ". ]


The message started to appear in panels. It looks like we are getting closer to the land.

My eye was pasted on the screen, looking at the text and what they wrote. The thought that there must be some people nearby. People whom I used to see in dreams, and they will be actual people, not an imagination.

The Nubeculas must have been watching them and then some wandered towards the sea and saw me flying in the area.

The screen shifted in a glitch, snatching my attention back to it. The outer edge of the screen turned dark purple and a smoggy hue covered the screen from the inside, as it change to the tablet screen, purple hue smoke, and runic designs appeared.


[ You have great knowledge about Nubecula. The ▮▮▮ Skill is reacting to your knowledge. ]

[ The ▮▮▮ Skill stage-1 is activating. ]

[ You can perceive a better understanding of the thoughts and gestures of Nubecula. ]


And glitched back to the sci-fi game-like screen from earlier.


[ Some Nubelucas are curious about your expression. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Razel' is observing you. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Yael' is observing you. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Belzeebub' is observing you. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is smiling at you. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is scoffing at you. ]


Well, would you look at that? Multiple screens, each describing nubecula's reaction and gesture, appeared. If Nubeculas knew I get access to this. The 'Milky-Way Revelation' will be filled with complaints by them.

Nubeculas use their points to send comments down to lower existence, and I can get not only that but comments about their gestures and thoughts. Let's just say It will be a huge problem for them.

But the strange letters that were on multiple places, on the screen that went puff in the air, revealing for only a short time, came into my mind. It was covered with symbols hiding the description with it.

I don't understand why my skill is not being visible to me. It is extremely inconvenient for me if I don't even know the abilities that I have.

Focusing back on the screen that was infront of me, I read some of them. I got comments from 'Who Like Cigars And Candy'. It was a funny username, the username is similar to the username one has to make while making an ID. account.

Most higher existences choose to put their God name on them, which displays their power, holiness, and all that credentials. And obviously, if some lower existence knows which god is commenting about them, their faith will increase more for them, which is only equal to loyalty to them.

There was also one from 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' and I honestly had no idea who these two are.

There are two types of Nubeculas who put these kinds of fake names. One is, who are not that famous and just want to enjoy the live show, saying and demanding things they didn't want their names into it.

Another type is who are too high in existence, like supreme beings, who people have considered the leaders. They don't want to reveal their identity, creating chaos.

If I have to guess about these two higher existences. I would guess they probably belong to the first category for obvious reasons. But, There was something else that got my attention.

Some famous higher existences were also watching this area as well. 'Kafezeil', he is a well know angel and an extremely manipulative one at that.

I remember him from my dreams. He is a part of an Astrium which is above a faction rank from Constellation. He also has an extremely high political ranking in that faction.

What is he observing here?, he should have a lot of work in his Asterium. If I didn't know better, I would have thought he have taken a tea break and decided to observe the lower existence for fun. I would have deeply believed it.

He was just that kind of guy, but because of the skill - which I am still not so sure about what it actually is - I got the information that 'Yael' and 'Razel' are also observing this area.

Three powerful High existences. There is also 'Beelzebub' a high-ranking demon General. There might be more, I only got their message because they have some sort of reaction to me.

Something must be going on around here. It must also be serious enough for Four extremely powerful high existences to be watching at the same time.

' I have a bad feeling about this. ' Persephone, who didn't say anything all the time that I was looking through the screens, spoke.

" What is it? "

Was it again because of the soul contract that she always seems to sense my discomfort? I raised my head a little shifting my vision from screens to Persephone.

Persephone -in her astral form- was standing mid-air like me this time, her arms crossed under her chest as usual, and a graceful aura emanating from her, not literally though.

I looked at her ametrine eyes, studying them, which still had their light, as I went through any incident that might have happened near the shore or sea in my dreams - focusing on my breath and the sea wave's sound.

I couldn't remember anything major that happened involving these angels and demons around this time, but there must be something going on among the people around somewhere, which attracted 'Kafezial''s interest.

I really don't want to get into the mess with other people, especially when I am Practically the weakest on this planet.


[ The Nubecula 'Kafzeil' Comments " fly in the straight path towards the shore. " ]


This bastard. Did he guess that I will try to avoid getting involved with whatever he is watching? Suddenly another comment regarding Kafziel appeared taking my attention.


[ The Nubecula 'Kafzeil' is delighted to see your expression ]


He is really sharp. Whatever, I am now more determined not to go in the straight direction, I was about to move in a different direction when-.


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments " go straight. " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' Comments " go in a straight direction. " ]


Now there are two more who want me to go straight. Why are they suddenly commenting to me? I literally appeared out of nowhere in this universe.

I wanted to avoid whatever 'Kafziel' wanted me to do, but now these anonymous nubeculas want me to go as well. Curiosity started to build up inside me.

This is the problem, I don't know which Nubeculas are these two. I know Kafziel from my dreams, and he is a sly person, so I wasn't going to do what he said.

But now those whom - I don't know - want me to go. Curiosity overtook me as I thought. There better be some treasure waiting for me at the end of this straight path, and I decided to go straight.

" Per—... "

I was about to call Persephone when I realize that the drones might not be able to hear and see her Astral projection, but they can hear me talk.

Persephone seems to realize that as well. I felt she got tense when I was about to say her name. The Astral Projection of Persephone looked at me and said.

" Don't worry. Just speak in a lower voice and don't say my name. "

I nodded my head to show that I understood her.


[ Some Nubecula are curious about your behavior. ]


I ignored the unnecessary notifications and spoke in a low voice.

" We are going in the straight direction, Get ready. "


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' Comments "He is ready just move. " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Razel' is observing you. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Yael' is observing you. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Belzeebub' is observing you. ]


I clicked my tongue at the messages. I wasn't talking to them but Nubeculas thought that I was telling them to get ready.

I swear, I want something at the end of this. I clenched my jaw and flew towards the shore.


Wahahaaaa... Wooohooooo...

Inside a big Mansion, the cheering voices of people can be heard. People were having a good time while enjoying the show.

The Big Mansion was luxurious, with three floors and big windows. The light can be seen through the curtains of the windows which gave The big mansion an attractive aura. It was also well decorated which was going well with the event.

The Big Mansion was located in a small village near the seashore of The Cloud Continent kingdom, Atlas. Usually, ships depart from here for The Underwater Continent country, Oceanus.

People who wanted to visit Underwater Countries can be seen on the shore. There were all types of people who just wanted to experience the Underwater, some were merchants going for business and some were visiting for vacation.

Among these people, The big mansion is quite famous for spending a good time while waiting for ships.

" Wow! This place is even better than I expected! "

" Yeah! The atmosphere and music are amazing! "

" Yes! I Feel Like I am in some Pub! "

The place was lit up with neon lights. There was a bar and people were dancing on the dance floor which was covered with numerous disco lights.

"Let's get something to drink! "

" Yeah!.. Miss Let Me Buy You A Drink. "

" Aren't You A Human? Why Don't You Buy To That Lady Over There Dancing On The Floor. "

" Naa. I Have Seen Many Demi-Human In My Life, But I Have Never Seen Anyone More Beautiful Like You. "

" Really? You Are A Smooth Talker. I'll Go For That Drink. "

People can be seen enjoying and drinking. Some were flirting trying to have a good time.

Even though Cloud Countries want to preserve the medieval atmosphere. That didn't mean they don't use technology. The Big mansion was a modern pub looking like a mansion.

That was what people from outside could watch, but The Big Mansion had an even bigger shed in the backyard. That's where the people have their real fun.

" Yeah! Hit him harder! "

" Yeah! You Punk!! you better not lose this. I have put a lot of money on you! "

" HAHAHA ... The Bull is tougher you will lose this. "

" SHUT UP! "

It was the dark side of the fun and loving big mansion where travelers come to relieve some stress.

People's voices can be heard throughout the shed. The shed looked normal from the outside but inside it had a big ring in the middle. The ring was fenced so that the ones inside the ring stays there.

The ring was surrounded by platforms rising one top of another, for people to sit and watch.

Inside the ring, a boy in his teen with some muscles was facing a bull. The bull looked ready to trample over the boy and the boy looked like he could take the bull, but he was too tired.

After some time the match ended with the boy covered with blood and bull standing in the middle of the ring.

" I told you."

" SHIT! "


The bell rang to indicate the start of the next battle. Three people came out of the door inside the ring. It was a woman holding hands with a girl and a huge man with too much muscles, he looked like a giant.

" It looks like it is a fight between mother-daughter pair vs a giant. I feel sorry for the pair "

" They are not just anyone. The mother-daughter pair is famous for their agility, they survived this long for some reason, but the giant is also famous for his strength stats."

" But... Yeah, I also feel bad for them that guy is strong. "

As people try to predict who would win. Inside the ring, the contenders looked at each other.

" I have nothing against you, but you know only one of us can get out of this ring. "The giant spoke to the pair in front of him.

The girl in her teens looked at the man with cold eyes.

" Yes, and that will be us. "

" I know you both have great agility stats but it's useless if can not hit me, you will just deplete your stamina. "

This time the mature woman who like in her early thirties, the mother of the teenage girl spoke.

" You don't have to worry about us. As you said we don't have a choice. "

No One spoke after that, then the voice of the bell rang, indicating to start the battle.
