
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Kỳ huyễn
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78 Chs

Vision 3 - Contract (2)

Exhausted, my eyes looked into hers, searching for something, and then shifted to look down at her hand. I did it in a quick back-and-forth motion.

Surely, She wasn't serious, right? I questioned. But then my mind wandered to the moments when she has teased me, and so, many, times.

Thinking that it is a chance, I took her hand even before she could say anything. I looked into her eyes like a knight as my hand felt the softness of her hand. It was like they are made up of marshmallows. As if she does not even have bones in her hand.

Taking a step back, my eye shifted to the ground as I bowed down slightly until my face was almost on her hand and then I kissed the back portion of her hand.

" M'lady, Could this lowly existence have the honor to get help from a beautiful and charming high existence like you? " my tone was soldier-like, asking for grace from his Queen.

Still, It was very cringe. I waited for Persephone to reply with her usual teasing remarks, but I got no reply. Feeling the awkwardness of the pause, I slightly raised my head to look at her. And she had a somewhat, surprised, kind of expression.

She wasn't shaken or anything, just surprised, maybe. I guess she didn't expect a lower existence like me would actually do it.

" Okay, let's leave this island. " she said while snatching her hand back - folding it below her chest.

Surprised by the sudden absence, momentarily my eyes snapped to my hand, and I missed the shift in Persephone's expression.

Feeling the muscles on my back, I stood back up straight and took a breath. My eyes again snapped back to her, as they fluttered and I licked my dry lips. " Yes. So help me build the boat. "

I took a step back and turned around on it, walking towards the bamboos that were scattered on the shore.

" We don't need a boat, I have a better idea. "

I just had taken a few steps when I heard Persephone's melodic voice and turned around -without even realizing it - to look at her. Confused by both my action and her words, I asked " Better idea? "

" I have a skill to fly. "

Good for her. I snapped without saying it out loud. If she has a skill like that, what does it have anything to do with me? one of my eyebrows went up a little, and my thought followed. She wouldn't just leave me here after everything, well, I am almost sure. She wouldn't... Right?

As weird thoughts were going around my head. A sly smile formed on Persephone's face as she flicked her hair over her shoulder sending them back.

" Let's make a Contract. "

When she spoke the word contract, I felt like a hammer had hit me. My eyes arched into a frown and I realized what she was trying to say. She was thinking about making "The Contract".

I took a step toward her and I pointed at her with my eyes as I asked " You are talking about making a Soul Contract? "

" Yes. " her head lifted upwards so that she can maintain my eye gaze.

" Haven't we already " I took a gulp "... umm... " and with raised eyebrows, my eye moved around looking here and there " I don't think we should play with it like that. "

Talking about the soul surfaced the memory of what happened on the cliff a few hours ago. I tried to have a neutral expression but could feel my face getting hot.

Also, Soul Contract is a serious matter. It is exactly what it sounds like. It is a contract between souls. The involved party will be able to use each other's skills according to how much their body can handle. Of course, it will only work if the holder of the skill allows them to.

The contract will connect our souls and we will also be able to feel each other's feelings to a certain extent. It will make us venerable to each other, even lying will become difficult as one will be able to feel it, that is why only really close people make soul contracts.

I just couldn't understand why she is doing all this.

" Why help me so much?" I lifted up my head to restore the balance of our usual height. " Why are you even still here? you said this meeting was just a coincidence. " I spoke while taking a step closer, my eye squinted and I moved my face closer to her so that I can feel her breath. " I know you can tell. I don't trust you that much. "

I asked the question that was obviously on my mind. I wanted to ask before but I didn't want to question her otherwise my head could roll. But Soul Contract changes things.

Persephone held my gaze never looking away and then she bit her lower lips, even in this condition that looked extremely seductive. She looked away, avoiding my eyes.

" I know it seems confusing now. But you will understand when the time is right. Even I am not too sure how to tell you. " Her eye met mine again, desperate for trust " And besides you don't need to worry. I won't get in your way. This is just fun. I brought the soul contract so we could trust each other a little more. " and then desperation faded into a simple smile. " Didn't I already tell you before, you have your secrets and I have mine. "

I had so many other questions as well, like, What is a Quasar level higher existence like her doing on 'Teraa'? Or, Why she is so different? I was confused as to why I never saw her in my dreams before because she obviously isn't some useless existence. But just as I am not going to tell anything to her, she had no obligation to answer me.

A weird 'understanding' look took over my own face as I stepped back walking away from Persephone. If I have to choose. I don't want to make the soul contract with her, but then I watched all those bamboo laying around.

It might look like a stupid reason, but no way in hell I am going to try making that boat again. And searching the whole island for the faint hope of finding a treasure that could help me in this condition seemed even more stupid.

I thought about everything and I could only agree that in this situation making a 'Contract' is closer to my convenience.

" Okay. Let's make The Contract. "

Finally I decided and turned to face her. Persephone looked up at me and surprise suddenly adore her face. Why is she surprised? She was the one who proposed it first.

" I am not going through the experience of making that boat. You might have enjoyed the show but it was way exhausting for me. "

I told her that while shaking my head in defeat. A smile appeared on her face. It was a relieved smile, and then she lifted her one hand extending towards me and I followed holding my mine centimeters away from touching hers. She pushed her hand towards mine and touched the tip of my index finger with her own.

" Just think about making a Soul Contract with me. "

Being the dreamer and probably The sole dreamer of this world. I obviously knew how to make the contract. So it didn't take long for the message to start appearing in front of me.


[ The Soul Contract has been requested. ]


White slate-type tablet screen appeared again, but this time it was shimmering with black - design, smoking hue, and text.


[ The Lower Existence 'Arthur Xanders' and Quasar level Higher Existence 'Persephone' has agreed to make The Soul Contract. ]


There it is, now I am sure. She was Quasar level, she is definitely a real deal. Higher existence has five levels and Quasar is being the highest level.

As the contract was forming, I felt a slight electric shock. It was like when blood suddenly flows through the veins after the body goes numb.

Suddenly the world became white, like before, but this time instead of a small black dot, a large black flame - raising up to the sky - covering the half-world around me.

It was like the flame was trying to cover my own still-white world. The sudden mystical, horrifying scene fell like cold water and I realized that this was just my mind trying to synchronize the Contract.

As the realization settles in, the flame somehow became docile and instead of consuming, it fused with the white world forming stars, and then the slate -screen appeared through my blurred vision.


[ The Soul Contract is Completed. ]


The contract was completed without any problem. To be honest, I was worried that something like last time will happen again, but fortunately nothing happened. And I experienced, yet another other-worldly feeling, as I didn't know that Soul Contract showed these kinds of things.

Dreaming other people do these, and actually experiencing them is really different. Persephone was looking stupefied, which suddenly changes to complex - like intensely thinking of something, and then she quickly shook her head, denying her own thought, I assumed.

After all the circus that she did, then her eye finally wandered to me, and suddenly - as if she realized something - her posture changed.

"Too bad." she said with a dissatisfied face as it rested on her palm.

She was trying to make it show like she was disappointed that nothing happened like on the hill, but now I know it is a fake look.

It was because of the soul contract that I could feel it now, like some warm giggling feeling. I started to get a grasp when she is faking her expression to tease me.

' I guess making the soul contract was a good choice. '

And, as Persephone can feel my emotions too. Her expression changed yet again, this time annoyed, as a vein bludge at her forehead. A weird crooked smile formed on her face.

I bet she is annoyed that I could tell when she is trying to tease me. And as if in sync, her words also reached my ear. " Aren't you feeling a little happier than you should? "

Happy. Yes, I was feeling happy but above all, I was feeling proud. Ever since I came to this world, a few hours ago. I have felt a variety of emotions. It was an extremely unexpected situation even right now. I am still thinking that I will wake up and this will be just another dream.

Everything feels so unreal. It was similar to when I had experienced my first dream. But now, with all that I remember and with the BTDW text file, I was confident.

But the wall I have put on around me for so long, was shaken by this seductive and beautiful woman. I felt defeated against her. It wasn't even a playing field, to begin with. She is just that gorgeous, but now I feel like I have got some power.

So hell yeah I am happy.

" I don't know what you are talking about. " I feign ignorance, as I rolled my eyes in my half-closed eyelids and raised my eyebrows.

I shrugged it cool like an Innocent man who have no idea what she was implying. Playing dense is always the best option but I am sure the smile on my face said otherwise.

Persephone just acknowledges defeat at this point, looking like an exhausted mother - with all the banter, as she said.

" I feel it you know. "

Indicating that she can feel my happiness because of the benefit of the soul contract.

" Good. " I spoke, making it obvious that she should feel, that I oned up on her this time. Then I tried to focus on the Soul Contract between us and again the window panel, colours switched from before - a black slate tablet screen, and white design, text, and hue - appeared.


[ The Soul Contract ]


Information: The Soul Contract formed between Lower existence 'Arthur Xanders' And Quasar Higher Existence 'Persephone'.

Basic Terms:


Lower existence 'Arthur Xanders' And Quasar Higher Existence 'Persephone' will be able to share some of each other emotions.

*Extent of emotion each promisor feels depends on the trust they had with each other.


Lower existence 'Arthur Xanders' And Quasar Higher Existence 'Persephone'. Among both, the promisor with higher stats will be able to share some of their skills with the promisor with lower stats.

*Sharing will only be possible if both promisors agree to it.

*The extent of the skill the promisor with lower stats can use is based on how much the promisor's body can handle.

**There is an exception in certain conditions


Lower existence 'Arthur Xander' And Quasar Higher Existence 'Persephone' will not be able to make new Soul Contracts unless both promisors consent to it.


Lower existence 'Arthur Xander' And Quasar Higher Existence 'Persephone' are not allowed to terminate the contract one-sidedly.




Forceful breach of Contract will be subjected to a penalty.


The penalty of the Contract will be death or a Great amount of overall stats reduction.

*Penalty can be changed by both promisor's consent.



The penalty was quite severe, in my opinion. I was quite surprised by the basic term as well, It was quite a lot actually.

" It looks more like a marriage contract. " I spoke unconsciously as my mind tried to take in the information on the screen.

" Then I guess we are married. " her teasing remark came like she was already waiting for it, and then it just kept coming.

" So will you be taking us somewhere for our honeymoon anytime soon? "

" ... "

" I will need some time, and oh, it will be better, if the destination is a hill province, it will be even better if we could see a lake through the balcony. "

'' ... "

" You will be ravishing me. Oh my ~. "

A cold chill ran down my back, but I held it and didn't let it appear on my face. What is the use of knowing what is coming if I can't dodge it? Before I thought I got something to level the playing field, but she just took the level system and shot it through the roof.

Persephone has a smile, prideful, and it was looking down on me like it was saying 'why don't try to counter now?'.

"Fine" I just turned around to walk away, with an annoyed face, while shrugging my shoulders, but then suddenly a question came into my mind. I turned back around and asked.

" Hey, When did you think about making the Contract? before I start collecting bamboo or after I was exhausted. "

Persephone's body flinched slightly and her queen-like prideful gaze faltered.

" After obviously, I wasn't trying to waste your time and wanted to see you work up a sweat. "

All expressions died from my own, leaving a stoic face with a slightly open mouth and I deeply glared into her eyes.

" Wait! I swear I am not lying. " She held out her hand, creating a fake-invisible shield between us.

I closed my mouth as frustration became obvious on my face " The Contract. "

" Tchh..."

She clicked her tongue at that, folding her arm back. It was obvious she didn't tell me before on purpose.

" I wasn't just trying to make you work for nothing." maybe because of Soul Contract, she was able to feel my annoyance, but " If I would have asked you before about the Contract you wouldn't have agreed to it. "

I opened my mouth to say something to that, but I couldn't say anything against that. She was right. If it wasn't for the exhaustion after making the boat. I wouldn't have agreed to it. I might have considered searching the island instead.

" Forget it, Now I am mentally exhausted. " I released pent-up air from my mouth. I could just sigh at this point, it is becoming extremely tedious thinking about anything anymore.

' Let's just go with the flow. It is not like I could change it. ' I consoled myself. Even though I have dreamt a lot about this world that doesn't mean I know everything. There wasn't much information on the Contract between souls I could remember. It was just that rare, nobody made it that often.

" Okay then let's go. "

" Okay. "

I decided not to think about it anymore. I need to look forward. I need to form a plan, but first, let's get out of here.

I was going to try using the flight skill when suddenly, Persephone in front of me became faint like she was disappearing. A beam of light shot from her and went into my body.

" Wha—?"