
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Kỳ huyễn
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78 Chs

Vision 20 - I wouldn't notice? (2)

Two days have passed, since I came to Lascade city, well one and a half, if you want to be precise. 

A couple of the things in these two days I got to know is that, "The Market" here is a festival. And the other one is... that the Legion members under Timothy are very loyal to him. Well I knew that but what I didn't know was, How much of an asshole they can be to the ones who don't respect him.

In my dreams, Nobody really disrespected Timothy. He was the best among the Legion officers with great results, his position spoke for itself and he kept rising. Even when the script started, he led his team as a perfect leader, for as long as he did.

So there wasn't anyone who acted like he had some kind of virus that spread by interacting with him, such as I. Sure there were people who hated him, but nobody showed it openly. 

And I don't hate him, I just find him... annoying, which I don't really hide. After talking to him yesterday night, the disdain that Cailyn showed me, was shared by the other Legion members as well. Nobody did it openly but it was apparent.

Anywho, I still have close to two more days, till we set out to go to Ipritus, as per Charlotte told me and Timothy confirmed last night.

So today again I went to "The market". Yesterday, I went because I wanted to enjoy the market, but Ducas was more interested in weapons, so I couldn't enjoy it much and just went around from one weapon shop to another.

And it led me to believe I needed a better companion. So today I went with Valerie.

She is a girl, so she might look forward to enjoying it too much, but it's alright, better than not enjoying it at all, I thought.

Well, that's what I thought.

?: "This carving material is of Rhined-Boar's bones, and the crystal embedded in it is the windpeeker's crystal."


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "C-grade monsters items. hm." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Just C? Pathetic of an item." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "An item atleast should be of AA-grade to even consider!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "That is as rare as encountering water in dessert in this realm." ]


Today's location of exploration was better than the last time. It wasn't riddled with silver clobber stone paths and shops only displaying weapons, with as little decoration as one would put on a festival.

Instead, today the street was smoothly paved, creating a dazzling contrast with the rich, earthy tones of the ground.

Each shop was a miniature palace of wonders. The air was filled with the sweet scent of exotic perfumes. We stood inside of a shop displaying a dazzling array of jewelry, from delicate silver filigree to majestic gold with gemstones, as well as the items which look just the same masterpieces. 

In front of me, Valerie and the shopkeeper-a wolf man dressed in rich fabrics adorned with celestial patterns-discussed the items that Valerie found interesting. 

Valerie: "Rhined-Boar's bone is a tough material with high durability and Windpeeker's crystal... it is an evolved woodpecker with great affinity with wind. Both C-grade monsters."

The monsters are typically graded from E to A, then comes AA grade then S grade, and SS grade. The evolved animals have the same grade system. But among the passive evolved animals and monsters of the same grade, monsters are consider more dangerous because of their hostile nature, dangerous not powerful.

Shopkeeper: "Yes, yes. Rhined boar's bone is extremally good, and they appear similar to silver after polishing, shining beautifully. And this crystal's pure whiteness with a hint of brownness is all the proof you need that the crystal is of Windpeeker. This item is durable and when infused with cosmic energy within your soul, it will increase your affinity with wind and wood."

The shopkeeper sang, giving all the advantages of the item to Valerie, the item was a necklace with a silver color chain, connecting to a crystal broach with a brown thick intricate border and a white crystal at the center.

Valerie: "... How much is it?"

She deliberated, giving the necklace a long glance before asking. The shopkeeper smiled brightly as she asked for the compensation he intended.

Shopkeeper: "Just 2 Silver coins, or you can pay in cash."

'2Silver? That's 200 copper and 20000 cash.' I marveled at the audacity of how much this proper-looking shopkeeper was asking. Even though I tried not to save the money since I had too much, still, the amount he was asking was baffling.

Shopkeeper: "The item you hold is crafted by the best smith, and the monster crystal and bones are something that we procure ourselves. It is the finest item."

'Have a little dignity as a merchant. The fruit owner, the friend of the goodman baker from two days ago, brute and awkward he maybe, had more conscious.' I snicker at the further explanation that he gave looking at my raised brows when he told the cost.


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "That is a rip off." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is scowling." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "C-grade item is not even worth considering." ]


Valerie: "Hm..."

'Yeah don't worry. This shopkeeper had the wrong person infront of him.' As I snicker that thought, Valerie mused before speaking, and I pitied him.

Valerie: "Rihned-boar bones are indeed durable, but it is weak to fire, hence they are easy to craft and melt in battle. Also, It is a C-grade monster, they are not as rare, and even though their bones are strong, their skin is not, hence they are widely hunted. So that don't even exceed 100 copper coins."

The shopkeeper's face stiffened as his smile threatened to fall, but he recovered.

Shopkeeper: "That isn't true. And Windpecker is a Rare C-grade monster, with two affinities. I am sure that alone made it cost 2 silver. I am only taking less from you."

Valerie: "The crystal only increases the affinity of those elements, wind, and wood. But it does not mold one's soul to let them use one or the other. It is useless to the ones who don't have skills related to them. Just a beautiful junk hanging on the neck."

'But you have the skills, [Wind Manipulation].' I squinted my eyes at her, who looked at the face stiffened shopkeeper with an expression of calm and neutral face.

Valerie: "150 copper coins."


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is laughing amusingly. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Yes let see who rips off who." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "That worth is actually not unreasonable." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is nodding in affirmation. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "It isn't worth a penny." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Yup.! Yup.!" ]


The shopkeeper's face turns to disbelieve, even I find it amusing how nonchalantly she decreases the price by more than half.

Shopkeeper: "Miss that's too low. I am afraid I can not sell at that price."

Then he turned to me with an innocent and plea expression.

Shopkeeper: "Mr. this item is not like others. Our smith has crafted it with the material we procure ourselves. It is an overall C-grade item, and you can look at beauty for yourself. This would do well on your wife... Maam why don't you try and get your husband's opinion? I am sure he will find it very pleasing on you."

He turned to Valerie and me, using the sentiment of the sweet words that shopkeepers often use to persuade, treating them as a couple.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' has narrowed her eyes at you. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is looking at you. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is looking at you. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is snickering at you. ]


Shifting my eyes from messages to Valerie, We looked at each other and turned to the shopkeeper.

Arthur: "You heard her, 150 copper."

We didn't get affected by this tactic, as it has been used on us a couple of times now by the other shopkeepers.

After the first time, we joked about how weird it was for others to assume us like that, but after a few times, it became clear that it was a tactic used by many.

Valerie: "I don't really need it anyway."

Saying so she extended her hand to put down the item.

Valerie: "How amazing is this? The shopkeeper of 'The' Market trying to insinuate more money. Mrs. Tull from our Neighborhood would find it very exciting, as she likes to gossip."

The shopkeeper held his hand like a barrier between the desk and the item, as Valerie was about to put it down.

Shopkeeper: "1 Silver maam. I can not decrease it more."

He looked at us with a plea. I tapped on Valerie's shoulder and she turned her head over her shoulder, looking at me. I handed her a silver coin.

Arthur: "Let's just take it."

'Who cares? Let's buy it and explore other things.' I grumbled inside. The shopkeeper looked relieved, looking at the silver coin that I pressed forward, but Valerie looked at me seriously and spoke.

Valerie: "No, we shouldn't waste money just because we have it to exploit. 180 copper, final, tell us now, or we are leaving."


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is nodding her head in approval. ]


She turned to the shopkeeper, with head lifted and no room for negotiation. 'Wow, she is just like a mother in a market. Is it because of not relying on her family that she is so good at bargaining?' I marveled.

The shopkeeper finally gave in and took the 1 silver and returned 120 copper coins, which Valerie tried giving to me, but I told her to keep it to herself. I had more in my pocket.

Then we turned to walk out of the shop. As I held the door open for her to pass through, I snickered at Valerie.

Arthur: "Our neighbor, Mrs. Tull? You couldn't think of some other family name than what Felicity was using in Trivia?"

Valerie: "It is a good Family name. And Mrs. Tull would be very sad if she heard you, Sir Arthur."

She hushed and scolded as she walked out, and I chuckled at her remark. Appearing as a grumbling couple we stepped into the street. Persephone, who was eyeing other shops looking through the different items, came closer.

-Anything catches your eyes?

I asked using the chatbox to which she shrugged.

Persephone: "Nothing exceptional."

Strolling continued as I tried to enjoy the festive mood. But Valerie kept an eye on one shop to another. ' How many items do you want to see?' I thought. Because instead of buying, she just wanted to see how many variety of items were selling in the market. 

To her, it was like walking through an exhibition, and I don't hate window shopping, rather I find it very annoying.

She eyed the items placed on the display of the shop, assessing their materials, monster crystals, and the effects they could induce.

After a while, I spoke to her.

Arthur: "Miss Valerie, are there more places you want to visit?"

'If you want to buy them, why just assess from far?' I thought as I got the impression, that she was not finding anything enough appealing. So I thought we should just go where she wants to go.

Valerie deliberated, thinking for a while, before speaking.

Valerie: " I heard from Charlotte that one of their squad member mentioned that there is a good magic shop."

Arthur: "Is that so?... Shall we go there then?"

She nodded awkwardly and then led ahead, I followed her. I thought she would take me to a grand shop with rare items displayed like jewelry. But the festive atmosphere and color around us seemed to dimmed down. 

Her smile and eagerness were very obvious as the sound of her steps resounded rhythmically. 

'Her enthusiasm is suspicious. Where is she leading me?' Then suddenly we took a turn, and what I thought to be a shop, turned out to be an alley. It was similar to the one I found those children in on my first day of visit to the market, but it was way more narrower.

Arthur: "Miss Valerie? hm? Is it a black market?"

Valerie: "Well of course. A black market is a great place to buy rare magic materials for cheap prices."

She beamed at my uncertain question. 'You found a black market this early? who is this squad member Charlotte? You led that person to the wrong person.' I sighed. 


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "Why does it feel like I've experienced this before?." ]


I should have known that Valerie was eager to head to the Black market. A Black market is full of shady people 'Because she always go to the black market to buy rare items, she always get into trouble.' I grumbled thinking how I told Ducas to wait above the Black Market in Brimos because Valerie was ambushed there.

We walked towards a fence with chains cut from the side of it, to make an opening like a door. Squeezing through it Valerie and I stepped into an another alley. 

It was a similar alley to before but there were several back doors leading to the building on the sides. Stepping through, while passing by several doors, each labeled as 'Potion shop', or 'Miscellaneous items', she stopped in front of a door.

Black in color like it was made up of burned wood, and there was a sign hanging, 'Magic shop. open.' 

'This simple? just that? This is the shadiest shop I have ever seen.' I thought dumbfounded.

She didn't even knock on the door, just twist the door knob which didn't even make a sound, and opened the door to go inside. Just as she was about to go inside, I spoke.

Valerie: "Miss Valerie. You go inside I will wait here."

She turned to look at me, while holding the half-open door, showing some parts of the dark shelves riddled with some gross-looking items in jars.

Valerie: "Huh? Why? Let's go together, I will show you a variety of items. The 'real' magical item Sir Arthur."

Arthur: "Miss Valerie."

I spoke with immense seriousness.

Arthur: "I would love to but I can't distract you in there. Take your time, and buy whatever you want. Don't worry about the finances. Here take the money and choose the best of the best, before anyone else comes. I shall not let anyone pass."

I handed her a pouch with silver coins inside. These were coins I got while traveling to this city, by giving Ducas some of the cash money and telling him to take it to the bank, or adventure guild -whatever was in the town we were stopping- to exchange it for coins. It was easier to carry a large sum of money like this.

Valerie looked at me in gratitude and spoke with a soft expression.

Valerie: "Alright I will buy the best."

Arthur: "Yes, take everything that helps you. More strength would be very beneficial for us when departing for Ipritus.'

I nodded seriously and sent her inside. My serious and reliable expression turned curious as I stepped deeper into the alley.

Arthur: "Alright now. Let's see what is going on?"


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' is looking at you. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is looking at you. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is looking at you. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is looking at you. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is looking at you. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' is looking at you. ]


I didn't stay outside because I wanted to fend off others, nor because I was suspicious of the shop, too afraid to go to a shady shop. No, that I was, but the real reason was that I heard some voices.


A soft sound reached my ear, as I stepped deeper.

?: "-ok.. a... this kid."

?: "argh..."

Damped voices and grunts became hearable as I got to the end of the alley. 

A large area, a ground tiled with gray clobber stone, its cracks filled with muddy water, and two opposite sides blocked with walls of buildings on both ends. One way that led to the alley where I was standing, and opposite to me was blocked by a high wooden fence.

The air was filled with weird uncomfortable smells, lights were obscured by the building, casting its shadow. But still, amidst this, I could see a girl along one side of the walls, sitting taking its support. 


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is frowning with narrowed eyes. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is frowning. ]


I recognized her, she was the same girl, the one I gave food to. She was injured, clutching her side with her hand, and blood was dripping from it.

There was a group of people far opposite to me, near the wooden fence, and in front of them stood a boy, at the center of the ground. I recognized the boy as well with his black hair.

One of the men was about to snicker, judging from his expression, when the sound of steps resounded in the vicinity, as I took leisurely steps revealing myself. Everyone's eyes turned to me.

The boy turned to look at me, his startled eyes widened, and I saw a bruise on his cheek. The girl looked at me with half-opened eyes, but her reaction was of pain, that was because of her injury.

?: "Who is he?"


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "The one who came to cast judgment." ]


One of the men, from the four-men group, asked the others while looking at me. He looked to be of average build, with brown hair, and sharp annoying eyes, wearing rather better clothes than others. Let's call him the 'annoying man'.

Another man also with brown hair, with rather calm eyes, wearing a white tank top, defined muscle visible, murmured. Let's call him 'Tank Top'.

Tank top: "I don't know. It is deep into the Alley, nobody should be here with the 'Market' on the streets."

A rather calm man with calculating brown eyes, and slightly longer brown hair, took a step forward. The black-haired kid tensed up at this movement and clutched onto the blood-covered dagger in his hand tighter with both hands.

Calm Man: "Who are you? Get out of here. Act like nothing happened and we will too."


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is looking at you fixatedly. ]


'Why are you fixating on me like that?' I grumbled.

Disregarding the boy's vigilant reaction, the Calm Man spoke to me in a rather calm voice. He was telling me, if I go and let them do what they were doing, they won't pursue me. All in all, I won't be robbed and hurt.

But the last fourth man, who was bigger than all of them, muscle apparent from his normal T-shirt, but I should call it a green undershirt. He spoke, eyes filled with greed.

Muscle Man: "Are you crazy? Look at his clothes, that coat itself would be fetched for a Silver."

Today I had a dark brown shirt, with the usual two top buttons open, under a black long coat but it was a rather special coat. Despite wearing a long coat in summer, it wasn't hot for me, one could call it magical, it is the specialty of the brand of this cloth, that I bought yesterday with Ducas.

Annoying Man: "Looks like we got a jackpot. "

The Annoying man's smile stretched as he said that, I gave him a glance before looking at the two kids. 

The black-haired boy stood stiff with his eyes on the men, hands stuck forward with a dagger, although he was shaking. The girl was sitting with a pained expression clutching her side, trying to put pressure on the wound.

Looking at their condition, I subconsciously clicked my tongue in annoyance, to which the annoyed man's expression sour. But before he could say anything, I took out a thick bundle of cash and flicked my hand, tossing the bundle at him, which wasn't difficult with my now almost 40 strength.

Caught off guard, their expressions turned surprised but the calm man recovered first and caught the bundle, as I said.

Arthur: "Take these and disappear."

My voice was cold, as it contained my annoyance. 'Who hurt Kids like that?' I thought in anger.

All of them looked at the hard-cashed thick bundle, there were easily hundred notes cash of a thousand. Their eyes sparkled, but as I threw the bundle at the annoyed man's face, he snarled at me.

Annoying man: "What? what is that arrogant tone? Do you know where you are? This is our place.!"


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' is glaring. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Kill them hero boy." ]


I sighed as I quickly went through their Profiles and found that each of their average stats were near 50. It was more than mine. Still, that fact didn't intimidate me. I took out another bundle from my pocket and flicked it again.

Arthur: "Now scram."

'Why should I fight? I don't want to strain myself when I don't have to.' I sighed.


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is looking at you. ]


My eyes were intimidating, and the boy, who was looking between me and the man, keeping one eye on the girl, trembled a little. But didn't let go of the dagger and kept it thrust at the group.

The group of men showed slightly conflicted expressions, as the calm one ran his hand through the bundle. But the giant one with big muscles, spoke again.

Muscle Man: "You... Do you think this is enough? I will take whatever else you have, your clothes as well, haha. Quite a fashionable piece you got, looks good on you. And those jewels would sell for high price, not to mention your organs."

He threatened, and the boy's slight Tannish skin seemed to turn pale white, but he stood in front of me like he was defending me.

Muscle Man: "Look at this kid. hahaha."

The girl in the corner growled, and looking at this I sighed.

Arthur: "You morons."

Annoying man: "?-"

Muscle man: " What did you say?"

Arthur: "You all-"

I pointed to all of them lazily.

Artur: "-are morons."

Their expressions stiffened like they were taken aback by my words. The Muscle man looked intrigued, and the annoying one looked angry, but my eyes landed on the other two. 

Arthur: "You two looked more sensible than these two."

The other two, the tank top one and the calm one, although didn't look pleased, they were rather calm and didn't threaten me. One of those, the annoyed one, was still going to bark something so I spoke first.

Arthur: "You Idiots. I am here in this deep alleyway, wearing expensive clothes, and just threw you a bunch of cash, that is worth more than your lives. And You think I am some common person?"

Annoyed man: "Ah-"

Arthur: "Not to mention, I am walking around the alley without any concern, and so deep inside I am still without a scratch. Do you think I don't have enough power to protect myself? You lowly thugs will rob me?"

As I looked at them amused, their expressions seemed to pale as they realized what I said. But still one of them had to disappoint me, obviously the annoying one. He was about to bark again when the calm person beside him raised his hand at him to stop him. Looking at this I spoke.

Arthur: "Now choose. Take the money and scram. Or try your luck, and end up dead here in the ditch. I will gladly take my money back, it's not like anyone would know."


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Yup.! That's our Arthur.!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "A good approach." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' like your nonviolent approach. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "No need to waste energy on these scum." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "I wanted a fight." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Its a pity." ]


[ 2,400 total points has been donated. ]


As messages poured infront of me. I saw their expression turned tensed.

The one with annoying arrogance who was shouting at me repeatedly, tightened his jaw. The disdain in him was like he wanted to rip me off, but the calm man held him as he said calmly.

Calm Man: "Let's go."

The annoying man looked at him with disbelief, and the muscle man looked at him with disappointment. But as the calm man gave them a glance, they all reluctantly turned around, and holding the wooden fence they jumped on the other side and ran away.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Yeah run away Cowards.!" ]


Once they were all gone, the boy's knees gave out, and he slumped on the spot, but then his head turned to the girl sitting near the wall and he ran.

Black-haired kid: "Sis, you alright? Ah- there is b,blood."

He tore part of his sleeve and tried to wrap the cloth around her waist. The girl showed pained expression but let him do what he was doing. Unfortunately, the cloth wasn't long enough. 

Black-haired kid: "I-It won't t-tie."

He grumbled as tears started running down his face. 

I stepped closer to them. Looking at him struggling to wrap the brown color cloth, which had mud stain etched onto it, and said.

Arthur: "Let me take a look."


Hello reader.

I hope everyone is healthy and good

As Chirstmas approaches, days are getting colder as the festive future gives me hope, to get pass my exam.

Anyway, I hope you all like this chapter. Incase some people don't grasp it, these kids are the same from the first time Arthur visit the City Market.

Please write your thoughts in the comments, I will see you in next chapter.


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