
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Kỳ huyễn
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78 Chs

Vision 10 - …One more?(4)

The silver hair boy and red hair girl were looking at each other. They were shocked to meet inside the academy in front of a classroom.

" You are the boy from before. "

" You are that girl. "

Ducas and Valerie spoke that at the same time. I took a step back so that they both could stand facing each other.

Valerie thanked Ducas, and she was very sincere about it. She had a genuine smile on her face.

" You are also a student here? that is good. I wanted to thank you again for yesterday. "

" Ah... As I already told you I was just-... It's okay. "

 Contrary to her, Ducas was unable to speak much, he had an awkward look on his face.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "What is going on here?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "We missed something." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments " If you are that curious, You should also observe other things besides him." ]


[ Some Nubecula are curious about the interaction. ]


The interaction between them was a new thing for some Nubeculas. As Hwang Jini said, I openly told Ducas to go into the alley near the plaza, they could have just watched him if they were curious.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Oh I know. It was very interesting. " ]

[ Nubeculas are listening to Gumiho ]


As usual, our rumor-expert, Gumiho, knew everything. I sent Ducas into the alleyway because of an incident that I saw happening in my dreams.

Yesterday, Valerie went to one of the material shops in the alleyway. A minor black market was situated there, people can buy many things related to magic in the material shop.

There are normal material shops in the city as well, but the black market contains precious material which is very hard to find. They sell items that are either banned or stolen, that is the only way to get precious items for cheap.

Originally after buying the material, Valerie was supposed to be ambushed by some people and had everything stolen. She could not create a commotion because there was a risk that her identity could be exposed, so she had to give up on materials.

I sent Ducas there for that reason,. He was able to take care of the situation swiftly without anyone noticing. He was a scam, so no normal existence could defeat him.

Ducas saved Valerie of his own free will, that is why I told him to act if he thinks it is necessary. It will create a positive impact on his character, and that way he will get a friend.

I nodded my head towards my own thought. ' I planned a perfect situation. I feel like a cool mastermind. '


[Some Nubeculas are nodding their head after listening to Guhimo]


Ducas was looking at me, but since I was praising myself I didn't notice his gaze, but Valerie did. She followed where his savior was looking and noticed the man who was blocking the gate earlier.

Then, I heard Valerie's voice and opened my eyes.

" Hello. "

She was looking at me with intrigue and curiosity like I am some kind of new experiment. I smiled and greeted her back.

" Hello. Nice to meet you. "

Followingly, Ducas introduce me, which I thought it was unnecessary.

" He is Sir Arthur. "

But then Valerie asked a strange question to which Ducas nodded his head.

" That Sir? "

The woman with red hair made an interesting expression. I was confused. What was this secret conversation? 

Oblivious to my confusion Valerie turned to me and suddenly thanked me.

" Thank you very much, because of you I was saved. "

Now, I was shocked. What is going on? when did I save her? It was Ducas who saved her yesterday. I looked toward Ducas, to ask what is going on? Ducas scratched his head and said.

" Sir Arthur, you told me to patrol the Plaza, at that time I helped her. I know you told me not to tell anyone, but she kept thanking me so I told her that I was just doing what you told me to do. "

Ducas said all that with a very serious expression.

'Wha- What the hell?'

I was having a headache. How did it go like this? This idiot. I sent him so that Valerie feels indebted to him. But did he bring one more baggage for me?

To this situation, one existence who knew what I was feeling snickered.


" He really meant it what he said. "

Persephone, who knew what I wanted, was giggling. I wanted him to get off me, but instead, he came back with another piece of baggage.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is laughing. ]

[ 500 points donated ]


This Nubecula is an asshole, but shockingly he also knew what I wanted. I looked at Valerie who was smiling and Ducas was looking at me with a serious look.

I pointed at Ducas while saying- 

" You should thank him. I didn't do anything. "

The smile on Valerie's face brightened, ' he seems to be nice. ' is what she was thinking.

She was not someone who would just trust anyone, but yesterday, after being saved by Ducas. She asked him many questions to which Grey hair boy started praising his 'Sir'.

" Of course but I want to thank you as well. "

" ...Sure. "

Oh hell with it. I finally let her think whatever she was thinking. Her brightened face was telling me it was useless to argue with her. Ducas was nodding his head on the side.

" I am Arthur Xanders, please address me as Arthur. "

I introduced my name again. Valerie realized that we haven't properly exchanged names yet, so she spoke right after me.

" My name is Valerie Blackmore, please address me as Valerie. "

" My name is Wynfor Ducas, please address me as Ducas. "

Ducas also introduced himself, Valerie smiled at him. I thought positively, it was still somewhat good, they could still just look after each other later.

Then, I use Prescient description on Valerie.


[ The Active Skill 'Prescient description' is activated. ]


[ Name: Valerie Davison

Age: 32 years old

Blessing: none

Active Attribute: Fierce Mage ( Rare )

Active skill: Fire Control Lvl.2, Wind manipulation Lvl2, Fluid flow Lvl.2, Levitation Lvl2,...

Passive skills: Magic Lvl.2, Common Sense Lvl.3, Positive attitude Lvl.2, Rational thinker Lvl.3,...

Overall Stats: Strength Lvl 63, Stamina Lvl 72, Agility Lvl 65, Magic Power Lvl 79

Description: She is very passionate about magic and her dreams. She tried to stay positive but she is also very clever. Currently hiding her identity. ]


She was amazing is all could think of, her skills were not too extreme, but she has skills related to every element, which was very impressive.

Even her stats, just at the age of 32 were overall above 200, impressive, considering normal people could only reach near 200 in thier lifetime, some exceptional one reach near overall 400 and only top of the world are above that, a realm above, they are called.

And as expected, her last name was different from what she told us, it was Davison. It was also said that she was hiding her identity, but I already knew that.

She was the daughter of the Davison family, who is a duke of the demi-human country, Atlas. They are the only human family who ruled over demi-human, her status is too high, just below Lisa.

" Are you also here for the class, Miss Valerie? "

" Yes. I would never miss Professor Lisa's class. "

I already knew that as well. She is a fan of Lisa, she idolized her work and wanted to be like her.

" You are also here to attend her class, Sir Arthur? "

" Yes. Something like that. "

Technically I had to attend Lisa's class as her assistant, so I didn't lie. Ducas was looking at me with mixed emotion, he wanted to say something but Valerie spoke first.

" Right. I recommend you to take her classes, she is strict but she is very knowledgeable. I am sure you will like them. "

Valerie spoke looking at both me and Ducas. She was genuine about it when she said that, I guess she realized that we don't have a talent for magic.

I technically had no talent for magic but Ducas was different she could not comprehend his talent since his stats are even higher than her.

" I am sure you are right. I will attend her every class. "

I had to attend it even if I don't want to. Valerie smiled at my answer, she might think that she has shared her interest with someone and gained some influence regarding what she likes.

We turned our heads at the same time and looked at the silver-haired boy who was standing at the side listening to our conversation. Ducas looked at us and said whatever came into his mind.

" I will obviously be where Sir Arthur will be. "

" ...What about your classes? "

I was surprised at what he said, He will be following me where ever I go? Ducas awkwardly looked away from me. I felt worried because he didn't reply to my question.

" Miss Valerie, May I ask which course are you in? "

Well, I already knew she was in a research course, but I asked to avoid suspicion.

" mm, Research course. "

" Perfect. He is also in a research course, You two will be seeing each other a lot then. Can you help him? "

It was not a coincidence. I set it up, I was trying to get Ducas and Valerie close to each other, that is the reason I enrolled him in the research course.

Valerie looked hesitant. I know what she was thinking. She was worried that it will come between her own research. I put on a gentle smile.

" Consider it paying back for yesterday. "

Valerie could not refuse me now. Even though she was hiding that she is the daughter of a Duke, she still had a mindset of a Nobel, and repaying every debt is one of them.

A defeated expression came on her face.

" Okay. I will do so. "

Valerie accepted my request, it made me feel reassured. Ducas looked like he wanted to say something, but I ignored him. I cannot have him following me everywhere.

" We will go after this class. "

Valerie told Ducas that they will go together after this class. I nodded my head in agreement.

" Is this class that important? "

Ducas asked that question for his own curiosity. It was obvious that Valerie put Lisa very highly but unlike me, he didn't know her obsession with the strict professor.

" Yes, it is, and I am particularly excited about today's class. "

" Hmm? Today's class? There is something different about it? "

I was listening to Ducas and Valerie having a conversation but the last part intrigued me as well. There was something special about today's class? I don't remember anything special about it.

Valerie nodded her head at Ducas's question.

" Today a very interesting guest will arrive. "

" Ho? Is someone renowned coming? "

" No, it is an assistant. "

I almost flinched at the word 'Assistant'. I get it, I didn't remember anything special because she was talking about me. Ducas still made a confused expression, She saw that and explained her point.

" Professor Yatess had many applicants applying to be her assistant, but she never accepted any. Now, She had accepted one, I am curious about that assistant. "

" ...Is that so? "

Ducas looked at me, as I slowly looked away.

Don't look at me, idiot. Fortunately, Valerie didn't think much of his gaze on me and continue speaking.

" I also heard that our respected headmaster chose him. "

Choose me? I felt something bitter in my mouth. Nobody chose me, and how did she know about what happened a couple of minutes ago? Information in this school travels faster than Gumiho spread rumors. It was scary.

" He sounds like an interesting person. "

I spoke that in a quiet voice.

" Of course. I am also interested. "

Valerie was praising the so-called assistant of Lisa with full of admiration, she was faking it quite nicely. She had a gentle smile, but I know that she had already marked me as her competition.


Then a bell rang, it was the school bell, it was eight and all classes at this hour will start now. I looked at Ducas and Valerie.

" I think you both should go inside "

" You will not come in? "

" I will be right behind you. "

Valerie didn't think much about it and went inside, it was understandable, we just met after all. Ducas just nodded his head while following behind her and closed the door.

As soon as the door was closed, I was the only one left behind in the hallway. I turned my head and saw Lisa coming from the end of the hallway.

She looked at me while walking toward the class.

I smiled at her, it was time to start the class.