
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Kỳ huyễn
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78 Chs

Vision 1 - We need to talk (3)

A message appeared in front of my eyes, distorting through the space.

[ New existence " Arthur " has accepted the world as his reality. ]

[ Scanning existence soul... The Profile is being generated ]


[ Name: Arthur Xanders

Age: 20

Points: 0

Blessing: none

Active Attribute: Cool Guy ( General )

Active skill: Strong Will Lvl.1

Passive skills: Adaptability Lvl.1

Overall Stats: Strength Lvl.4, Stamina Lvl.5, Agility Lvl.4, Magic Power Lvl.5

Description: Lowest Level on the whole planet of Teraa. ]


" What the hell? "

I was shocked as words came out of my mouth. A window suddenly appeared in front of me and it had some text written on it.

As soon as I saw the window, I knew what the window was about, but I was surprised to see these appear in front of me.

My eye curiously lingered on the long tablet and I was confused just from the first message that appeared in front of me.

'Accepted it as my reality?' I didn't know what that meant. What would have happened if I kept being in denial?

I didn't even understand the first message when the tablet flicked and another message appeared making the ones before it disappear.


[ Due to existence's great understanding of the world a deeper scanning is in the process... Basic Profile is updating ]


A game-like window appeared out of nowhere and now was showing me weird messages. It was crazy, but, it made me believe that I am really not on earth anymore.

Persephone saw me stupidly looking nowhere like I am trying to read something on the air and spoke with a judging tone.

" Looks like you got your Profile. "

I looked at the woman beside me and a smile was adoring her beautiful face. Though to me she seemed like someone who is watching an animal playing in the zoo, I am that animal.

According to the last message I have to wait for cosmic to do a deeper scan of my soul. If I am really on Teraa, I will need to have as much access to dark matter as I can get. Otherwise, I am doomed.

While visualizing - the tablet screen disappearing into nothingness - and blinking, I turned to face Persephone while making almost equal eye contact - as while me standing and her floating above the ground just a little - she is almost of my height.

I spoke with a confident tone this time.

" So Persephone right? That's a great 'God Name' you have chosen for yourself. So what is your real name? "

I spoke confidently, there is no need to deny it anymore. Persephone looked at me and blinked her long eyelashes once, and then twice, her amethyst color eyes stared at me like she is trying to peek into my soul.

" Your attitude changed quickly. "

" You are the one who wanted me to believe. So what is the problem? "

I might have sounded rude. But this is the world I dreamt about, I know about this world better than anyone. So I subconsciously became a little confident.

Persephone's eyes wandered on me, up and down, taking in everything of my body, and then she spoke.

" You are interesting. First, the fact you can see me, and resist my charm -without jumping at me like a beast to ravish me- despite being a human, who doesn't even have his soul record yet, surprises me."

I didn't know what to say. Is she complimenting me or insulting me? And who talks like that?

Also, I didn't like what she said about me, and based on what I know about this world, she is definitely a higher existence. I can not do anything to her, so I kept my mouth shut.

Oblivious, regarding my thoughts, Persephone continued her assessment of me.

" And there is the fact that your soul seems intangible to this universe. There is also the constant fluctuation of dark matter around you, which is wired as well. You even guessed that Persephone is the name I chose for me despite not being from this universe, which is also a first even for me. My curiosity about you keeps growing. "

Curiosity? Is that the only thing she could feel towards me? Am I some kind of new species? Well, technically maybe I am...

I kept the thought in my mind as I was doing my own assessment of the women in front of me.

The fact alone that trusting strangers easily is a red flag. I know that this woman is really strong and I am not talking figuratively. I can somehow actually feel it as well, maybe I can feel it because my connection with dark matter is increasing in my soul.

Noticing that Persephone was finished with whatever she had to say about me, I spoke while turning my eye upwards and rolling them inwards.

" You don't really expect me to believe that goddess of the underworld will come to greet me for arriving here. Do you? "

She raised her eyebrows as if to retort my eyeroll. Actually, based on her name, she 'IS' the goddess of the underworld, but 'SHE' is not the real Persephone from legend. None of the gods are, like her, they just hold the title.

It's not only that. Here, The God and Goddess are not as people from earth think. They were just normal beings who became so powerful that the normal people started hailing their names as gods.

' Bunch of Fools. Weak people are always like that. If you don't understand something it is god's power. Tch '

Well, as for why they are not around? Why would they stick with weak people if they are strong? They went looking for more power in the universe. It's true that with power their life span increased tremendously but they still never reached immortality.

Eventually, they died and new powerful people took their names. Isn't it easy to introduce yourself as someone the world already knows, instead of coming out and introducing yourself as a new god?

A few seconds passed, but Persephone didn't say anything. I raised my eyebrow and relaxed my expression as I spoke.

" So are you gonna tell me? "

A glistering smile appeared on her face as her slender thin index finger went up and rested on her red lips. She winked one of her graceful eyes at me and spoke.

" That's a secret. "

My face distorted a little, I already knew that she will not tell me. After all, when a higher existence chooses a god's name, they only told their 'real' name to the ones they consider close. For those who had lived for so many years, their actual identity became extremely important to them.

Well, I knew about most of them as I saw some of them in my dreams, but not her.

Well, At least, her response confirms that she doesn't have any real interest in me and that she was just trying to tease me. Even though it was obvious, higher existences still are crazy in their heads, it's better to be safer than sorry.

In the middle of the conversation, a window panel again appeared in front of me. It was like a very big purple-colored transparent tablet with dark purple text.

'Finally!' I thought to myself. I still don't know what Attributes I have. My basic attributes were shit, and it is not like I have access to a system with a store feature or something fancy. 'Profile' is just an information panel, which contains information about oneself.

I focused my mind and try to analyze the information shown on it.


[ Name: Arthur Xanders

Ag/: 20??

Points: 0

Blessing/: none

Active Attribute: ??????

Exclusive Skill: ????? , ?????

Active skill: Strong Will Lvl.1 --> Lvl.4, Prescient list Lvl.1,#%^..

Passive skills: Adaptability Lvl.1 --> Lvl.3,$&@..

Overall Stats: Strength Lvl.4, Stamina Lvl.5, Agility Lvl.4, Magic Power Lvl.5


Stats: No Nubecula has been selected at the moment


Description: Lowest Level on the whole planet of Teraa. ]



I became speechless. My updated Profile looked way too different from the basic record and not in a good way. I had no idea about the skills I got after the record was updated and It was all filled with question marks and weird symbols.

' What the hell? Is it broken? How was this updated? this doesn't tell me anything. '

I tried to visualize the window panel change into something understandable, but no matter how many times I saw it, my attribute didn't change.

I couldn't see my attribute, I didn't gain any new skills, and the ones I got I couldn't see them. Even my overall stats didn't change, although the description of me was right. I am literally the weakest existence right now.

I want to deny it but I couldn't. I felt hopeless for a second and suddenly a realization struck me. ' Even though I knew about this world, Will I be able to survive like this? '

With a sigh, I closed the window panel. What am I supposed to do now? It might be weird but I think I get it. My situation is also weird - an alien from another world.

I was mentally exhausted so I knuckle my knees and let the force of gravity let me sit down where I was standing. I looked towards the sea and released a long breath.

" Sigh... "

There are too many things that have happened in these few hours. I woke up in a different world and I used to dream about it, and this Profile.

Even though I didn't actually hated my old regular world, at least I didn't like it either, but part of it was because of the people around me, not the world itself.

I never thought things will change like this. One might say this can be a new start for me but this world is dangerous.

My mind went back to some of things I saw in my dreams that I could recall.

When this world first changed, there were endless possibilities, and people got unimaginable power. Some can fly, heal, and generate fire, ice, or new elements. They could smash houses with a single punch.

And that sounds fascinating but it is been centuries since that happened. Now that kind of power is normal among people. They have skills, powers, and better understanding.

This planet has its own countries where powerful people govern everything.

This world has its own set of rules, and if that's not enough it is not only the people on this planet I have to be worried about.

Tilting my head upward, my vision wanders from the sea to the stars above it, lighting everything in sight, another sigh escaped my mouth.

" Sigh... "

There are mysterious being on higher existence who watches over the people of these planets and these people have no idea that they are being watched as a means of entertainment.

It was funny when I thought about it. I was always told that gods always watch over us, and here they are, but if it is like this, I would prefer they don't watch over us at all.

People hailed them as gods and worship them so that they can help them to become stronger, and to survive.

My vision again shifted from the stars to the beautiful woman standing beside me, a higher existence, I had one in front of me.

Lifting my hand from my knees toward the ground. I patted the ground beside me.

" Why don't you sit? "

Persephone without showing any reaction sat beside me. She still had her usual charming smile. Feeling the breeze on our faces we relaxed a bit. At least I did, and for a few minutes we didn't say anything to each other. Then after taking a long breath I spoke.

" We need to talk. "