
Leona heidern I will not let them hurt you.

I was in my room with cammy giving me oral when I got a new mission.

{new mission protect Leona heidern}

{ reward a transformation of your choice.}

"really so I can become a super saiyan 4."Arron said to himself

[Arron loves dragon ball gt and is one of the few people in the world whom literally dreams of becoming super saiyan 4.]

"now I guess I need to come up with an title I guess the child of the sun can do."

very well picked a voice said.

"praline?! was that you?."

"no I am delta Maria but Christians call me orael."

"Okay~" I said

"any way you go help Leona but first I will give you something to aid you when she turns wild via riot of the blood."

The angel then appeared before me and bestowed upon me a glowing golden aura and I became like the sun.

"this is my power." Orael said

"The Flash Of Radiance!" She proclaimed

"this will purify any curse and also boost every attribute of your power!" She said

"it will also allow you to preform fire balls and shockwaves!" she said.

"Sweet." i said in a stoic tone.

she smiled

"now go protect that solider."

leona was surrounded by the three lords of Orochi's army Chris Schermie and Yoshiro.

Chris held up his flames Schermie cracked her knuckles and Yashira flexed his arm in a circular motion.

but then they all felt a presence and stopped to look up.

above them watching her was a young man he had blonde hair blue eye and a sun kissed body.

he leapt down riding the wind and assumed a kenpo stance she recognized it as hsing yi with a little Tai ji.

shermie decided to take this boy but was suddenly dropped when he flash stepped into a leaping crescent kick the kick had a hook to it that when connected slammed shermie into the floor.

the next to attack was yashiro he came at the young man with a rotating seiken zuki.

the boy caught the punch in a yin yang formed hand then landed a knee to yashiro's chin that lead to a strike to his chin with his knuckles gravity distorted in his hand then he luanched yashiro into the air with a powerful long twisting uppercut.

chris held up a flame in both hands but the boy had disappeared and suddenly reappeared below Chris in a crouch he came up and landed a kick with both feet to his chin twisting his legs in a drilling kick as he pushed him up then turned at an angle and pushed him to the ground plowing him six feet under.

"kiss the sky, purple haze Kick!" I shouted.

the three recovered and tapped into the powers of oorochi.

Suddenly Leona's hair went red

"now flash of radiance!" shouted and Leona changed back to normal "now the power of oorochi was suppressed and the mysterious warrior was surrounded in a golden light ."

"no impossible how can he-" yasashiro said

"solar shock wave! " I shouted

I slammed my fist into the ground and sent a golden flash wave through the ground erupting beneath them if this was an rpg the damage would be 99999.

"Nice~~~" i said

[this power is incredible!] I thought.

I turned to Leona And smiled

"you okay ma'am?" I asked.

She nodded.

"come with me and I'll protect you!" I said.

"I don't need your protection!" Leona shouted.

"oh I see well at least let me apologize properly!" I said.

i lead her to a hotel.

I removed my clothes and turned my head.

"do whatever you want." I said.

leona nearly dropped her jaw.

"i'm offering myself to you!" I said.

"see i released you from your curse." I said.

she blushed.

"you mean I can have sex with you and I won't hurt you?" Leona said.

"Yes!" I said

She licked her lips then removed her jacket and capris.

she had such a cute figure.

we both stood there exposed to one another.

I walked over towards her stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her sides.

I lifted her up and sat down pushing my penis into her sacred area and I began thrusting into her.

"what?!, where going to do it in this position! " she whined.

"why is it uncomfortable?" I said sweetly in her ear.

"n-no I-it's fine." She said

"anh it feels good now!." She moaned

"Anh oh hmph!?"

leona's moans turned me on.

I kissed the sweaty nape of her neck and then licked it.

"d-don't do that I'm all sweaty!" Leona said.

"I know but it taste sweet!" I said.

"really!!!"she said with excitement

"yes and the way you pillow talk is so cute!"

she moaned as I kept thrusting in a rhythm going slow then picking up pace then slowing down this continued for about half an hour until...

"I'm going to cum!"

"do it give me your semen !!!" Leona cried.

"Anhunnn!" She cried out in orgasm

and we were in my room at Langley base.

"what's your name?" Leona asked.

"Arron McGee" I Said.

after I finished I checked my power device and I claimed my prize super saiyan four.

suddenly a tail appeared on my waistline.

"sweet!" I said.

I focused my mind and released my anger the same way I do with einharnjarn-g's super mode and suddenly I transformed from a sixteen year old boy to a twenty five year old man with long black bangs a wild hair cut a ape like body with pink fur and the lower half of my clothes!.

"sweet!" I shouted

the shout nearly shook the entire base.

I lay there my eyes bugging out.

I cleared my mind and calmed down.

suddenly I was back to normal.

I wrapped my tail around her waist and kissed her temple.

We lay down and go to sleep.