Disclaimer: I do not own the novel my vampire system. Full credit to JKSManga. I'm just wording my imagination into words. What happens when someone gets reincarnated in the story "my vampire system" with its knowledge? Follow Abraham as he begins his journey to become a superpower on his own. What time period is he in, which family does he belong and most importantly, will he follow the main plot? 3 chapters/week
When Abraham left the group to pursue a noise that the other didn't hear, all of them was confused. Specially Malia was having different emotions. She wanted to follow Abraham to see if he has really heard a noise and if a fight was really happening. But on the other side, it would look bizarre to follow him alone a stranger she has just met for a day. Finally, she decided to remain with Gwen and Robert and continued the beast hunting. They stayed in the same area in case Abraham return to join them.
Malia was taking the lead with Gwen and Robert closely behind.
They met with a basic beast and the threat was easily killed. The hunt continued. Sometimes they would meet basic while other times an intermediate beast would come towards them. Due to exhausting their mutated cells, they had to take many breaks to remain at their peak.
Around ten minutes have gone by since Abraham left them and there was still no sign of him.
"Look how lucky we are". Suddenly the group heard a voice coming from behind them. The opposite direction that Abraham went. The voice was harsh and deep giving an unpleasant sound.
When the three turned, their eyes met the most nightmarish sight they could have seen. Standing behind them was not just one but two dalki; humanity's worst nightmare. Even worse was that one of them was a two-spike dalki.
Such a scenario was not supposed to happen. They had to look for information first before starting the hunt. Their current location was supposed to be far away from where the dalki settlement was found. Also, the dalki's were moving in the opposite direction and as a result, they were not supposed to come around here. Instead, they were supposed to go further away.
Such a situation was a total disaster for them and the human settlement.
Without giving them a moment to digest the current situation, The two-spike dalki charged toward them, its strength and speed were far beyond what they had ever faced before. Malia quickly formed an ice barrier that was able to hold the dalki in time. The other dalki came from the side and choose Gwen as her target. She quickly dodged the attack and countered with a swing of her axe, but the dalki was quick to block with its powerful arms. Gwen was struggling to keep up, the dalki's strength and speed were too much for her level 5 super strength ability even though it was the one-spike dalki.
As for Robert, he started supporting both of the girls. He used his telekinesis ability to lift rocks and branches from the ground, flinging them at the dalki in a desperate attempt to keep it at bay. But the dalki was too fast, dodging the projectiles with ease. Even those that hit did not cause serious injuries to the dalki.
Using her ice ability, Malia momentarily stopped the two-spike dalki by freezing its feet to the ground. She then charged towards the two-spike dalki with her sword at the ready. She unleashed a flurry of slashes, hurting the two-spike dalki. She wanted to cut the dalki's head but the latter was protecting it using its arms. By using the ice ability in between her sword attack, she was able to keep the dalki rooted to the ground.
On the other side, the fight was on par between the two humans and the dalki. When the dalki would attack Gwen, Robert would use a projectile to deviate from the dalki punch. It looked like the overall fight was in a stalemate but the issue was the more the dalki were getting injured, the stronger they were becoming. On the other hand, by using their abilities the humans were depleting their Mutated cells(MC). As the battle raged on, the one-spike dalki attacks against Gwen became quicker and she struggled to keep up, her strength waning with each passing moment. Just as the dalki was about to land a fatal blow, Robert used his telekinesis ability to throw a large boulder at the dalki, successfully knocking it off balance and allowing Gwen to evade the attack. But the punch was able to gaze, Gwen, and blood started spilling out of her mouth.
Gwen was bought to her knee and was temporarily struggling to fight. Due to controlling a large boulder through his telekinesis ability, Robert fell every MC in his body drained.
When Gwen was finally able to cope with the pain, she felt a huge shadow already on her. In that short amount of time, the one-spike dalki got up from the boulder attack and immediately launched another attack on Gwen. She closed her eyes accepting her end but the pain never came. Instead, she felt a push that evaded her from the punch.
When Robert saw Gwen on her knees, he was already on his way toward her but just as he was about to reach her, the dalki launched another attack at Gwen. Robert pushed Gwen out of the way but in doing so, he was the one that took the full power of the punch.
The attack caused him to collapse to the ground, fatally wounded. Everything looked like it was playing in slow-motion mode from Malia's point of view. She saw the attack from the dalki, how at the last moment Robert was able to push Gwen. Yet she was unable to move to help them. The nightmare was not over as on the side of Malia, something dreadful happened. Malia was not able to finish the two-spike dalki and due to the constant injuries it got, the dalki had a new spike erupt from its back.
{Author's note}
Hello guys. I have created a p@tre0n link. Right now it has just a tier for anyone that wishes to donate a small amount to contribute to the development of the novel. Later on, I will add different benefits.