Disclaimer: I do not own the novel my vampire system. Full credit to JKSManga. I'm just wording my imagination into words. What happens when someone gets reincarnated in the story "my vampire system" with its knowledge? Follow Abraham as he begins his journey to become a superpower on his own. What time period is he in, which family does he belong and most importantly, will he follow the main plot? 3 chapters/week
With the war going on, the Green family decided to help people fight better. That was when they created a virtual reality pod and a game called power fighter.
The game was simple, it gave an open empty room and two people connected through the VR pod would fight until one lost. It quickly gained popularity and even the big Four were using it. The military also paid the Green family to make a private server to train students.
The game already had many abilities recorded in it. Due to its real-life experience, people were playing all the time.
Abraham slowly climbed into the VR capsule and after adjusting to a comfortable position, the capsule lid started to close. Before realizing it, his mind was completely transported to another space.
Abraham was now in a large empty white room. There were no walls in sight and it looked like the room was endless. Suddenly a screen appeared in front of him.
"Welcome to Power fighter, would you like to?"
[Log in] [Register] [Play as a guest]
Abraham selected the register button on the screen.
[ Please create a User ID ]
[ User ID created The Devil ]
The next step was to design his character. The body proportions of his character were the same as his but he was able to choose what hairstyle and simple clothing he wanted on it.
He decided to wear full-body clothing leaving no skin visible and also wear a mask. The mask was colored black with two red horns and each side. He looked like a ninja with the exception of the mask.
After the character design, he was transported back to the white room. A normal VR capsule was not supposed to register anyone's ability but Tom informed Abraham the VR in the room was special. The Green used it to register ability inside the game.
Abraham found just like in the novel that he was able to access the system. That was an anomaly and Abraham could use his blood ability without registering it. Abraham was against such an idea as he wanted to train using only his Qi ability.
Abraham selected the search tab and filtered it by level 5.
The game had found him an opponent and he was immediately teleported to an arena. His opponent was a man covered in full armor. The VR capsule had a component where the user could scan their real-life weapon and use them in the game.
The weapon would increase the stat of the player.
Above each player's head was a health bar. But there was no way to show how much health each player had. It was calculated using the sensors in the VR pod.
A timer started and when it got to zero, the fight began. Unlike Abraham, his opponent didn't leave his initial spot. Then Abraham noticed a mist-like cloud emitting from his opponent.
When he got close, Abraham could see his hp decrease. The other player had a poison ability. Even after exiting the mist, Abraham saw his hp continue to decrease. On top of that, his opponent was able to launch a burst of poison in Abraham's direction.
The opponent had pushed Abraham into defensive mode and by the way, the fight was going, it would not take time till his poison would enter the entire system of Abraham's body.
But when the opponent looked at Abraham's health bar, it looked like it has not decreased at all. This was the worst type of opponent for a poison user. Someone who had a large pool of health and thus the match was not going to end quickly.
Abraham wasn't able to coat his body using the Qi inside the game as Qi energy wasn't even known to the public. Among the few who possessed the knowledge of Qi, knew that it wasn't an ability.
Abraham was out of options, he could just evade the attack while staying outside the mist. The fight went on for 2 minutes and yet Abraham could not find any opening to fight his opponent. His hp has already been reduced by a quarter.
Compared to any of the previous fights that Abraham did in the lesser district or in his past life, he would always observe his opponent and planned against them. For the first time, he wasn't doing so. He was resisting the urge to use the system or his blood skill. He wanted to change, grow and be able to fight with any unknown variable in play. He also wanted to fight without relying on the system. Maybe one day there would be a power that can block his system or his blood energy.
Then something clicked inside his head. Sometimes you have to lose something so that you can win. Abraham was staying outside the boundary of the mist to not get hurt. But from his experience before, the poison only hurt his body a little. He could still go inside and finish his opponent before his own hp was down.
As soon as the opponent sent an attack, Abraham quickly evade and sprinted toward his opponent. Once inside the mist, his hp started to decrease. Arriving 5 metres from his target, Abraham activated his flash step skill. He was instantly in front of his opponent. Without giving his opponent time to react, Abraham swung a punch at his opponent's chest. Thanks to wearing a beast armour, the poison user wasn't instantly killed and found himself projected away from his original position. At the same time, his hp decreased by more than half. When his momentum stopped, he found Abraham again in front of him. Abraham gave another punch finishing his opponent. He received a message in the game as the first win.
Just then though Abraham had received another message from his own system.
[ Opponent has been defeated 25 exp has been earned ]
This was another reason Abraham wanted to fight in the VR game. His system would award him half the point that he would have received in the real world. It looked like any fight below level 5 would no more give him any exp.
On the outside, Tom and Emily were both watching Abraham fighting. From the fight, they concluded that Abraham was really a level 5 with superhuman ability. Both of them knew that compared to the dalki of higher spikes, he was still weak. They could only hope that Abraham could use his knowledge about the future to become stronger.
Contrary to their beliefs, Abraham didn't get out of the VR pod but searched for another match as soon as his fight ended.
This time he got matched against a level 5 earth ability user. The woman this time didn't have any beast armour. This time the match ended really quickly with a win for Abraham.
[ Opponent has been defeated 25 exp has been earned ]
He decided to take pause and got out of the capsule.
Both husband and wife came to meet him wanting to know his experience. He also shared with them some ideas that he had.
Creating an Ai dummy that would learn from every fighter in the game. After the AI would get enough data, it could be used to train in the white room. Abraham also requested them to create an eye lens that could record from a user's point of view. He was going to use it when he would go to the Pioletic planet. When he would return, the Green family could use the recorded moment when he would fight against the beasts. Later, NPC beasts could be added to the game for better training.
Both Green immediately agreed and rushed to their lab.