
My Vampire Secret

Haley is a vampire girl banished to the human realm for one year because of her rebellious behavior and when she gets there she has to live wit her aunt Victoria,uncle Sybil and her cousins Christa and Christina.As she stays with them will she able to change her ways and leave this realm early or will she completely wiped from existence by her enemies

Dandelion_blue · Khoa huyễn
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13 Chs


What happened to my beautiful face Rachel shouted.Now you really are ugly Haley said laughing along with everyone.Rachel not being able to take the humiliation ran away.Thanks for standing up for me Haley,Coco said a big sigh.Well let's get to class already Haley said grabbing Cocos hand this time they didn't run.

The two girls were kind of late so they entered the classroom sneakily not noticed by the teacher.Ok class I'm professor Alvick and as you all know the science fair is coming up,so of course the school board has picked you partners that you will brainstorm with and this year I don't want any complaint about your partner you'll be with the person I picked and that's final the professor said.Coco your with Alec,Lucas with Hannah,Parker with Trent and Lucien you'll be with that girl in the corner.I have a name you know Haley muttered .Haley turned to look at Lucien who was sitting in the back with Alec he was calm and collected but he seemed grim.Well this is going to be difficult she thought.

Hey Lucien,wait up Haley shouted behind him.Lucien hesitated for a while but them he stopped allowing Haley to catch up to him.So do you have anything info mind for the science fair,I was thinking lasers what about you Haley said enthusiastically.Lucien didn't say something for a while and Haley was getting impatient but finally he turned to Haley.Fine then we'll do lasers.You know if you have something in mind you should say it Haley said.I have nothing we'll do lasers Lucien replied even though he seemed like he was thinking.Ok then so how about we meet up after school at my house to start planning Haley said sounding exited.There was a sudden twinkle in his red eyes but it quickly disappeared when he replied with a nod and walked away.

Hey Haley ,Coco said as she walked to the table she was sitting at in the cafeteria.Hey,so have you started planning for the science fair Haley said curious to know what Coco was planning.Not really I'm not really the science type so I allow my partners to come up with idea then I try my best to help out with the project Coco mumbled as she ate the salad on her tray.

Later that day Haley was walking past the forest near her house on her way home when she saw a black shadow in the bushes.Victor if that's you then come out now she said making it clear she wasn't scared anymore.There was no response so she walked closer to the bush to see what it was,she had taken out her spell book and was getting ready to shoot whatever came out of the bush with a freezing spell.She got to the bush and as soon as she was going to bend down she was pounced on by something that looked like a dog but wasn't a dog,this had sharper teeth and it claws were longer.A wolf she gasped.Being caught of guard she couldn't react quickly and was bit on her right arm by the creature.Haley let out a big screamed that anyone in the neighborhood could have heard.The wolf could smell someone coming and quickly ran into the forest.

Haley are you ok,Lucien shouted as he ran to her.He was early and was able to see what happened to her.Haley's vision was getting blurry and she was able to see Lucien kneel over before everything went black.

Meanwhiles in the wood the wolf was feeling victorious over its accomplishment,It had got a blood sample of his target and now he could start working on its plan.

Haley woke up in her room and sitting on a chair besides the bed reading a science book was Lucien.What happened Haley said quietly.She looked her arm and then she remembered everything.Damn it I let my guard down again she muttered.But how,how could a wolf have been able to find her,not that the human realm didn't have wolves living on it but how could one be in the neighborhood,could there be a whole family of wolves in the forest,her life was definitely in danger now.As she muttered to herself she couldn't see that Lucien had been looking at her and was actually amused by this.

Haley suddenly looked up to see Lucien at her keenly and turned red in embarrassment.Did you hear anything she asked.Not really I just enjoyed seeing so confused Lucien replied a small smile appearing on his face.So do have ideas on the project Haley asked stuffing her face into her pillow.Yeah,I was thinking a laser gun machine that shoots at a 380 degree angles Lucien said wiping the smile from his face.Well then we're going to have to make the weight equal so it doesn't slip while shooting Haley said sitting upright on her bed.She bent down and opened the drawer near the bed and took out a notebook and a pen.

After planning for sometime they agreed to meet again tomorrow.So who's the boy aunt Victoria asked exited your as Haley walked into the living room.That was Lucien and he's just my classmate nothing more Haley said plopping herself into the chair. Haley's phone began to ring suddenly.She looked at the screen and saw that her friend Mia was calling.Taking a deep breath she braced herself for the screams of her friend and of course she was right.Haley,oh my gosh are you ok,did anything happen to you,tell me your safe Mia shouted over the phone.Mia relax I'm fine everything's ok,relax and tell me what's wrong Haley replied curious to know why her friend was screaming so much.Jonas's back Mia shouted.Haley's face suddenly dropped and her phone slipped from her now sweaty palms hearing those two small words.It can't be, no it's just not possible he was banished to the under world.Haley could feel the tears falling down her now pale cheeks