
My Vampire Secret

Haley is a vampire girl banished to the human realm for one year because of her rebellious behavior and when she gets there she has to live wit her aunt Victoria,uncle Sybil and her cousins Christa and Christina.As she stays with them will she able to change her ways and leave this realm early or will she completely wiped from existence by her enemies

Dandelion_blue · Khoa huyễn
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13 Chs

Sleep Over

Haley wake up class is over,Coco said patting Haley's back gently.Haley woke up with a yawn and wiped the drool of her mouth,thanks for covering me Coco I haven't been sleeping well lately because of you know who Haley said lazily.It's ok anything for my friend as long as it means well Coco replied with a sweet smile.

How's the project with Alec going Haley asked trying to keep herself from falling asleep in the hall way.Well,we've got the topic we just haven't started it Coco said with a guilty look on her face.Seriously,what was the point of even going to the library for the science book if your not even making use of it Haley said irritated by her friends laziness.Look it not my fault you know I'm not good in science she said innocently,making her eyes shimmer.Haley looked at her seriously and said if your not going to do anything you better find a way for you to pay for what you made happen to me.But I didn't do anything to you besides what happened in that library wasn't my fault Coco said walking a few steps behind Haley.Haley suddenly turned around and her eye color changed red and her aura was deadly and fearless.

Ok please don't give me that look how about you come for a sleep over at my house today seeing that it's Friday Coco said excitedly.Nah I don't do sleep overs there kind of not my thing Haley said looking guilty and angry.Why are you looking so guilty Haley did you do something before this Coco asked moving closer to Haley with a curious look on her face.

Well don't laugh and don't judge me but,when I was just 16 I went for a sleepover at my friend Mia's house and well.Haley took a big breath and began to explain.I was a little innocent yet I was sassy and confident.I arrived at her house that day thinking she was the only child.I was getting something to eat in the kitchen when a handsome blond haired guy walked in and it seemed like he was drunk.Hey what are you doing here he asked me stumbling to the counter.

I didn't say anything to him and he got angry.After he ran out of the room looking red and I ignored him and walked to the living room.It's turns out Mia's parents weren't around that day so that night so while me and Mia were sleeping that same drunk guy,still drunk drugged me something and the next morning I woke up in his bed but he wasn't there.I screamed and made Mia rush up to the room.After crying for sometime she told me she had a brother that had been living in London for sometime and had just come back.

Wait, wait ,wait are you telling me that you have a secret child Coco asked anxious to know everything.Of course not even though he was drunk he used protection which surprised me.Well them I should probably tell you that I have a step brother but it's ok he has a girlfriend and his always in his room besides his already 20 Coco said excitedly.

You really don't get it do you Coco Haley said facepalming.oh come on Haley it'll be fun and we'll get to know each other better,I promise you that nothing bad will happen Coco said sweetly.Haley looked at Coco who had a sweet smile on her face.Fine I'll do it Haley said as it was clear that she was defeated.But if anything happens you responsible.Coco nodded her head excitedly and squealed quietly.This is going to be interesting Haley thought.

So um Haley before the sleepover can you answer these questions Coco said walking quietly behind her.Haley nodded and Coco took a breath.First of all do you have any secrets.Haley suddenly turned behind and looked at Coco seriously with piercing red eyes.You know what never mind,secondly is there something that can make you sick.No Haley replied coldly.Ok last question is there a chance your scary ex might show up at my house Coco asked her voice trembling.

Haley stopped walking as her heart began to beat faster and tears began to fall down her cheeks.Luckily there were only five people in the hallway including her and Coco.I.I don't know,I don't want to put your life in danger too Coco maybe we should cancel this sleepover she said weeping.Haley I'm sorry I didn't mean to remind you of him and no my life won't be in danger my step brother Victor will be there and if it makes you feel any better I can invite the pervert(Lucas)or Lucien,he seems stronger Coco said with mixed emotions as she comforted Haley.

Wait did you say your brothers name is Victor Haley said still weeping but a little more energetic.Yeah what about him Coco said starting to get suspicious.Nothing I just feel like I know him,but there could be thousands of Victors in California Haley said trying her best not to seem guilty.Ok so are you coming for the sleepover Coco asked enthusiastically.Yeah sure as long as you invite both Lucas and Lucien.Haley didn't know why she wanted Lucien to be there since she hadn't built that of a good relationship with him besides he probably wouldn't go for a girls sleepover.

Yay,so the sleepovers on Coco squealed in excitement,Coco then took her phone from her bag and dialed a number.Hey mom,my friends are coming over for a sleepover tonight so can you please tell nanny Jade to prepare the place Coco said innocently.Haley feeling weak leaned on one of the lockers and waited for Coco finish talking.After like 1 minute Coco finished talking with a smile on her face.So what time should I come over Haley asked with a yawn.4 o'clock sharp Coco replied scrolling through her phone contacts.Isn't that a bit early Haley asked quietly.No as a matter of fact that is as late as you can come so please don't be late and don't worry I'll text you the address Coco said and left.Seriously this how you leave me I still have more than a thousand questions Haley said walking away from the school entrance.

Thanks for reading this chapter I hope you guys liked it.Please vote for this book as it would really benefit and motivate me.

Lots of love ❤️🥰🥰