
My Vampire Lover!

28 year old Olivia has an okay life and might get a good job, but on one fateful day when she bumped into a stranger her life changed forever.

Them_Weed_Bitchz · Thanh xuân
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10 Chs

Whats The boss Like: part 2

Dark blue eyes, long black hair with the tips died yellow, pale skin with thick lips that looked as if they were glowing."It's her!" I thought in horror. "If I explain what happened maby she'll let me of the hook." "Wait, if she knows who I am and still let me in maby all ready knows!" Stuff like that speeded through my mind.

"Your Miss Ennards yes?" Asked another one of the workers. "Yes." I answered. "Good, Miss Ennards this is your new boss, Miss Ivy Ravener."

"Miss Ravener? That's her name?" I wondered.

Miss Ravener then stared at me like she new what I was thinking. "Mister Jones you may leave." Said Miss Ravener.

"Yes ma'm." Mister Jones answered.

As the door closed Miss Ravener came up to me and said "Okay, you have to do what I say here got it I sware to god if your one of "those girls" I'll get rid of you right away!"