
Fever ?

Sebastian looks at the boy who eats peacefully from his plate. The glances he gives Dina are not left unnoticed by him. Looking at the boy who blushes, he feels disgusted.

Lord Sebastian, in a flash, remembers when he used to be like that. Cassandra would dress beautifully in that dress and he would take her to dinner. His cheeks would blush and his voice would say unsalted remarks accompanied by a kiss on her red lips.

Remembering this makes him want to destroy both of the youngsters sitting peacefully at the table. Why did he have to be reminded always about his dark past through the damned boy?

A dark aura is felt coming from the opposite head of the table. Sebastian doesn't have any appetite for food, he stares deeply at August. If his eyes had the power to make holes, August's body would have been riddled.

He glances at the girl who eats with pleasure the pudding. Her rosy cheeks are covered by some pudding. He laughs shortly and rises from the table. He comes towards them and stops when he reaches her seat.

"Look at me, my Queen." His voice makes Dina raise her face to him. The man bends down and with the napkin he took from his pocket he cleans her face.

Dina feels dumbfounded. Her eyes gaze at the man who wipes thoughtfully her cheeks. Her eyes glance at the pudding left.

'Can't he let me finish the pudding?' The thought makes her form a small frown.

"Now you are pretty again," Sebastian smirks and looks at the frown she's making. His finger points at her forehead, and the girl automatically loses her frown." You are going to get wrinkles, my Queen."

"You think?" The girl raises her eyes frowning as she presses her fingers on her forehead. She feels used to his smirk. No reason to be repulsed when she knew that he was harmless. Or so she thought...

"If you continue to frown, you will get wrinkles. Humans get pretty wrinkly when they grow old …." His remark is almost making Dina tell him that she will be fine since she is a vampire. She stops biting her lip.

"Are you leaving?" The girl looks at him as he stays near her chair on his feet for a few minutes.

"Yes.", he looks at the way she looks at the pudding and continues, "Eat well, not just pudding. Humans get sick of things they eat often …" His short laugh is heard as he strolls towards the stairs. In his thoughts, Cassandra was the one he was referring to. Only August understands the parallel.

Dina frowns again and gets back to eating. She will eat till she gets sick of that pudding anyway. She didn't have an appetite for anything else, either way.

August felt like a stone was lifted from his heart as the man left without making a scene. His sigh makes the girl glance at him.

Their eyes meet and he quickly looks away, the image of her naked flashing before his eyes.

"Hey …. You are going to see me naked soon. Get used to it!" Dina laughs, hoping that the boy will become less tense. What could she do else? Is not like she could make the boy forget what he saw. He seemed to be pretty ashamed of seeing it, so saying it as a joke would make him understand that she didn't have any hard feelings towards him.

August flinches and blushes more. His hand crossed his hair. Seems that her joke had the opposite effect on him. With Angelo, her jokes worked pretty well at diffusing the tension between them. August was too sensitive ….

Dina sighs mentally and thinks of another way to make the boy comfortable. Her pudding was almost over; however, she didn't want to leave the table without solving the awkwardness between them.

"Don't be so embarrassed about this. Is not like you didn't see me before in a swimsuit. You overreacting again …" Her sigh makes the boy say something in his defense.

"I don't overreact! Is just that …" His voice interrupts when he realizes what he wants to say next.

Dina looks suspiciously at him and his plate. With her fork, she fishes a potato from his plate.

"Just what? "She says while munching on the baked potato she took from him.

He frowns and steals her fork that has half a potato left. "Nothing! And don't steal my food! "He can't tell her what he feels, especially knowing that she saw him just as a friend.

"Hey! It was my fork!" The girl points at him and frowns. What was wrong with him? How dare he steal her food?

"And that was my potato! "His voice is spitting as he finishes munching the potato. Her fork is in his hands.

She takes her fork back and looks like she wants to stick her fork in a plate near his. But with a sudden move, she steals a potato from him again. This time she bursts laughing and she munches the whole piece without leaving anything on her fork.

The boy looks at her having a different reaction from what she expected. He is beet red and shifts his look from her face.

"….." August feels like this was torture. Not only did he see what was not supposed to see, but now she eats with the fork he had in his mouth few seconds.

'Is it weird that I think we had an indirect kiss?" His thoughts are twisting over this matter making him frustrated. His palms cover his face as he waits to calm down.

Dina is glancing at him. The potatoes were good, so she continued to steal from his plate.

When August lifts his face off his palms his plate is empty. He laughs shortly and glances at the girl who turned to her pudding.

His eyes observe the dress that makes her boy too curvy for his eyes.

'Was she always this pretty? …' The thought is continuing like a train …He never saw her before in a dress. The loose pants and shirts she would wear hid her body well. It was once that he saw her in a swimsuit but he wasn't looking at her with the same eyes as now. Was he falling slowly? Or too sudden?

He liked her. Even though he knew that she would be his bride, he didn't have that in mind when he was her friend. Or maybe he had ...Was he not realizing it? After the talk and the way, she told him that he was still her friend despite him hurting her in the basement, he felt like she was closer to his heart.

His heart beats as he analyses this matter in his head. The conclusion is simple: He loved the girl.

His eyes observed her body, now gazing at her face.

Dina felt his gaze but she thought that maybe he was angry and glared at her. Her eyes were on the pudding, that now is finished. She glances at him to see if he is still glaring.

The girl is frowning when she sees the boy. His cheeks were still rosy and the way he looked at her like in a daze made her worry.

Stretching her hand, she wants to put the back of her palm on his forehead. He flinches and wants to lean back.

"Stay still!" Her raspy voice makes the boy boil more. He avoids her hand leaning back despite her warning.

"I am fine …..I am going to my room …" He wants to rise. He can't stay here anymore. The hotness of his skin made him burn from the inside.

The girl stands up before him and tries to put her hand on his forehead but he avoids her moving his head in all directions.

'Why are you coming this closer …. your chest is too close …' His eyes try to avoid the neckline that is inviting him to look deeper.

'At this rate, I will faint …' His thoughts are stopped when the girl grabs his hair.

"Just stay still! Don't anger me …" She frowns and presses her hand on his forehead. His cheeks look redder than before.

He feels dizzy …The blood rushed into his body.

"You have a fever! You so hot …I think you caught a cold!" She looks down on him and frowns.

Her hand is pushed from his hair by August and he stands up.

"I am fine …And I didn't catch a cold …" He moves with fast steps towards his room, leaving Dina behind.

She scratches her head …Should she follow him and take care of his cold? He was having a fever for sure.

"Where are you going …" Her mumble is not heard by the boy who is already out of her sight.

August bites his lip as he goes up the stairs. He still feels his hair being pulled. The girl's hand felt good, however, he would make sure she would never touch his hair again. It was dangerous for him.

'I think I caught feelings for you ….' He rushes feeling that his body needs it as soon as possible a cold shower.

Waiting for comments !

First ch for today ...enjoy !

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