
Day 4

As everyone ate breakfast, I noticed the old man isn't present I ask Sheena she thought he was next to her Sheena looked so radiant I asked her if she saw herself in the mirror she said that the sink doesn't have a mirror I pull out a vanity with an internal battery for the lights, I say come take a look, her hair silky smooth, her skins seems to have a shine and she no longer has bags under eyes another thing she noticed when looking at her status under ailments its blank before I gave her the normal potion it was labeled with anemia she starts to tear up I pull out a box of tissues but as she cries the old man comes out no longer using a cane walks over and stops at the mirror he is slender back is straight and looks visibly younger his age did not change but his posture and the way he overall looks Sheena looks at her grandfather and is reminded of how he was when she was a child a tall man proud and strong. Old man Fuji shakes my hand he said that he made his class under Masterful Artisan description reads – a Master at creation Carpentry, Tailoring, Armorer, Metalsmith (includes all types of smithing), Electrician, Blueprint maker, Glazier, Machinist, Farrier, Handyman, Book Binding, Repairing, etc... the list seems endless Oldman Fuji explains he created a custom class allowing him to be utilize all his previous work experience. I tell people that tonight everyone will receive the same potion they drank but depending if they join the community they all agree and we head out I put more flyers about a safe zone and recruitments for an Assassins Guild/Creed. As we headed back I see some familiar faces and a few faces after I left yesterday to bring Elena back Donny went to get his Ex she is a good friend of the family and even though they have a falling out Donny still cares for her a great deal (to be honest I also had an ex I wanted to bring but we haven't seen each other in years and well I never had the opportunity of meeting her family nor did I know where she lived we were together for a few good years but as she said it was my fault for getting things the way they were I guess that's true but that's a story for another time) Donny told my Ma and Step-dad that he was going to get her after getting a team together he went out on foot and made sure to bring a food bag and a few Potions the medical staff had a graveyard shift and offered to stay up to receive any wounded, Donny headed to his ex's place once their he was worried the place was ransacked and a few mimics were dead some still patrolled the building she was located but no blood meaning they got away a note was left for Donny saying she was on her way to my place to pick me up she is a friend of mine so its cool she was looking out but I guess Donny didn't let her know that I was already coming home for the last part of my vacation. Donny finds survivors and he was always good at convincing people so he managed to get a few new fighters to join him as he got closer to my old apartment he did a sweep to make sure there were no mimics or people converted surprisingly everyone still had power in the building and most windows were grated so nothing could get in he told the tenants of the building that there is a safe zone but most people said they were fine explaining that before I left I gave most people in the building a good supply of food and access to the roof that housed a greenhouse and Solar farm that is connected to a backup power system and a rainwater and purifier collection system made for emergencies so almost everyone was ok unfortunately some neighbors didn't believe the situation of what was going on outside and left to walk their dogs its sad to say those people haven't returned, although saddened the reason why most of the tenants said they wont leave are one because they are scared but the other reason the person who owns the building, that if you need anything there is someone living in the supers apartment to ask him for any needed supplies and he has the keys to the other apartments from the other people who left we did get some new people in the midst of all this chaos they should be in the supers apartment, Donny realizes who they might be and rushes down Donny has a spare key so he gets in to find an empty apartment he sinks down to his knees distraught and thinking the worst when a sudden noise catches his ears he turn to see a staircase appear and Donny's ex April walks next to him asking if he is ok, Donny gets up to embrace her she accepts his embrace even though she is there he asks how about her family she said her dad and mom are downstairs relaxing in the hot springs that's your brother made and dumbfounded Donny said "what's down their"?!? he walks down stairs and sees multiple rooms all labeled Armory, Hydroponics, Hot Spring/ Bath, Storage/ Kitchen, GYM, Bedroom, and Communication Hub. Donny looks around completely astonished and then worried that if the apocalypse did not happen then his brother was losing his mind, as Donny got his bearings from not feeling dizzy of how much all this costs Donny asked (NAME) how many does the bath hold she said it's a 2 baths one side for men the other for women from what we saw id say it should fit about 15 people or less Donny goes back outside and tells his troops to come in the Front door is secure and Knowing Raphael I bet its bulletproof. Everyone looks Donny and agrees, as they walk into the Apartment of the Leader a Medic looks around she said she expected more a decent couch, a huge screen TV a fridge a decent kitchen a recipe book on the kitchen counter a master bedroom, a nicely sized bathroom and a game room filled with different a nice selection of games and DVD's seems pretty nice then Donny tells them you haven't seen anything yet there is a hidden switch that Donny found behind the couch it slide the couch to the right and opens a stair case Donny Tells everyone to leave their stuff in the couch no one is hurt so the Medic and 2 gunners (Women) and 4 Men including Donny. After some introductions and meeting the new guy that's staying in Raphael's place Donny tells him has he been in the other room he sad I was in the Armory in with him when he came but I honestly can shoot a gun at all and I put it back the Bedroom and the other rooms are locked but the Hot springs are nice I'm not sure why he made it so big or where he is getting all the water from but its insane I haven't slept in his bed the Wife said we shouldn't be using this apartment but its definitely a nice way to enjoy the 2nd night everyone in the building knew about the Hot Springs, and the storage area has no door for easy access there is a fridge back there and next to it is a industrial Boiler and Gas panel along with a back-up generator, even though it is next to the walk in Fridge its sealed away with the key on the door handle Donny shines a light at the handle and notices the glimmer of more keys Donny unhooks the other keys an leaves the boiler key attached, now equipped with the keys to the Armory, Communication hub, Storage 2? And the Bedroom key. Donny first opens up the Armory shocked by the amount of weapons that are on display as well as a few weapon cases that are now classified as Loot boxes upon touching the case one of the guards shout at Donny to come back as Donny leaves the Armory changes and as Donny Reaches the threshold of the Doorway it shuts closed once again and the sign that read Armory changes as a light source changes its design now reads Treasure room 1 the other doors close as well by itself and all of a sudden the entire building is swaying as if it's about to collapse. *at this moment in time Raphael made his mana circuit and became much stronger not realizing his owned property would change with his own improvement* Donny and the tenants all leave the building scared of what is happening seeing the structure of the building crumble Donny then shields April but then as he is expecting pain he looks back the Building is reforming its self the buildings close by are converging and becoming one then one of Donny's guards notice that the basement is becoming a garage for multiple cars the building gets bigger resembling a small modernized Fort then the armor and weapons they carry shine a blinding light overtakes them and although everything looks the same the guards feel lighter a new skill come up in their status screen "Equipment" it allows the player to assign armor/clothes to benefit player some items may have an added benefit. Donny notices that all the armor has a life shield small but can block a fatal blow/wound once resistance to damage increased, leg armor increased agility higher jump available (double jump available in safe zones) Fall damage resistance in boots, and since Donny still had sunglasses on his person his sunglasses became every situation eyewear *has the option to change to sun protection, clear, thermal vision, x-ray vision, black and white Thermal vision, night vision, and Scope x6* classified as Legendary Glasses. Then as everyone gets used to the new armor the tenants and April along with her family also receive this new skill on top of that the keys they have shine and change the apartment numbers are still the same the first tenants that go in notice the doors are completely different as the couple who were allowed access to Raphael's apartment decide to open their door first the others are too afraid to open theirs when a woman screams the other tenants rush in to help the couple who went in Donny goes first and everyone is just taken a back by how high the ceiling is the furniture is different the kitchen bigger and everyone see's the husband at the door way he looks back and says it's a miracle and his wife comes out with 2 older people the wife states hello everyone this is my mother and father I don't know how but they said they were defending their home from the mimics with little food left praying for a miracle and next thing they know they were in our bedroom the husband said he was lost his parents when he was young but his sister is out there somewhere and then a thump sound comes from a room then a audible OW comes from the door, Donny opens the door and a woman comes out swinging she looks around and bursts to tears seeing the couples husband he breaks down and they hug each other she said the last thing she remembers was hiding from those monsters they almost got me then a bright light shined and I was in that dark room then the other tenants realized what's happening they each get the option to bring their family members living elsewhere to their closed rooms as the building once quiet now filled with laughter and cheers until one wanted to go back they left behind good people the option to go back was available but before they left Donny decided to give those people extra armor, weapons, first aid supplies, and both food and inventory bags before that one person left Donny explained they will be on a frequency that they should find a person with the Pioneer class and create a Safe zone while trying to find a Ham radio, 3 more people had to go back they wanted to be selfish and stay with their families but after seeing this brave person they resolved themselves for those who were in the greater New York area they were told that a huge safe zone is established that they should only traverse during the daylight and were taught how to distinguish human from Mimic. After everything that happened it was time to open Raphael's apartment ACCESS DENIED Donny couldn't get in the only person that could get in was Raphael and as sunrise was fast approaching Donny said I wish I could have least grabbed a few weapons its as if the apartment heard Donny's words it showed 3 options for Donny a visible Sword – Rare, Loot box 1 Rare – Common, or ???? - ?????. Donny looks around and even though there are a few opinions Donny chose the mystery item - a sword sheathed will open for an owner deemed worthy *you will do for now if your nothing then I will find someone better* the previous owner of this weapon knew the swords true value - Classification Mystical class EGO Sword. *Can communicate with Owner*. Donny was floored until he unsheathed the blade it was rusty, the blade had all on the blade although it was easy to handle it needs a repair job Donny though the sword clapped back saying "you need a repair job" Donny asked what did they say looking at his friends everyone stated they said nothing the sword says "that was me you numpty moron" Donny looks around yelling who are you calling Numpty!!, The medic comes closer to Donny and states no said anything why don't you put down the sword and we can go the Sword yells in Donny's mind " don't let that bitch touch me, you put it together moron I am talk to you *Donny looks at the sword* yes you fucking dumbass I am talking to you the new sword in your hand if you give me a new name I will better than good as new." Donny said sorry everyone apparently what he has in hand is an EGO Sword and its talks with me it said that I should give it a name so I decided on something Japanese because it is a Samurai's Katana, one of Donny's friend claims that its just a throwaway sword that thing couldn't cut a piece of paper. The sword "hey asshat I can do way more than cut a piece of paper once my owner gives me a name, I can cut a building in half and become even stronger that I cut just about anything *Donny tells his sword no one can hear them* Furious the sword says Name me already". Donny states that from now on my sword will be named Kirisaku it means to Cut in Japanese. A blinding light engulfs the blade back in it's sheathe looks brand new Kirisaku yells at the guard who talked smack and he heard it NOTIFICATION – Mystical class equipment first found Title Given – "The First EGO Samurai" Title effects while title lists First EGO Samurai if Player has already Chosen Job then New Job is added along with benefits of Both Job classes kept NOTICE Ego Samurai and Samurai Job Classes clash Hidden Job Class given NOTICE NEW QUEST Given Kill Monsters with Kirisaku Time limit 3-days more monsters killed the better reward with each kill Kirisaku gets stronger Quest will begin when Kirisaku is used. Donny is glad the Quest won't begin yet he figures it would be more beneficial when he parties up with his brother the Gamer Class can bring about new possibilities and bets that it will change certain parameters. Donny puts Kirisaku away in his inventory but the sword reappears in his hand this goes on for 3 more tries until Kirisaku says I refuse take me with you on your hip or I will attract every monster in a 5miles radius, Donny looks around and says fine *muttering Stupid Sword* the sword is a viable attachment for the equipment menu and seemingly stays in place Donny can customize the sword changing its color and pattern he keeps the dark oak blood red design but tells Kirisaku that he will change the design to suit his missions in the future the sword looks forward to the day. After all was done Donny packs everything up April and family in tow head over to the Community Safe Zone, once they got there a house was given to the family close by to Donny's family Sunrise is etching closer and Raphael is coming to view with more new people and another woman clinging on his arm lucky old bastard. (Raphael's Point of View) Just before the community meeting started the Assassins and Ninja classes I sent out came back our meeting on the roof of HQ with new members on both sides when they swore allegiance their stats were boosted one person had a hidden achievement that allowed them to become a Hokage even though he has a higher tier and considered a Leader by all standards just like Sheena the First Hokage has acknowledged me as Leader/Master. The Hokage named himself under the guise of Midnight, Now with Midnight and Sheena they both use their skills to showcase what their subordinates obtained the Ninja obtained all the Books in the immediate area including any meds and convenient stores which made sense from the places i visited. The assassins main focus was to scope out any other potential big facilities currently speaking our abilities make the impossible more probable and i'm sure at a point when I become more stronger I will attempt to terraform this entire island technically we are connected to cities via a series of bridges but with a lot commercial "Sea" real estate it may be possible with my Gamer Class, in a sense I have the ability to live Life like a game so broad so by that broadness I can assume that any job can be learned and any skills can be obtained more so in an RPG(Role Playing Game) certain games have a method of learning skills and through that Skill Books were wildly popular some even branched out using skills crystals or even implementing a Skill Tree since I am a blank Slate and not a Character with a set amount of skills locked in place I can possibly use the books the Ninja clan has procured for me and use my innate appraisal skill to detect a Skill book and test out whether or not it can work with someone who is in a party with me allowing others to obtain a skill by proxy. The other thing useful I noticed my actions of using a gun, sword and Martial arts have created growth skills, Swordsmanship level is at 2 level 10 is master level 20 is grandmaster, Level 50 is Sword Saint and beyond is ??????, the only thing I have proficient in my Skill Level is lvl3 in fitness and Luck. The reason I had so many skills is probably because of all the notifications that popped up once before even with all these skills my Potion productions has finally reached a new tier of healing still a normal Potion level but now at the now at the midway point of reaching the goal to a Great potion it seems to have changed its tiers as I progress the tiers are for different healing effects, for instance I can now create a Mana Booster, Stamina Draught, Health Draught, Regen Potions that heal wounds along with give a boost to overall stamina 5hp per 10seconds. Although it seems with an upgrade to my mana pool the longer it takes to make a true elixir but from I can tell with a new Upgrade to my overall Mana pool it allows new usage to Potions in a more broader spectrum, meaning that its function is not only to heal wounds superficially but can cure diseases can be used to increase our Stats for short durations and possibly raise the dead some games have the capability to do so via items like a splash potion although I know the concept I can see that just by thinking about various game items I know existing in games wont become a viable skill until I learn the basics of the skill thankfully I will go over all the books I tell the Ninja Shadow Clan and the Assassin order if they have any books to place them in the auditorium stage along with 3 tables behind the Podium. I tell them once they are done they are dismissed to go back to their families and to those who have no one else use this time to make a plan on which…. Then a realization hit me after I notice monsters walking about across the street there is a huge building meant as a Condo complex it was abandoned because of unsafe conditions and was in the midst of repair I look over to Sheena and Midnight I tell them both to grab their best 5 people on both sides and be in front of that building in 10 minutes their will be another person joining you I yell out Jill's name knowing she followed me up here I give her new Armor it's a Lightweight design meant to for durability great defense and a side arm I teach her the skill Accuracy and hip fire along with 100 Normal Health Potions, 20 regen potions, the real Inventory skill, Jill looks distraught because she has been clinging to me ever since we fought together and to further cement this true subordinate I will do something I learn to regret, I tell Jill make sure you make it out in once piece I move closer to her ear my hand wrapped around her tight small waist and say you will be rewarded if you clear that dungeon Jill is visibly flushed red she says how will I be rewarded exactly I plant a soft passionate kiss on her cheek and say I will give you 3 more kisses wherever you choose when you get back, Jill bright red still feeling my kiss on her cheek she thinks for a moment 3 more kisses wherever I want she starts to laugh crazily I remind her she has 5 min to get ready and go after I say that she jumps off the building quick changes her gear and glides using her mana control to the front of the building she then clears out the front of the building patiently wait for the rest of the squad knowing if she went in by herself she would die and never receive my kisses. When I saw her jump then glide while quick-changing I realized I made a monster but the thought of her being loyal to me was all I cared about. Preparations for the First community meeting will happen soon I tell the Assassin order who are left as well as the Ninja before they head out to do an overhaul of the Food they procured as well as the any materials they have we will present that to the community make sure to keep the weapons best weapons for yourselves and leave the rest in the bags downstairs just before Sheena left to the building she ran over to me planted a kiss on my lips whispering hope I get that reward too winks and leaves the rest of the order and Clan look at me with a little kid mentality clearly blushing I cough as you were everyone Lexi rushes over after passing Sheena who is bright red clearly pissed at me Elena tags along to say thanks for the rescue of her Brother along with the family, my Mom and Brother also come to the roof just before Lexi has time to scold me about other women that keep showing up one of the inventory packs become erratic as if something is trying to escape then in a bright flash of light a ball of light appears before Elena at first I thought she is in danger then I realize like how I got my partner "Brave" Elena received something unexpected I looked over to the sword graveyard but the remaining swords have not reacted then a Pulsing wave comes out of the orb a voice beckons and only Elena hears it at the same moment Time freezes Raphael and Lexi are unaffected by the time stop and Lexi tunes in on the orb as it speaks I walk up to Elena who is freaking out I cup her cheek and say "Hey You nice to see you again" Elena lost for a moment comes back slaps my hand away I'm fine don't do that again Raph, I smile so the orb has chosen you aren't you going to reach out and touch it at least. Elena looks around and asks how is this possible and how come your moving around fine while everything has stopped. I show Elena my skill it's a Passive skill that if time slows down or Stops completely, I can move freely for 1hour then I will be affected to the time stop if I make it to 55min then its possible for a level up. I tell Elena this and she accidentally brushes the orb it pulses again and speak Power accepted…..generating suitable weapon for Player and a Book appears the book opens and scans the entire community, another voice states copying skills please be aware certain skills will be locked warning Custom classes may not be available to copy…..Custom class skill available if skill is activated I can become alive I look at Lexi and she is shocked whoa that mean I can have a sibling I tell Elena that Lexi isn't human but a System kinda like an android but instead of machine based she is Mana based the book downloads the Concept of Mana into her, and understands what Lexi is and so Elena tells the system to copy what she is and Elena will change the design to what she feels suits her system as well. Elena finishes her final touch while the book is obtaining a copy of all the skills in a 5 block radius, after a while just before the 55 min mark she finishes only to see Lexi making out with me and Elena looks at me with disgust changes one more thing with the model and then Elena confirms and a new System is born only meant for Elena a being she has named Sebas a Young Butler with a well-toned physique and much stronger than he appears he is also considered a Shadow Guardian. Sebas introduces himself by bowing like a butler would dignified and with class, time begins again and before realizing there is a man there Donny draws his sword I tell Donny he is a friend and Elena looks at Sebas like a kid poking at a new stuffed animal and asks what can Sebas so exactly I ask Lexi to generate a data cloud and pass it to Sebas all things pertaining to what a Butler and Service worker is capable of and include self-defense techniques as well as Guarding Elena using either his fists or a firearm kept into his inventory skill as it was passed to Sebas he obtained all the info in a fraction of a second apparently he has creation magic not as strong as Elena who becomes a new Supreme Mythical Sage – a Sage beyond the norm can use all elements and use Creation, Time, when leveled to a certain extent can unlock legendary grade magic possibly Mythical Grade as well. Elena turns to me and gives me a hug I hug her back I may love Elena like I did before, I feel like she only cares for me as a good friend we used to be the best of friends a long time ago and now I hope we can continue that friendship I wouldn't mind being more but that's not an option to pursue when she is ready I'm here and if she looks elsewhere then I am happy either way her happiness is my number 1 concern. As we part ways Lexi clings to my arm Donny and my Mom come up to me while Lexi gets off, my Ma slaps me saying I should stop giving her enough worry that she understands that I am stronger but she starts to cry saying that she doesn't want to lose anyone else I looks at my brother and as I was about to ask then we both just remembered our uncle who lives pretty close might need our help Donny sent out teams to look for our family members but they haven't reported in yet I ask 3 teams of 5 Ninja to look for my family members because the Ninja are much lighter and can get to a location much faster than any car can. Before they go, I give them all a stamina booster and fatigue remover potion, they move more swiftly and will make sure they bring all family members here if they are part of a community then we will provide them a means to communicate and defend themselves along with supplies of food mainly my emergency food. I gave my mother a long-range receiver and microphone. I tell her to put on a specific frequency when she plugs it in at home. I tell Donny to get the best Captains we have for Gunners the rest should be on patrol, When the Meeting starts I will say a little speech of what the plans are for the future as well new information that I need to bring you up to speed along with what is going on Donny also tells me what happened with my Building which reminded me that I have to go back and get the rest of the emergency food and to get the information hub online but let's leave that for another time I also ask if Sheena's grandfather has a video of himself recently he does thankfully I asked because I want to show the people the benefits of taking my Normal Health Potions in order to have everyone and the elderly become more useful if a fight breaks out, also any kids who are sick should drink I have about 500 bottles ready I need 99,500 more to upgrade into a new tier or work on my Mana circuit since I can do Potion making I need to learn more Quality of life Magic we don't know exactly when the water and the gas line will end. As prep continues the whole community of 645/800 people and growing from Farmers, Pioneers, and Productions classes to concerned citizens with small time skills. I stand at the podium facing at this community my clothes new and pressed, My good people of this new Community some of you know me and others have not my name is Raphael I am the Leader of this community the Man standing at my right is my Brother and the Gentleman at my left is the Former Chief of Police we are here today to discuss out next step initially out plan was create a stronghold to outlast anything but I see how that's not going to work, that and there is new city more spacious and safer that our little community I use my map function too show where we are and where the location of the Mizu city is located I tell them at the moment this is our ultimate goal it may take us longer because if the roads were clear normally it would take us half a day to get there now we have to be careful of other dangers such us these mimics we now have other creatures to contend with I bring up a feed using my map function to show what is around us those Tusk monsters (the elephant Mimic) and now it seems a that these dungeons we have cleared other people attempt to clear them that are not associated with us some have won and as you can see greed over takes them I wont show you the Brutality but as you can hear they killed their own friends or for that matter their own teammates just because they received better loot. Lexi please take over for this explanation, Lexi chimes in to inform that each person has a Status screen when a person say's the Phrase "Open Status" a Status Menu pops up with Raphael since he is a Gamer Class he has access to a different system entirely different luckily thanks to him I can use his skills as a proxy and in turn help everyone in our community change their Status window to a Status Menu the people in the community do not know what that means, Lexi coughs to clear her throat and repeats the line again I look back and see the perplexed faces of confusion, I turn to the people I tell them my apologies for Lexi she is still new to this world with that someone speak and asks what does that mean. I tell them that Lexi isn't a Human being she is a lifeform created by the my Gaming Class a System Born of Mana molded by thought she can bleed if she chooses but she can changer form to suit her needs if she wants to be taller she can if she wants to be small she can (as I say these things Lexi changes her appearances in a flash so a small as a new born Pup the crowd mumbling in shock, although she is not a Human by any standards I envisioned her this way to every detail of her skin, hair and eyes but I did not give her a soul the System that was different from what we received as "Players" kept fighting for control so my System My Lexi became her real self when we entered the dungeon and even though it has been a short time she is my right hand and so much more (Lexi looks up at me gleefully and flushed red) I tell the people in the community that if they have any questions to ask Lexi she has more info than the search engine Goggle. The People in the community all hit rapid fire questions to Lexi and along to Donny about what is going to happen, while they take care of those issues I start looking through the books after a while I don't hear anything then an uproar asking for me to come back with a production of a Skill book for Blacksmithing in my hand the people are outraged by my lack of presence, apparently it was the old bastards son from when his father tried to take over he wasn't here at the time but his father is trying to tell him to calm down he apologizes for his son but the young man isn't having it complaining as to why I am in the back theatre looking through books when I can be answering questions since I have a Book in hand it solidifies his claim and as I calm everyone down from the ruckus I tell everyone that I guess it's the perfect time. I step up to the podium I ask those who work in production if they can humor me and step to one side of the room and they rest of the people here who have odd jobs such as research, farmers, electricians, and other general classes that most people have stay on the other side the people agree so I walk in the middle who here on this non production side wished they chose Blacksmithing its only 3 days now that everyone has familiarized themselves with all the ins and out of our respective classes so I ask again who on the non-production side wished they chose Blacksmithing 1 hand raises up it was a young woman who joined our community thanks to Donny and his crew she stated that when she chose her class Chef it was because she was an excellent cook but when she sees the Blacksmithing she feels a new passion a drive to create armor and weapons for people not to fill only their hunger but to feel safe with her creation a young blacksmith came up and said he tried to teach the young lady but due to her class the system does not allow her to use blacksmithing tools I ask for an example as soon as she grabs the hammer she has to use all her might to swing the hammer let alone struggles to pick up the hammer I ask other men from the non-productive classes to do the same. The result became the same way although dejected the young woman tries again I grab the hammer and with ease I am able to use it I even juggle it for a brief moment and explain that as soon as I touched the hammer I received the skill Blacksmithing beginner level 0.

The people who tried to use the Hammer could not fathom why I was able to and my Class was different like theirs, I simply explained my Game Class is a Custom class its description – allows the player a Body to live the real world like a "Game". Although its broad I have come to the realization that any game that was created I may be able to use the mechanics who here was a gamer before this world went to shit c'mon don't be shy present yourselves, a few people step forward and so I talk to the people who stepped forward who here knows about JRPG or RPG's in general most of the people raise there hands again so if say your playing a game how does one get skills from what you have played a few people reply SKILL BOOKS so I hand the book to the young woman who wanted to be a Blacksmith she looks it over and says it's a regular book about Blacksmithing and replies with are you making fun of me I tell her wait and I yell to the rest of the people can everyone see the book in her hand I bring her to the stage next to the podium as you all can see it's a regular book correct, the Young man who instigated the situation yells get on with it what is the point everyone can see it clearly its just a book Donny also has multiple repeats of the same book and passes it around as you all can see a regular book the same on in her hand, some of you people are new but those from the community that I established know all too well what my Game class can do so I invite everyone to my party in the auditorium and state a popup should appear before all of you join the party as everyone does new skills pop up to those new and old Inventory skill and Mana Circuit skill given with Mana Circuit skill given everyone can now regenerate their own Mana allowing a better use of their skills not only that the books passed around and the book in the young woman's hand began to pop up a small window Blacksmithing Skill book would you like to learn [YES] or [No]. The people stunned and the Young woman without hesitation hits Yes the Book glows then shatters a stream of light engulfs her body and then a notification appears Sub Job Created Blacksmithing given Normal Level 5, Blueprinting Level 3, Manufacturing Level 2, chance at creating Masterwork 2%, she jumps down the young man catches her and she grabs his hammer with ease and is so excited she kisses the Young Man everyone ooo's like school children as people start to laugh the one young man projects himself so what someone is able to do this only because of your Game Class I disband the party and as the hammer resting on a chair the young woman tries to pick up the hammer I look at her smiling with a wink she understands she fakes trying to lift the hammer as the people look disappointed the Young man yells SEE HE IS A WORTHLESS LEADER the young lady yells !!Just kidding!! lifts the hammer with ease and tosses it to the rude boy and he falls back from the weight of the Hammer. Everyone chuckles and when I explain the Inventory skill along with the way to quick equip, I tell my community that I will be using the skills books only to benefit our way of life and to keep our community safe from danger and I will present all the books that are repeated along with a description of what they offer. Applause is ringing out in the auditorium; I tell everyone Meeting is done and I go back to what I was doing I tell Donny that I would be here a while that he should see April his ex she could use your presence before he steps away Donny pats my shoulder I'm glad your back Bro see you at dinner. Lexi pull up with me and starts organizing the pile of books I pull out new tables from my inventory and with Lexi we organize everything via category Skill books that create sub jobs, Skill books that create combat skills, and Skill books related to gaming the book I was aiming for is a popular game called "MineCreate" a game using an avatar of your make goes and creates anything at their disposal the twist being everything in the world is made up as rectangle blocks a really innovating game, can create farming and its tools can really change our way of life and luckily with my Game skill it works I am able to learn Skills from one book and since I have at least 50 repeats I can essentially learn every skill this game has to offer. I also notice that the passive skills I have learned that do not require Level ups immediately transfer to a new skill that's also thanks to Lexi that can tweak the system to allow me to obtain only new Skills from each use as apart to another person they would have to use the same book multiple times to get a different skill and when the same skill pops up either the skill gets enhanced in XP or a Level goes up. As soon as MineCreate is learned my menu changes to a new HUD like MineCreate's HUD but different I get used to it because I can keep some things hidden from view and not impair my vision. The Next game books I am looking for is games associated with RTS, Defense Tower Games, Combat spells, and ways to increase my Mana Capacity as well as Skill books to increase my overall stats. After a few hours of becoming increasing my Mana pool I need more time to do a Breakthrough but its Dinner time and I rather not keep the family waiting Lexi stops me and plants a passionate kiss on me I ask her what's that about she looks at me and says I didn't want to lose the war Jillian who is behind me stares with bloodlust at Lexi who glares back Sheena who comes back next to me swoops in and lays another kiss on me we got the Dungeon and it is now the Assassins HQ we can build it up to be a new heights. Jillian looks at me and begins to tear up and wipes her tears I wont lose either just as she is about to grab me another woman yanks me away Not Sheena, not Lexi, not even Elena but a medium sized big boobed pink hair woman plants a deep passionate Kiss on me and says I missed you my husband all the other women yell out Husband??? Jillian's mouth ajar flabbergasted and Lexi knows damn well that I was never married Married before who is this strange girl and why does she feel so familiar.