
Day 3

I never learned to drive but thankfully I have Lexi while on our way Lexi managed to make this Car run on a Mana battery. Gas works fine the only thing with Mana we can cruise without too much noise take out my P90 from my inventory I add some attachments as well as a extended magazine and a stock for better balance, a Much better Silencer hollow points are in and my side has changed to a glock modified barrel and barrel drum magazine while on the way I started to use my HUD option more since I have I can equip and unequip at an insane speed I say the weapon or the number that's in its designated slot in my mind and I can take it out I stop using it after getting confused then I realized I can have my hud open but still hidden so I leave these modified weapons in the hotbar just in case I need a back up weapon I get 2 Modified P90 silenced heavy mags as we pull up to Elena's block from the looks of it a dozen or more Mimics are trying to break into the gate I toss 1 Gun to Lexi she kneels in front of me and we fire into the bastards luckily the street lamps still have power so we can see where to shoot they all drop, Lexi notices that someone put a Magical barrier at the Gate entrance way Lexi sets up a steel wall barrier with a steel door locked with slab and made a pretty tall airlock with barbed wire and metal spike on the outside walls I used my Mana control to take off the Barrier and told Lexi to wall off the Gap from the top of this building towards the airlock she built but she would have to include a smaller airlock on the Roof and bullet/shatter proof windows infused with a Mana barrier and a Mana battery operated controlled spotlights at the entrances of each entryway to this apartment building this building had 3 entrances all leading to a 6 floor Apartment complex each floor had about 4 apartments so now with Lexi's help we went to checked each entrance for any signs of a break in or it being unlocked one entrance was shattered open we both cleared floor by floor 2 out of 4 apartments had mimics broken into when people heard the shots they went to check Lexi and I were in Camo Gear the people mistook us for Military we both did our exams on people who managed to block their doors on time I asked that we were looking for a friend I described her and one tenant stated she was in Building A the super is on this floor his apartment is the one you came out of he would have the keys to the the building, I tell her thank you for your cooperation she asks if we had any food on hand I tell Lexi to go get the Bag of food we left in the apartment and share it with everyone else *wink* * Lexi heads in the darkness then comes back out with case of 10 Canari Mates 4chocolate, 2cheese, 2 fruit, and 2 plain biscuit, I tell Lexi go to every door that's locked let them know we are Military trying to get more people to a temporary safe zone and let hem now if their ok to be checked for a medical screening I will clear the last floor along with give them food as well, the Last floor seemed ok I knocked each door checked the tenants who allowed the screening and left the Canari Mates on the Ground of the locked doors with a note that we are going to bring more people to a safe zone pack your things if you want to go if not their will be a Crate of food and weapons to keep people safe in a week's time those who wish to evacuate meet downstairs in the morning. I head back downstairs and wait for Lexi while waiting I decide to clear Building B I left the Key in the door, clearing each Floor looks like everyone is fine got a few catcalls from a few tenants but ultimately not interested. After coming back Lexi clearly pissed about me leaving without her someone comes out Building A with a knife in hand when the person comes closer I can see its Elena her dark long hair, her dark brown eyes that, her smile that first made my heart flutter, we grew as friends together I can honestly say she was my first real Best friend, after a on and off roller coaster during our H.S days I've dealt with other women but none could hold a flame to Elena she was my first kiss in life we shared a bond that scared me at first, I wished I never let go from her sight and the regret I have most in life is seeing her in the arms of a man I never liked but I wanted her to live her life and if she truly felt happiness from being with this person what right would I have to snuff that happiness away. I never stopped loving Elena she will forever be the first woman that I have thought of marrying settling down and having kids with, when this happened this Apocalypse I could not stop thinking of Elena even though she may never have the same feelings again just knowing she is safe I hold her in my arms as she cries then wipes her tears she looks at me you look better how come you don't have your glasses on, well a lots happened since then I heard your mom got slightly hurt she is looking around how come my brother isn't with you I tell her what happened without missing a beat most people would think that's not a good idea because their trying to save face or try not to give too much detail but I look at Elena I tell her that I am taking you away from here and were bringing your parents too we have doctors that can take care of any injuries they may have. I walk into their apartment her mom see's me and says thank god you're here I tell them that their son got into a fight with those creatures and we saved him he was injured but not to bad I give them a Party invite and show them how to use the upgraded inventory they were astonished they could bring everything, I also introduce Lexi and show them that she is an automaton but way more advanced. After a few moments of gathering their clothes, we leave notes outside the doors informing people that a truck will come by tomorrow before noon to pick anyone up and a Mandatory health screening must be done when arriving to the base, if anyone is who wants to bring Luggage we can provide new accommodations we can provide new homes to those who can offer something to the community we are building we even have Community meeting that will allow all voices heard and any questions answered No class is too small and combative classes is a Plus, a Scout will come back to retrieve your belongings if you requested. Thank you for your cooperation. I see Elena waiting for me at the door with Lexi checking things out in the street as were leaving a huge Mimic the size of Monster Truck walks into view on all fours, I tell Lexi to head back into base I will get this things attention so it doesn't chase you I start shoot it with my P90 running the opposite way Elena wants to help but was stopped by Lexi I tell her to build better Defenses around the perimeter and using the Cars as material as well as keep Elena and her family safe put her family to the House next to my Mother's I stare into Elena's eyes as I said all these things Lexi is jealous but because she knows how much Elena means to me (since she Joined she has all my memories she understands that I would never forgive her if something happens to Elena) as they pull away I use Brave to cut into one of this monsters legs as it gets closer it falls when it falls its starts to bubble and at least 50 mimics to leak out from the open wound the Big Mimic reduced in size after about 5 minutes of hack n slashing with brave they finally went down littering the streets, (this big Mimic was later classified as Mammoth-Mimic) as I started to walk back from that Elena old place I'm sure they got back ok there were multiple convenient stores we past along the way so I decided to go and make a few pit stops along the way. The places were mostly cleaned out Luckily the Shelves and the appliances were still intact I stores all others would consider Junk I also looked for any money or Personal Safes just cuz the world went to shit we don't Know when the Government will take initiative and try and take control from what I will try to build from what I can tell this is everywhere as I am about to go to the next location I leave a Note to where a safe zone is and the promise of food and shelter Hopefully the team I sent to those Industrial supply stores became more fruitful and from the looks of it even if there are books that don't glow for me like the others see I can pickup a book for learning something and my Gamer Class see's the Book as a Skill Book or a Magic Tome meaning I can learn just about anything that has meaning behind it, I haven't tested on certain books Like crafting games guidebooks will it give me its abilities or just the theorem behind its principles since Mana is real and these new Class abilities, Loot, and Dungeons its safe to say it may be possible that I can use a video game ability which makes my mind explode with the possibility. I am almost back after doing some auto Looting a few stores, I am few blocks away when I hear screams for help it may be a trap but I cant ignore it I rush over to the screams a Mimic is in a Mans chest cavity eating his heart I shoot it dead before it fully turns into the guy the woman is screaming as if its happening still in front of her she is about my age maybe younger her tears are running continuously I lock in eye contact and she starts to calm down I am staring her down and she looks at me like a deer in head lights I start breathing heavily in the through the nose exhaling out she is doing the same I tell her I have medical knowledge that I'm going to do a quick check she isn't a mimic but the weirdest thing I see a body on the ground with her face and her heart missing different clothes but she could have changed as I stare at the body I move my hand to my gun she says that's my twin look there is a picture of us together when that thing ate my sister I started to scream and another one came that man who died killed my sisters monster and tried to kill the other one but he tripped and I thought I was going to die my name is Jillian please don't leave me as I look around the bedroom had the mimic dead on the ground was her sister as she said I grab a blanket and wrap her sister with it I take the mimic in the bedroom out to the street and the other mimic I keep in my inventory, the man was her neighbor I wrap him up too I ask her to take her belongings bring what's important she said she doesn't have a bag I give her a Magic Backpack that can hold a decent amount and when she asks how is it possible for what I did. I tell her once we get to a safe zone I will tell you, for now just keep up I see these things are patrolling Jillian keeps up well I even gave her a silenced pistol with a few mags, she claims she knows how to use it so I don't mind before we head out she gives a prayer to her sister and decided to set the house on fire before she committed to the act I ask her if there was anyone else in this area that we should save she said her next door neighbor already passed and the other houses have been abandoned since the first day so I let it go and said after your done meet me in front I will wait for you *she blushes* but I'm serious she says we should run we go around the corner to the main road back on track to the safe zone as we're heading back I ask her what is her Class even though I have an appraisal skill and can see people's classes its better to build trust. Jillian hesitates but then asks how can I check I was in a rush and just picked something at random we stop and we find a spot to relax for a bit. I tell her you have to say "Open Status" she says it and her class is Vanguard - able to use Mana more freely and becomes more adept at using weapons of all kind, starting knowledge Pistols while Leveling up player is able to increase stats by using interface. as we finish eating something to keep our energy up my Map skill picks up mimics close by but not enough to worry about, I ask Jillian if she knows how to use her Mana she says no my appraisal of her Mana shows that she has 2000 and I still haven't broke over 1000 yet she is a powerhouse waiting to be unleashed, she asks if everything is ok I tell her that I have 3 skills Mana control, Mana Circulation and Mana Circuit that I want to try and teach it to you with my skill Mana Control I will pass My Mana into you close your Eyes and relax (Jillian is sitting on a Couch) as I start to pass Mana into her she feels is I tell her that imagine this Mana as part of you while you feel it circulate your body I want you to imagine how your blood circulates your body but instead let it be this Mana. I can tell Jillian is in the Beginning stages of creating a Mana Circuit my Map Skill has detected more Mimics coming this way I leave some food down cuz I am sure she will get hungry like I did afterwards. I go out to deal with the coming onslaught I place a barricade at the door. (Jillian Perspective) I feel the flow of his Mana entering my body its hot yet safe he is telling me to let it flow but how that feeling reminds me of my first kiss so exciting so exhilarating wait where is he going why is he leaving me alone wait don't go don't leave me *Mana pulsing* did morning come already why is it so bright whoa am I floating I hear fighting near the door I look back at the couch its me how is that possible wait Raphael is in trouble I have to help him but if I cant even control my Mana then I am just a Burden *Jillian's body talks* allow me to assist the skill you just created is Mana Astral Projection thats why your a floating body and Parallel Thought your subconscious me is here although I can't move I can talks since I'm here I'm going to speed up the process of creating a Mana Circuit for you with the skill your using now you can move freely even see past events that just happened not too far mind you just like an echo Raphael locked us in here because he saw those bastard Mimic closing in us most likely there are starting to target people with High Mana capacity or Mana Control Jillian she's gone isn't she. Jillian indeed left to find Raphael seeing him face off these creatures stirred something within Jillian since she is pure emotion in Astral form she feels more affection towards Raphael as he stands still Jillian attemps to plant a kiss on him but she phases through Raphael who is unaware of what happened has the sudden urge to make sure Jillian is fine when she breaks cover in a joyous mood Raphael noticed something peculiar with the Mimics they started to moves their heads in an erratic pattern Jillian now notices that the Mimic are looking at her in the Astral form as she bolts back to her body the swarm of Mimics Follow Raphael doesn't understand what happened but if it means more XP then lets get wild he puts away his gun and pulls out his darkness blade as well as Brave hack n slashing time. Jillian rushes back into her body the Parallel Thought skill goes into a cooldown and before Jillian can freak she spits out a black soot she feels different like a weight has been lifted before she can reach the door she feels like she can grab the door handle just by standing a few feet from there as she yanks her hand the door is ripped off the hinges and flies beside her with force a new skill appeared Mana Control then 4 more Beginning Mana Control, Mana Control Level 10, Advanced Mana Control unlocked Level 3 available description reads upon activation of Mana can be used as an extension of body Mana can be willed to Player's Imagination(luckily she doesn't have to wear a suit of Mana that would be dumb)… Jillian is now whole and is able to comprehend what's going on she tightens up her magic bag and rushes out to help Raphael she overshoots but is sort of gliding through the air as she sees Raphael Jillian is struck with her feeling but what's more is she see's Brave a sword with elegance and ferocity if only she could have a sword like that (meanwhile from home base upon the roof of the Reformed Dungeon) Raphael implanted the swords he found thanks to Brave they looks like a sword graveyard but 1 particular sword starts to vibrate then in the pale moonlight sky some people saw what looked like a sword flying through the sky it traveled at high speeds as Jillian finished her sentence the swords meets her gaze similar to a fencing sword with a hilt resembling the three musketeers as Jillian takes a hold of the sword memories of previous swordsman flood her mind she knows how to wield her new partner a Flamberge design a name will have to wait helping Raphael is paramount Jillian enters the battlefield with Raphael with a wave of confidence Raphael and Jillian taking out Mimics left and mostly Jillian to a point where Raphael is watching to back her up Jillian is in the zone defeating nearly 1,000 mimics with her sword and Mana Control by by now she received the same title as Raphael and the Mimics are afraid if her and some even try to escape Raphael sees a smile as she is destroying these monsters to the point she starts to cry when she finally stops the remaining Mimics flee from fear. Raphael embraces her wailing cries, Jillian calms down feeling safe in Raphael's arms looks up in a flushed face Raphael looks down asking if she feels better attempts to kiss him until a sound comes from behind them she goes into fight mode and Raphael calls out its fine you guy can come out now its safe looks like 2 young men both have Guns and have a bladed weapon in their 20's and their families are behind them a 3 Men injured and 1 woman in critical condition followed by a group of children and 2 guard Dogs I asked if they left anyone behind the young man tells me to stop where I am to drop my guns and walk away I glare at the young man I say to them look around you do you honestly believe we cant take you guys out, its pitch black outside if it wasn't for Moonlight these people would be lost walking around I pull out a Lantern bright enough to light up the alley way. The group sees the bodies of the monsters littered all over and I tell them both Jillian and I did this if you think for a second we would not give a fight your wrong, Look I am part of a group of survivors and we are trying to build a community to survive and become stronger join us and I promise you guy will never go hungry and those who can give more will be rewarded looks like were next to a garage for car repairs big enough to house just about everyone looking at the time its about 5hours till sunrise what do you say join us the older gentleman walks up were a big family are you sure we can live together I shake his hand you have my guarantee I can even heal you guys, if it were me and Jillian id say we keep going but now we got wounded with a few of my low potions they can heal overnight with some sleep. I lock pick the front door to the garage open the garage enough for people to walk in then seal it shut there is no power I use the lanterns I have on hand to light up the room in just a flash the car and all the tools and the materials all over where the room are in my inventory. Clearing the area people are curious I told them is was a unique skill I received after dominating a Dungeon I have the capability to use a inventory and able to create magic bags as a token of trust here are 2 bags for you 2 guys who are gripping spent guns I prepare bed cots for everyone and I tell them my other skill they old man drinks the small potion his head wound is gone and then frustrated he said if we didn't leave my grand-daughter behind she would be healed she has a fever back at home but without antibiotics she will die the boys made the call for us to move and find help I show him my map skill where is she he points how long ago maybe an hour, I tell Jillian keep them safe I will be right back here is a cook pot and food the wounded should drink the potions for the kids they should sleep, I walk out and bolt to the place the old man pointed as I get there the door is locked I lock pick the door and re lock it as I look around I see no one but more importantly no body nothing showing on my map I scan the room and in a swift motion I let her get the drop on me clearly winded from the movement I give her the rundown of why I broke in I described her Grandfather in detail look I have medicine to help with your fever I turn around looks like she gotten worse she faints, I can't have her dying on me I pour the Potion in my mouth and have her drink slowly when she comes to she slaps me straight across face blushing she slaps me again because I joke that I'm still an amazing kisser. I give her a rundown on what's been happening because she's got a weak constitution, so she gets sick easily I invite to my party to show that I'm not a crazy person as she takes a look at her stats I can see that her Class doesn't exist and that she is level 0 I'm shocked then all of a sudden I get a Popup Choose a class for Shana then another Popup shows up its from Lexi she tells me why I haven't tried to reach her Instead of a typed message I open a video chat with Lexi she begins to berate me saying the people here are worried Elena tried to stay up but just fell asleep I'm on the roof of your building making some automatic turrets where are you, I'm about to give her an explanation but she just says don't I know already remember we are linked and don't deny that you didn't like tonguing that stupid redhead Shana says who's stupid and blushes at the comment liked the kiss with tongue ok Lexi enough when you get back your gonna give me mouth to mouth treatment I look at Lexi glaring at her she says something dirty again I tell her that I will cut the feed off she stops me and becomes serious I ask about the Level 0 and how is that possible. Lexi explains that since she wasn't conscious when the class system occurred her body didn't register as a valid Player since you added her to a party at level 0 Raphael has been given the right to choose your class the reason, I came up was because I have 3 recommended Classes best suited to your capabilities 1. Master Assassin – by being this class all stats raise by 10, able to recruit Assassins into your Order, able to establish Safe havens for exclusive use for Assassin order each Safe haven has a fast travel point and a Main Headquarters may be established when reaching level 20 must have at least 100 Loyal Assassins as a requirement. 2. Anbu Ninja – able to create an Elite Squad of Special operations Ninja will be able to become a shadow presence, able to recruit only Level 10 and above must be Level 15 to recruit, when pledged to a Leader able to create an Intelligence Center Stats will be focused solely on increased Stealth, Mana and Speed. 3 Infiltration Master - Able to go into a Dungeon solo can sneak into Boss room and will Create a Stealth Stat if high enough can conquer or become less visible to the eye, be aware that most Stats will be focused on increasing Stealth Stat only Person that will see always is the one closest to you. Lexi explains that she can choose, but I have the option of final choice she has 10 minutes to decide. A random class will be given if she does not choose. Shana still cannot grasps whats happening she feels like its a bad dream and cant accept her head starts to spin to what's happening she tries her cellphone but the calls just die out no ring, she goes outside and runs into a mimic talking to it like it's a guy in costume when it attacks her she can see the teeth feel the strength of its roar all the while running back in with cuts of claw marks on her hands and arms as 3 of those things come into her home she yells for me to help I tell her is it real enough for you as they growl and enter I become in view of the sight line I glare at the them a voice distorted comes out of a girl sounds like a little girl saying they are sorry I kill them immediately as they lay there I toss her a Health Potion she jugs it down her wounds slowly close swiftly I pick the mimic up by the neck and show it to her she can see and feel the mimic its real and then everything sinks in the Apocalypse is real the pain was real and now she doesn't know what she can do she is alone. I see she is swirling into a panic attack I embrace her close let her focus on my eyes and I reiterate I will keep you safe and not only that the best option for you would be the Master Assassin Class to gain more Loyal people who can protect you and I will be by your side to support you anyway I can you are not alone Shana snaps out of it and realizes we are awkwardly close to each other I admit I wanted to kiss her again but now is not the time we need to start moving. Shana chooses the Master Assassin this allows her new skills and new abilities her stats increase by 10 in each category that she felt more relaxed, not only that since I am considered a leader of more than 500 people she received an additional boost in her overall stats (meaning Health and Mana for each new member +100hp +100mp) she also has the option to swear fealty to a Leader and use the Assassins that were apart of a group to generate a New Creed once the members accept this Creed essentially from under my Banner she can promote Recruit Assassins to different classes as follows Recruit, Initiate, Apprentice, Soldier, Disciple, Mercenary(able to be hired with agreed upon contract) Warrior, Veteran, Master Veteran, Assassin, Assassin Master(able to expand the order and if the correct requirement occurs new Assassin Master can become a Mentor and create a new creed in another region/state/country) and by creating a Assassins Home Base they can upgrade a building using a system that's labeled GP Points for every missions a group or solo Assassin receives they can build GP it ranges from a difficulty bar that shows in the Home Base or sub Bases labeled "Dens" after a while we realize she has an unbelievable class with even more to discover in the meantime I give Shana the Best Assassin gear I have plus I give her a magic satchel and she accepts it, I tell her to grab her belongings and her grandfather's things as I am looking for anything of use as I look for something I trip on something and I notice a loose portion of the wall I see a dial combination lock I ask Shana if she has a combination code she said that all her valuables were in a small locked box under the living rooms carpet in the floorboard I have a key but what are you talking about a combination…..Lock? she trails off her words when I show her a clear Dial Lock of some kind in a wall near the hallway of entering her home it was very strange because when you walk in there is a straight wall no indent of any kind so behind this possible safe there is a room in there as we looked in her grandfather's room she remembers that there was something she was always told not to touch I grab the decoration nothing on it no signs of a combination until I shake it so I smash it on the ground she is yelling at me but I found the combination lock in a locket I hand the locket to Shana she see's a Picture of her parents in it I am eager to see what was inside I carefully use the combination and before I enter I see a scanner of some kind I tell Shana before she Puts on her new gear to enter the room I tell her it looks like a final security method as she enters everything lights green a electronic voice comes out and asks if there is more than one person that is coming she said yes I enter and looks like my prepper room the only difference it seems

the old man was a Gun-smith because there is a workbench with unfinished bullets and bullet casings, the weirdest thing a out this room it had more intent than my prepper room, it's as if he knew something was going to happen not paranoia but clear intentions there seems to be a document of remote regions of the world of eye witness claims of doorways of light opening up years ago claimed to be delusions of explorers they quoted "I have seen horrific beings eat the hearts of my friends and become them I had to erase their foul existence I need to tell the truth more things bigger than you can imagine creatures like small green barbarians, creatures of the night are worse wolves that can talk woman that lure men to their doom and simply take away their essence leaving a husk behind, men who look like devils with sharp horns eyes as thin as a cat and the people who reside in all this resembled a city from the middles ages filled with people who knew nothing of the kingdom of God nor did hey know of any other Gods just knew that they existed and they defend their way of life we tries to give them technology more modernized but who knows if they still live…." The rest of the quote is faded the bottom of the page reads – Fuji Family archive 1912 Shana reads the this as well and says that was my great grandfather's families name before they immigrated to the states and we became another generic family. Grandfather would always tell me stories of his childhood he would tell me that his grandfather was not well he had so much stories that seemed like modern fantasy I look around the room and I say to Shana looks like your Grandfather believed such fantasy I see so many weapons here meant to kill and look at these trophies, Shana said those were mine Grandfather always suggested that everyone in the family take part in Martial Arts, Self-defense, and weapons training….her words trail off then realizes there are more documents more recently sightings from a video showing the mimics in other parts of the world there was one 10 years ago in the Netherlands of a remote area closed down in a scouting mission they see mimics, goblins, Orcs, Harpies, and Lizard Men walking around Shana also see's a video of her in a martial arts tournament her Grandfather says you need to do better train more you need it soon you hear a young Shana in the background asking if everything is ok then the video cuts off… The rooms fills with silence as the realization sinks in this world was doomed for more than 100 years. Now we know the truth about what's going we need to bring this info to our community then as we are about to do something the screen comes on again it's a recording, of Shana's Grandfather " If your seeing this Shana well it means I died before I could see what my Grandfather told me the year is 2022 when I am making this the Doctors have told me that I have Cancer and its progressing at a rate that's incurable I can fight it but there is no Guarantee that I will be alive and if you're seeing this I might be dead already if not I imagine were gonna have a talk but as you have read and seen everything in this room is real there is no sense of sugar coating but I believe this world will end soon maybe not now but definitely soon hopefully you find yourself a man and at least kiss someone cuz you need someone in your life (Shana blushes at this statement staring at me then acting all shy when I look back) *Cough* anyway I know that the sensible thing to do is tell the world but honestly people in our family has tried your Father made his living off fantasy books and created a Manga that was able to bring back the family name to greater height's if this world does happen to meet its end your Father and Mother well they are not dead (Shana drops to her knees in shock *mutters* that Grandfather raised me like I was his own after father made so much money he left me and My mother went with him I was told they went on a second honeymoon and died in a plane accident) Grandfather speaks I know what I said was a shock to you but my son decided I was more capable in raising you I told your father our family secret at a young age and he made it his mission to find like-minded people that's how he met your mother.

They decided that would create a city of Survivors eccentric people Doomsday people some would say, they have created here in off a beaten path on the maps it looks like wilderness but if you walk past this tree line its about the size of a small city state able to house at least 3 million people we also have small communities with food caches all over the world with a shelf life of 20years. Your Mother is a leading scientist in food science and a skilled botanist and has created new ways to make food. Your Father specialized in the field of Medicine and Mechanical Engineering, Your Uncle is the leader of the Militia and specializes in warfare they will be waiting for you once this video started to play they would have received all the files I have collected as well as a signal letting them know I have told you the family secret as well a data dump on recent events as well as a live feed on what's going on outside just to give them a piece of mind that your doing ok, but if things accelerated and the worse has happened take these weapons under the desk if you meet survivors hopefully its someone you can trust this computer will self-destruct so no one can know the truth about this world because even with this information we have no way of knowing what can be done to save our world from the end the printer below should have printed a map to your Fathers location go find him and live your life and be safe." The Printer shoots out the city location as well as some caches for food and weapons. I look over the map I see that its located somewhat close if we can get some cars working it should be at least a 7 hour drive if we were to walk at least 5-6days without rest even if we drove I am sure it would take a few days considering the roads look like a mess right now. I look at the time its already 4am sunrise will start happening in an hour as Shana equips her new sword and new side arm she keeps her hood down she writes on a carboard in big letters "SEE YOU SOON" as light begins to shine we find the hidden camera Shana stands in front of it for at least 10 minutes I take out any mimics that come close to her then I let a few go she takes 2 out with her gun the rest with her sword she looks at the camera with and smiles I tell her lets go and we go towards her grandfather...Meanwhile in the city of Survivors named Mizuho 3 days ago everything was pretty much the same until the red alert came through multiple trip wires have been activated the empty Housing buildings in Sections E, F, and G the Libraries, Schools, utilities, and our warehouse building's have been overrun with creatures we have never seen before minimal casualties have been reported most people are injured but Main Sections A,B,C, and D have been cleared the portals that have appeared in these sections have been reported to have closed when all of these creatures have been eliminated although its possible a portal may open again the rooms that have had portal activity will be monitored as for the others our militia will have to make a coordination attack then after the Player systems take place everyone in Mizuho changed from a regular human to a true survival experts. As the 3rd day comes 4am a personal pager of the Fuji families received from all over the world that the Patriarch has revealed the family secret to the heir of the new Matriarch. Shana's father, uncle, and mother all see the moniters with worry they see Raphael their residence then they see their Shana leave holding a sign saying see you soon its a live feed as she stands their with a sign for a while they see the man shoot multiple mimics protecting their new Matriarch. Shana's mother zooms in, and it looks like Shana writes something else "Grandfather is still alive and this man is just a "friend', her uncle snorts saying yea right but he is a very skilled combatant going from a gun to a close range with a sword very interesting I think we should implement his fighting style his clothes look like it's armored interesting overall if Shana follows him he will definitely make a good husband for my niece. Shana's father is unimpressed he is just a grunt without a brain, then what's the point? Shana Mother yells at the screen oh no, he missed a few of those bastards then in a few moves she fires from the hip takes 2 out 3 more come felled by the family sword the last one dead by what it looks like her fist. Shana's family in shock but are left with smiles as they see her rushing to catch up to Raphael then the feed cuts off a data dump of activity follows after from all facilities from the Fuji family as a networking system takes place a frequency via Morse code is being broadcasted that will happen periodically of coordinates of all safe zones for Survivors.

(Back to Raphael's perspective) As we reached the area, I left Jillian in with the rest of the survivors she caught me off guard by planting a kiss on me Shana furiously yanks off Jillian saying what she's doing then Jillian looks at me then at her I get it you just make women fall for you huh well I'm not losing that easily kisses me on the cheek to spite Shana then pouts at me saying I'm an idiot her grandfather gets up and grabs her ear then notices the family sword they start to talk. I go back out to stand guard as I look through my notifications, I realize that I gained a new level for Potion making (I am able to make a hundred every 10 minutes so I have it auto crafting and filling up my inventory looks like I can fit 999 items of the same kind in one slot) now that I have Normal Health Potions it can heal cuts, fatal wounds both internally and externally on top of it all it can heal tissue degradation, disease-causing illnesses, Chronic illnesses, and Chronic allergies I takes a lot of Mana 300 points for 5 bottles. My recent level up is now at 7 for stats I add for Mana increase and Mana recovery now it takes 300 Mana for 20 bottles every 40 minutes. It seems I also unlocked more different classes of potions, for now I make sure to create at least 100 bottles of normal health potion, after I recover my Mana I go back into the garage mostly everyone is still asleep I find Shana and the old man crying I hand them both 2 Normal Health Potions they drink it without realizing Shana feels a warmth overtake her while the old man drops the Potion clearly showing some pain then suddenly starts coughing until he regurgitates a mass and spits out multiple clumps of tissue mass he had a hunched back walking with a cane then suddenly after expelling everything he layed down on a bed I took out for him Shana passed out I carried her to another bed and I kissed her forehead whispering sleep well, I sleep as well in another bed frame after I cleaned up what the old man expelled made sure to take out some lavender scented air freshener for everyone. it's now 10 am, everyone is still asleep, I walk close to the entrance I take out 2 long tables with a seating bench and a kitchen setup with a portable coffee maker and a Juice station as the coffee is being made it fills up the garage the airfreshner already wasted now I cook up some bacon strips, and scrambled eggs and for those who are vegan there is a hot pot of water with a variety of oatmeal. Everyone gets up grabs a plate and goes down the line choosing what to eat with a lot of options and even told that more can be made, the adults are weary but after seeing everything and feeling revived after drinking coffee everyone realizes that the wounded have healed like nothing has happened. Jillian sits to eat tearing up others start to realize they haven't eaten this good in 2 days after leaving everything behind the kids start to eat like crazy I tell them eat slow no one will fight you for food just enjoy my community eats like this every day and we have people who are learning to farm so we can make eggs self sufficient we still have plenty of processed food and like my magic bag there are specific bags that well better if I show you I grab 2 napkin this bag can carry small things but time passes like normal while this bag was meant to carry food here is why I light the 2 napkins on fire and drop them in to the bag I tell everyone that both bags are empty just had the 2 burning napkins I wait while everyone eats then after a few minutes I take the bag that can carry basic things and only ash comes out while the one that carries food the burning napkin comes out. I explain that with the Food Bag time stops and keeping foods preserved is possible so right now my group of scouts, scavengers and specialists are gathering information and of course food for now when they arrive in back at the community we will begin next steps to increase the production workers skills and leveling up, I little girl raises her hand and says "what's Leveling up Mister" I look puzzled for a moment I ask them about probably the end of the 1st or 2nd day did you all have a pain in the head and heard a voice to choose a class of some kind everyone looks at each other dejected as if I said something that would get them arrested or thrown into a crazy house, Ok do me a favor every one repeat this Phrase for me "Open Status" all together now in 3..2…1 they all say "Open Status" everyone jumps as they see a Screen some people try to grab it the kids however seem to grab it with ease one the young men look at theirs and quickly realize what's going I ask them all will you all allow me to see your Status they say yes and then everyone can see a box in front of their friends and neighbors I quickly realize that the kids were given a timer to choose the other thing I notice just the kids at the community some show unique classes that allowed growth not just in leveling but in a similar fashion of Shana's class with certain requirements they can increase the class or even diverge to a new pathway, for instance a Warrior class is a basic class but if labeled Growth type the person can choose a pathway of Magic, essentially change their class to a Magic Swordsman, or stay the course, can become a Knight, a Samurai, a Fencer, a swashbuckler, a Dual Swordsman, a Sword Master and so on, same is said for Mage, Archer, Tank, Scout, Thief, Gunner, and Healer.