

Born with an unrivaled tribrid bloodlines inherited from her witch mother and human father, Evelyn stands at the crossroads of light and darkness. She holds the key to both the salvation and annihilation of Zitherland. However, her bloodline powers were sealed from birth by her mother. As a result, she grew up among humans without any knowledge of her dormant powers and abilities. A weak and mediocre human mage. But as Evelyn faced life-threatening encounters and uncovered secrets about her identity through the voice in her amulet, her dormant powers started to awaken. What's more, the balance of power in the realms of Zitherland was beginning to teeter as well. With demons lurking and darkness closing in, can she rise above her own shadows and internal demons to save her world? Will Evelyn's destiny shatter the realm or bring forth its ultimate redemption? Embark on an odyssey of power, passion, and sacrifice that will leave you breathless. ————— Even though, this novel has a female MC... You should try it out because it is unique and full-packrd with action... My esteemed readers and fans should join my discord server let's connect together. There will be spoilers of the novel climax here in that community https://discord.gg/SdzyYgTa

De_Prodigy · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

27: Executing The Plan

As Evelyn stood a few paces away from the tree, her bow raised and an arrow ready to be nocked, she turned around at the sound of a familiar voice. It was Steve, the black, curly-haired, hazel-eyed guy she had often encountered in the library, and the mysterious shadow boy who had protected her during the fight with Wilson.

Steve approached Evelyn with a warm smile. "You know, holding the bow like that might make it difficult to aim. Or even worse, it could lead to an accident... Let me show you a better way," he said, stepping closer to her.

He gently guided her hands, adjusting her grip on the bow and positioning her fingers correctly on the bowstring.

Evelyn paid close attention to Steve's instructions. She could feel a sense of calm and reassurance in his presence.

As he spoke, his words conveyed a wealth of knowledge and experience about archery. He shared tips and guidance on how to properly aim, control her breathing, and release the arrow smoothly.

"I never thought archery required so much technique," commented Evelyn, her voice filled with curiosity. Evelyn was especially excited now because she would soon be able to use her mother's gift. 'I can't wait to showcase my skills to that girl soon,' she thought to herself while glancing up at Steve.

Steve chuckled softly. "Indeed, it's not just about pulling back the bowstring and letting the arrow fly. It's about finding the right balance, controlling your body, and aligning your focus with the target. It takes practice and patience." After demonstrating it to Evelyn, Steve stepped back to observe her shooting.

With determination in her eyes, Evelyn followed Steve's advice. She took a deep breath, focused her gaze on the target, and pulled the bowstring back with precision.

As she released the arrow, she felt a surge of excitement. However, her elation was short-lived as the arrow fell short of its mark, landing on the ground before reaching the tree.

Evelyn sighed, feeling a tinge of disappointment. She turned to Steve, who had been observing her closely. Actually, it was more than just observing; he was gawking awkwardly at her bare neck. Although Evelyn never noticed it, she thought he was watching her quiver.

"I still have a long way to go, don't I?" She said, with a hint of frustration in her voice. Her voice snapped him out of his wild thoughts, causing him to quickly avert his gaze from her enticing neck.

Steve shook his head and offered a reassuring smile. "Don't be discouraged. Archery requires practice and patience. With consistent effort, you will improve in no time. Remember, every shot is an opportunity to learn and grow."

'Damn! Her neck is pulsating. I need to focus, ' he thought, internally conflicted. 'It seems like I shouldn't be so close to her like that in the future. It took me a lot of effort to fight back my fangs and the desire to bite into her neck... Or else I might do something I'll regret later.'

Evelyn took a moment to absorb Steve's words. Despite her initial setback, his encouragement uplifted her spirits. She realized that mastering archery would be a gradual process, and she was determined to persevere.

Curiosity sparked within Evelyn as she gazed at Steve. "By the way, how do you know so much about archery?" She asked, her gaze searching his hazel eyes for answers.

A shadow briefly flickered across Steve's face, his countenance turning bitter for a moment. "My mother was a skilled archer. She taught me a few things before...," he trailed off, his voice tinged with sadness.

Evelyn sensed the pain behind Steve's words and decided not to pry any further. Instead, she expressed her gratitude to him for protecting her during the fight, as Zoya had informed her. "Thank you for standing up for me. It means a lot," she said sincerely.

Steve's smile returned, a glimmer of warmth in his eyes. "I helped because I already consider you a friend. Friends look out for each other," he replied, his voice filled with genuine concern.

After uttering those words, he was taken aback by what had just come out of his mouth. He couldn't figure out why he was being nice to this particular human, and he was even fighting back his desire to bite her neck.

Evelyn's stoic demeanor remained unchanged, but a flicker of appreciation briefly shone in her eyes. She was beginning to understand the value of these newfound connections.

Just then, their watches emitted a soft ding, signaling the start of their afternoon class. Evelyn and Steve exchanged a knowing glance. The two of them quietly left the outdoor area of the general training unit and walked together towards the alchemy arts hall.

Upon reaching their destination, they spotted the familiar faces of Zoya, Elvis, and Troy. Almost all 155 first-year students seem to be present.

Zoya rolled her eyes upon seeing Evelyn with Steve, while Elvis wore a relaxed smile. Troy approached them with a mischievous grin.

Evelyn approached Troy and expressed her gratitude for his help during the fight. Troy shrugged nonchalantly. "I hate seeing people being bullied by others. I couldn't just stand by and do nothing."

Zoya, who heard what Troy said, glared at him. What does one expect from a flirt? He will try to act cool and play the hero to win a girl's heart. These were her thoughts.

"Anyway, I wanted to talk to you after our classes today. Meet me in the General Training Unit," he said, his eyes gleaming with determination. Evelyn simply nodded. She only met him during their fire elemental class, but since he stood up for her and Elvis, she was willing to return the favor.

Zoya became even angrier. How can he make his advances so directly like that? Isn't he just trying to take advantage of the naive and innocent Evelyn?... Just then, Cedric arrived. He only greeted Elvis and went to Zoya.

"Umh... Zoya, I got this for you," said Cedric, handing Zoya a small vial containing a single dark red pill. "It will help you fully recover from yesterday's fight and even replenish your spiritual energy."

Zoya glanced at the nervous Cedric, who was handing her a pill. She couldn't recall ever being so acquainted with him, except for the fact that he was Elvis' roommate. But she collected it from him, since she knew how rare healing pills are to get.

Cedric, sensing the intense gaze from Elvis, turned around to meet his eyes and forced a smile. "Umh... uh... my family owns an alchemy shop, so that's why I had the healing pill with me... and that's the only one I have left," he said, rambling to nobody in particular.

"We four should be friends, right? So I gave it to Zoya, who took part in the fight, since both of you have already recuperated after being immersed in that pool," he further explained, glancing at both Evelyn and Elvis while avoiding eye contact with Zoya. But Zoya only grinned when she heard his explanation.

"It's not like I asked for an explanation," said Elvis, grinning, who was mainly being stared at by Cedric.

—— — ——

As the group settled down in the Alchemy Arts Hall, Werney, the head of the department, walked to the front of the class. He brought out an assortment of herbs, crystals, and a cauldron containing a dark red, candle-like incense.

The atmosphere in the room shifted, and anticipation filled the air as the alchemy lesson was about to begin.

Evelyn was eagerly waiting for the lesson to start. She still remembers her decision from yesterday.

Werney's voice resonated through the hall as he introduced today's class, which would focus on basic alchemy, herbal knowledge, and alchemical ingredients. He explained the properties and uses of the herbs and other ingredients in front of him.

The class continued, with each student engrossed in their studies, their bonds silently strengthening with every passing moment. The alchemical process became an intricate dance of precision and intuition, mirroring the complex threads that were weaving their paths together.

Throughout the lesson, Evelyn's focus remained unwavering. She listened intently to Werney's explanations and instructions, absorbing every word like a sponge. The alchemical arts fascinated her, igniting a spark of curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.

As the class neared its conclusion, Werney looked at the students with a satisfied smile. "Now, it's time for each of you to try the alchemical incense I made with just these two ingredients," he announced, gesturing toward the Nrem Clover and Sablewood powder that was also on the table.

Werney brought the cauldron with the incense close to himself, trying so hard to hide the smug expression on his face.

Right now, he was just a few seconds away from accomplishing his mission here.

With a snap of his fingers, the incense instantly ignited with a red flame. After about five minutes, half of the incense was already burnt. And in the Alchemy Arts Hall, all the students were sleeping while still sitting upright.

Seeing that the incense had served its purpose, Werney channeled his spiritual energy into the diamond amulet he was wearing. And just then, a wave of energy rippled out from his amulet, scanning all the students.

Do you think Werney will discover Evelyn this time around?

If yes, tell me why in the comment section and if no, tell me why you think so...

Next Chapter is coming up later today... Wait for it. Don't forget to add to collection and to power-vote my novel. Love you all

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