
My Unique Hunter System

Aya woke up, got a choice and decided to remake her life for the fun of it. She became a multiverse traveling hunter who goes out on missions to other worlds, either for business or personal reasons. Disclaimer: Cover art isn't mine. Hope you enjoy this is written as a pass time and practice. Discord: https://discord.gg/6RrqSJBZKH

Snowie_nee · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 11: Unwanted Attention

Rose had just woken up to Alice gently nudging her side, a gentle light shone through the windows, the sky murky grey as it normally was in Forks. It still baffled the Cullen family at how similar yet so different they were to the creature who just seemingly showed up last night in their house and made herself comfortable after all the tensity, but what startled them the most was that she actually was capable of sleeping; Though it seemed that she really didn't need to and was doing it out of habit.

"What's happening~?" a groggy Rose rubbing her eyes asked to the ever-energetic Alice in front of her.

"It's time for school, silly. Now get up or else you're going to be late~" Alice responded to her playfully, already adopting the small self-proclaimed vampire lord as her sister and friend.

"Ughh, school? You woke me up for school?" Rose said now clearly, adopting the signature hellsing vampire grin, "Do I get to kill people?"

Before Rose could move, she received a quick bap on the head from the person behind her.

Rubbing her head and wincing, she turned around and asked "Oi, what the fucking hell was that for?!?" facing Rosalie with a dark glare.

Rosalie huffed, and quickly added "I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't go killing the entire school, I don't want to move already!" she all but shouted, or was the equivalent of an angry shout for the vampires nearby to hear.

"It was a joke, fucking bitch maybe I should get you a cannon for your birthday" Rose mumbled to herself, all too well aware that Rosalie could still hear her. A stifled laugh erupted from her now three brothers, Edward, Jasper, and Emmet as they tried to contain themselves for their own sake. They didn't want to suffer Rosalie's wrath.

Right on cue, another angry fist came down at Rose's head, with her narrowly avoiding it since she expected it. She jumped up, avoiding the fist and landed in one fluid motion that looked like she was dancing through the air, and stuck her tongue out, running out of the door into the silver volvo that was already purring with life, all while listening to her brothers unable to contain themselves burst out into laughter with Emmet being the loudest.

It was a short ride to the high school, although it felt unbearably long having to sit in a car with an angry Rosalie while being somewhat forced into Alice's lap due to Alice literally picking her up and sitting her there. Rose didn't mind, seeing as she was used to being sat in laps due to being around her big brother Alucard. Rose snuggled up to Alice while sticking her tongue out at Rosalie who was glaring daggers at her from the front seat.

The moment they got to the school, and out of the nice silver volvo she could smell the appealing scent of the human's blood around her. Although tempting it was easily controllable, seeing as she had all of her seals bound still which were seemingly affecting her thirst as well. She could be seen as odd, as out of all of the Cullens there she was the only one with white hair, and a set of dark crimson eyes, not to mention how pointed her ears were definitely stuck out if you were paying enough attention to her, which any human around her positively couldn't, their eye sight extremely terrible in comparison to a vampire's.

It was then that Rose heard an excruciatingly loud roar that hurt her ears. She turned around annoyed at the sound to find the source of it, to find a rusted truck that was on its last legs roll in a decent pace, although still slow, and park in a spot.

Looking up at Edward, she pulled on his sleeve as they were walking and pointed back at the truck.

"Who's that?" She had innocently enough asked, "I don't know, must be Isabella Swan, the new transfer from Pheonix, she was a big talk of the town ever since news got out. Mostly the thoughts are all based around their crotch for the high school boys." Edward sighed, uninterested in the new transfer student.

Rose grimaced, if they were thinking that about a new girl, they all hadn't met let alone saw before, what were they going to think about her? Edward let out a small chuckle as he heard what Rose had been thinking, deciding not to address the murderous thoughts in her head as well if one of the boys had decided to hit on her as well.

"Try not to think about it too much, it'll pass if you just show that you're not interested in them at all. Although, it'll mainly help if you stick around us. People tend to steer away from a group of dangerous vampires" Edward had said, chuckling at his own dark humour.

Although Rose was upset that she couldn't kill any of them, she was also surprised at the helpful advice coming from her new brother. Hadn't he just wanted to kick her out last night? She let it go, understanding that it must be another aspect she hadn't considered yet. Just when Rose was about to enter the school, her head snapped to a certain direction. She had smelled such a delicious scent that she just had to check it out.

Hearing what she was thinking, Edward restrained her before they were forced to go on a killing spree in her first day of high school.

"Calm down Rose, calm down, resist it" he whispered into her ear, experiencing how excruciatingly good the scent smelled to her through her mind.

Rose had finally calmed down, as he released his grip on her. They entered the school, acting as if nothing had happened, but a secret conversation was going on instead.


Edward perspective – begin

"What was that? First, I heard it and then I had a vision of rose attacking the new transfer student" Edward had heard Alice, knowing she was addressing him.

The new transfer student, that's what this was about? Edward inwardly asked to himself.

"There was a scent she smelled, that smelled far too good than any other human I've ever noticed before" Edward had muttered his reply to Alice, low enough that the humans around them would not be able to hear their conversation.

"Interesting. I hope she can control herself." Alice replied to Edward mentally. Edward looked down at the girl who was walking beside him, seeing how calm she was. "Was she just caught off guard before? She has amazing self-control." Edward had muttered to himself.

"She can handle it, I think she was caught off guard by the scent and was overwhelmed, but now she looks completely in control." Edward muttered to Alice, ending their conversation.

Edward Perspective – End


It was now lunch time, the rest of the day had gone fine, with none of the Cullens having a class shared with the new transfer student, who according to Edward had preferred Bella over Isabella. They sat down at their lunch table, not picking at their food seeing as human food tasted like dirt to them.

"So, anyone like to play cards?" Rose had innocently asked, unable to keep up with their human façade and getting bored, magically conjuring up a pair of cards from her sleeve.

They had all grinned at her actions, but didn't press any further than playing a game of poker which Alice and Edward had gotten really into, one reading the other's mind for the vision of the future, and the other waiting for a vision of the future so that she knew whether to double down or stay her hand. It all went fine until-

"Hey, who are those people over there?" they all had simultaneously heard. Everyone except Rose was able to stop themselves from looking over, which she was blocked from sight but she could see who was speaking.

"Oh, them? They're the Cullens, but I don't know who the white haired one is. Might be their sister who came back from a foreign country" the girl beside Bella Swan had replied. Rose was curious now, wanting to know how the topic of their family came up.

"And, who is the tall pale one with bronze hair?" Bella had asked.

"Pfft, good luck, that's Edward Cullen. He doesn't date" the girl beside Bella had replied, although Rose could hear jealousy coat her voice, and smirked a little. Edward this time wasn't oblivious as he had heard his name be called. He looked back at the table where the two supposed friends were sat, looking directly at the new transfer student. By then, Rose was staring at Edward now, seeing a different look in his eyes as he was captivated by her.

"Hey, Edward Cullen is staring at you" The girl next to Bella teased, making Bella blush and look away, as Edward had looked away as well, but an audible growl that could only be heard from the vampires in the room had left his mouth subconsciously as he quickly reeled himself in. Rose was even more curious now, how could a normal human provoke a reaction like that out of a beast like a vampire?

Rose was dying to know, so she did what she wanted to do, she fitted the signature grin on her face and got up, and walked casually over to the table where Isabella Swan sat. Rose started Bella as she sat directly in front of her, blocking her view of Edward, which who she could already hear the argument later from what she noticed in him. Sitting down, she realized just how intoxicating the scent was, but being sealed she was barely just above human levels, including her thirst and sense of smell taking a complete nosedive with her nose just being barely extra sensitive than a human.

"Sup" she casually greeted shocking both of the girls there, reaching her hand out, long sharp black claw nail touching the tip of Bella's nose "boop" Rose had simply said, sitting there grinning with her chin resting on the top of her other hand.

Stunned, Bella tried looking for words "Hello? Who are you?" were the only lines she managed to ask. "Rose Te- er, I mean Cullen" Rose had explained.

"And what are you doing?" Bella had asked, finally regaining her composure, although the words came out sounding a bit harsh. "It's a boop, ever heard of it?" she simply replied, pressing her ice-cold fingertip to the tip of her nose.

Bella flinched away slightly and responded "I know what a boop is, but why are you over here?"

"Curiosity" Rose simply replied, the grin on her face growing. "Wanna be friends?" she simply asked.

Bella looked a bit stunned at the abruptness of the question before nodding slowly, this time with a small smile on her face. Rose got back up and skipped along back to the Cullen table, while ignoring the dirty look from her family sitting at it.

Edward seemed occupied with something as she caught him looking back at the table Isabella Swan had been sitting at.

"What's wrong Ed, got a crush?" Rose teased him. Edward looked up at her from his seated position and scowled, "No, it's just, I can't hear her" he had muttered, to the surprise of Rose, who just looked back at her again, finding her more interesting by the minute. The bell rang, ending lunch and signalling the next period of the mundane school life to begin.

"Rose, follow me, we're both going to biology." Edward simply demanded, which Rose just responded in kind and followed after him, picking the spot on his right to sit down in, getting comfortable before the teacher could introduce her.

"Alright, today we have a new student, Isabella Swan, please welcome her" the teacher had said. Bella, her newly acquired friend stood in front of the class and went to the only available seat, the one next to Edward. Rose noticed it immediately as Bella had gotten in front of the fan that blew toward Edward, that the overwhelming scent had blown her way.

She was fine with it, finding it slightly harder to concentrate though, but saw that her brother next to her visibly tensed, clenching tightly to the bottom of the wooden desk turning it to saw dust and splinters in his hands, the veins in his neck bulging out as he was hit with the full brunt of the alluring scent. Had he been affected by it too? This most wonderful alluring scent that was causing her mouth to slightly water, even with all of her seals in place?

She gripped his wrist tightly, causing him to look over at her thankfully, snapping out of it, but still having an extremely hard time focusing.