
My Unique Hunter System

Aya woke up, got a choice and decided to remake her life for the fun of it. She became a multiverse traveling hunter who goes out on missions to other worlds, either for business or personal reasons. Disclaimer: Cover art isn't mine. Hope you enjoy this is written as a pass time and practice. Discord: https://discord.gg/6RrqSJBZKH

Snowie_nee · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 10: New Family?

Before this chapter begins, I would like to apologize for the last time (even though it's probably not the last time) for not uploading, that's it. However! I'm rewriting from chapter 10 seeing as I kinda left myself in a block to follow that filler chapter. Thanks for listening.


Rose woke up with a shock as her senses were overwhelmed with a sweet smell.

"God fucking dammit, the fucking he-" she exclaimed as she looked around, confused by her surroundings as she was now not in the dark basement of the Hellsing Manor, she was in the middle of a bright, windowed house laying on the floor surrounded by multiple figures.

She looked up at one of the figures, remarking their beauty, although she'll never admit that she was extremely beautiful herself.

User status: Confused

Information upload: imminent... 3... 2... 1... Information uploaded

At the same time Rose had heard the robotic voice of the system in her head, it felt as if her head was being pounded with multiple hammers, as she saw everything that had happened while she was asleep, shocked by the pain she held the sides of her head and clenched her teeth tightly together rolling around. After a minute the pain died down.

"An emergency mission, huh? Wait a minute, why did the system not tell me where it put me?!?!?" Rose panicked over inside her head.

User is not required to know the location they're in, find it out yourself.

System deactivating artificial mental barrier, good luck.

"What the fuck is happening.." Rose thought.

"I would like to know the same thing" one of the voices behind her said abruptly out of the silence.

"Did you read my mind!?" Rose jumped up, wary of the company that she had vaguely noticed before, two gorgeous women that were about her height, one with blonde hair and the other short black hair, another woman that was taller than her by around 2 inches, and had Caramel coloured hair, and 4 men standing beside them, one as tall and beefy as a bear, the others leaner and tall. One thing they all had in common were their amber coloured eyes and their pale white skin, a colour similar to her own.

Rose jumped back, startled at the similarity of her undead skin with theirs, immediately alert, surprised at herself when a low growl started rumbling from her throat.

"Easy, Easy, we aren't going to hurt you" one of them spoke up, one of the males of the group. She calmed down almost artificially, but was still on guard. Her body relaxed as she stood back up from the low predatorial crouch she was in. She looked at them all curiously with her deep crimson eyes and noticed something that she should have before.

Their eyes were an amber colour instead of red, they weren't the same thing she was.

"And, what exactly are you?" One of the other males spoke, reading her mind again. Rose was shocked again at how he read her mind.

"Don't worry, you get used to it" the woman with short black hair told her, seemingly as if it were normal for the blatant evasion of privacy that was happening right now.

"And how do I do that?" Rose responded casually, unable to be alert anymore due to the strange wave that seemed to calm her.

"Uhmm, Stay with us?" she got in response from the short dark-haired girl, right next to her instead of where she was, showing how fast she was. Rose stood there a bit shocked, but not for long as the calming wave was still washing over her.

"Alice, this is not what we talked about" one of the males growled behind her. So her name was Alice, huh? Alice had just stuck her tongue out at the person behind her, and walked up to Rose and hugged her arm before kissing her cheek.

Rose was stunned at that, why did she just grab and kiss me? Another growl erupted from beside the previous one, another of the males.

"Oh relax, Jasper, she's not going to do anything" the girl, Alice, had said beside her. Rose broke from her stupor and tried tugging her arm out of the vice grip that Alice had, resulting in Alice to pout but let go.

The growling from the man, now known as Jasper ceased, but looked a lot more cautious now, the only one growling was the tall one.

"We don't know how she got here, just one moment we were out playing baseball at the diamond, and the moment after you saw someone in our house! I want to know how she got here, but it was blocked even out of your visions!" he snapped at Alice, obviously angry that there was a random person in their house without their permission.

"But I told you Edward, the moment she appeared in my visions, I had a vision that we were going to be friends!" Alice had retorted back, at the man now known as Edward.

"Now, children stop arguing! We have a guest here no matter how they got here, may we introduce ourselves?" A kind looking man next to the others had said, ending the argument between the two.

"Now may I ask for your name? Mine is Carlisle Cullen, the father of this family" The kind man had said, extending his hand for a handshake no doubt.

"Rose Tepes, vampire progenitor" Rose had said casually back, reaching out for his hand in kind, the other faces in the house snapping to her immediately, possibly recognizing the last name. Rose shook the hand of Carlisle, feeling at ease now.

"Progenitor? What's that?" Alice had innocently asked her.

"How to explain, hmmm" Rose started, "I belong to a line of noble vampires, ones that originated before all of the vampires" she finished.

Alice looked at her surprised as well as everyone else in the room, Alice seemingly not have seen this in one of her visions.

"Thats a lot to take in, but to us, you can be friend or even family, miss Rose. I invite you to our family here, the only conditions are that we feed off of animals instead of humans. Understood?" Carlisle had all but dumped the information onto her.

"What! Carlisle what are you thinking!? We don't even know her" Edward had exclaimed, man he was starting to get annoying, although she could see his point, she wouldn't let him know that.

"See, she even agrees!" he exclaimed again, as Rose started getting agitated even further at him being able to read her mind.

"Aww, so there's no killing here? That sucks." She replied, although it could be seen on her face that she was still considering the offer, it would pay off to be part of a rich family while she was here in this world.

"What just happened? I tried reading her mind and it just blocked off" Edward said, surprised, as this had never happened to him before.

"Nice to know, my mind is censored when I think about the other worlds." Rose stated in her mind, figuring that was a work of the system.

"Well, Rose, would you like to join our family? I'm Esme, by the way" The caramel haired vampire, now known as Esme, asked still wary of her as she came to stand closer.

"Uhmmm, Sure!" Rose enthusiastically agreed, which earned her a tight hug from Alice beside her and a kind smile from Esme and Carlisle who seemed already too familiar to her. The blonde behind her had started to speak out about it before being silenced with one fearful glare of Alice who was still wrapped around her.

"Mm, Rose you smell sweet, actually a lot sweeter than us" Alice commented beside her, her too, too familiar already.

"Really, I haven't noticed anything actually" Rose responded, slightly confused on why she was smelling her, but chalked it up to foreign world vampires, now trying to smell herself, and noticing that the sweet smell was coming from the vampires themselves instead of the room she was currently in.

"Really! You smell a lot sweeter, although I can't really tell what you smell like" Alice responded. Rose noticed something, out of the corner of her eye the big bear guy grinning and staring at her.

"Oi, big guy what's so funny" Rose questioned.

"A progenitor, so you're supposed to be strong, aren't you?" The lust for a fight crystal clear in his voice, Rose releasing a slow burning growl from the back of her throat subconsciously.

"Calm, calm, Rose calm down please. Emmet no fighting!" Carlisle had coerced, calming them both down as the short stack glared up at the mountain, although looking quite cute with the small doll like face with a caring hand resting on top of her snow-white coloured hair.

Rose looked up at Carlisle, surprised on how caring he was, especially to a person who he had just met not even a few minutes ago. She felt touched at how effortlessly he had accepted her into his family and at that time devoted herself to finding a way to do exactly just how to pay him back.