
My unfortunate love

Maya a simple, idealistic girl who wants to live life to the fullest but cannot. Life changes for her when she met Jason. The son of a wealthy family. Join her on her journey with Jason and challenges

Arinze_Daniel_6452 · Thành thị
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Jason was done putting his stuff into his locker, Eric came, I saw you looking at that girl, I also heard rumours you brought her to school, do you have feelings for her, Eric said. no, I can't like her, I want to get my revenge for spilling juice on me, he said and saw Maya looking at him and so did he.

He looked at Eric, revenge, he said and walked away as Eric followed him. They both went to English class. The teacher looked at the students, you all are having a practice test, he said and some booed or groan. English, she said. They had the test and submitted, he walked out of the class, you can use the remaining time to do what you want, I will give you your test next class, he said and walked out. Maya felt uncomfortable on her chair, Nancy noticed her and asked, are you ok, she asked. yes, she took her notebook and wanted to walk out of the class when Jason took the note and raised it up preventing her from taking it as he was taller than her. Jason, give me my note, she said. This caught the attention of other students making them laugh and point at her, she became embarrassed but tried taking her notebook. She tried for again this time but her menstrual pad fell from the notebook. Jason and the students looked at it, she became embarrassed her face turned red, she slapped Jason and walked out of the class. The students kept on laughing.

A student picked it and threw it into the dustbin. Nancy looked at Jason and went to look for Maya. Eric went to him, is this your revenge, bro, you've gone too far, he said. I didn't mean for this to happen, Jason said. apologise to her, let's look for her, he said and they both ran to look for her.

They saw her with Nancy at the second floor as they class was on the third floor. she was crying and Nancy did everything to console her. She saw Jason and sniffed her nose. He and Eric walked to her.. am sorry, he said but she looked away from his eyes. you made her cry, said Nancy angry. I didn't mean to, he said. you embarrassed her, come let's go, said Nancy pulling Maya away but Jason pulled them back. Jason I don't want to talk to you, she said and walked past him.

you tried, said Eric, she must forgive me, he said. what the fuss, said Eric smiling. I hurt her and it pains me if she's hurt, he said. hurt you, said Eric confused. when Jason recalled the two words, he didn't believe he could say it, maybe a slip of tougue, he said

Cassy saw Jason and Eric through the window entering the class, she stood up and walked to the door entrance and hit Jason, he grabbed her by her waist and they looked at each other. The students clapped while some were jealous to be in Cassy shoes. He help her stand well and walked past her and saw Maya reading her note. He walked to her and looked at her but she avoided his gaze. Maya, he called but she stood up and walked away.

They had all the classes and the day was over, he tried taking her home but she refused. Maya, let me take you home, he said but she ignored him. he tried but failed, he got tired and told the driver to go.

She did the same when they reached home, He saw her in the kitchen alone, he stood in front of her but it was the kitchen counter that kept them apart. Maya am sorry I didn't know, he said but she ignored him. Nicky heard noises it the kitchen and went to check, she saw them both and heard when Jason said, am sorry. Jason, she shouted and he looked at his mom. why are you apologising to her, she asked.

I did something to her, he said. ok and you Maya his apologising but you keep your ego high because of that, you apologise to him, she said. Maya looked at Jason, am sorry, she said, you can go, Jason, Nicky said. he hesitated but went. give me a glass of water, she said and Maya gave him the water. She poured it on Maya clothes. that's your punishment for talking to my son, she said and left. Maya looked at her clothes with tears in her eyes.

blacks out

Maya walked into the class, she saw Jason with Eric as usual. She walked through the aisle, Cassy streched her leg making Maya fall.. She looked at Cassy still on the floor and Cassy smiled devilish. she stood up and wanted to react but calmed herself and went to her seat. The English teacher gave them they test sheet. Maya scored low while Jason a perfect score. One of the students looked at jer sheet and laughed, this made her embarrassed. David stop, Jason said and he stopped immediately.

The class went by fast, Maya took a notebook from her locker but was slammed hard by Cassy. what do you want, asked Maya. Nothing just to tell you to stay away from Jason,his mine, she said. I don't care about you and Jason bond, just move out of the way, Maya said getting annoyed. do you want to push me and they heard screaming and looked at who they cheered for,it was on one except Jason and Eric who walked together. see,I will show you we are met for each other, Cassy said and walked to Jason.

Hi, she said. hi Cassidy, Jason said. How about we met after school, she said and walked past him. i think you have a crush, said Eric. He saw Maya and knew she saw everything,he walked to her direction but she turned away and left.

Maya was in her class, Jason was in chemistry class while she was in literature class. She was lost in thought thinking. Jason am not angry at you but I have to listen to madam Nicky or we will leave in the streets, she said and opened her notebook. She saw a writing don't be mad, Jason. She looked at the writing and smiled. The teacher noticed she wasn't listening . Maya, what are you thinking about, the teacher asked. nothing, she said in a pleading tone. The teacher looked at her suspiciously but continued teaching the class.

The day was over, friends saying goodbye to each other and went they separate ways. She didn't see Jason and thought he must have gone. she saw Cassy as she entered the car proudly. rich brat, she said and turned she saw Jason behind her. She was startled losing her grip but he held her shoulder and she stood up properly. She looked at him upset and walked away. he continued following her but his driver came.. if I ask you to come into the car,you won't agreed,he said and looked at his car and at Maya but didn't see her. He gasped annoyed and entered the car.

He arrived at his home and saw Pile with his mom as Nicky filled some paperworks and said things to Pile and she nodded. Maya came dressed up, ma, am going, Maya said and Nicky gave her a sign to go. She looked at Jason and left.

Jason was in his room, he was dressed in his house wear. He turned on his laptop that was on the table. How to make a girl forgive you, he searched. He saw many solutions like giving her a gift, apologising. have tried some of this, let me call Eric, he said and dailed his number twice before he answered.

Dude, who calls by this time, said Eric with a sleepy tone. How can I make Maya forgive me, he asked. he could feel Eric has stood up, are you nut, you stopped by beauty sleep. please, Jason said. Eric sighed, because you pleaded, apologise to her, he said. have tried that you are my witness, Jason said. then let me sleep, bro if you love her tell her, said Eric. you must be day dreaming, good night, he said and they hung up. I know what to do, he said with a wide smile.

Maya sat down on the bed and looked at her nails. She heard the door knob and looked to see it was her mom. Pile smiled at her daughter which made Maya curious. I have a gift for you, Pile said and she brought out the school uniform. Maya stood up quickly and collected it. How did you buy you,it must be expensive, she said. Yes but I will do anything for you, Pile said and hugged her daughter compassionately. when they pulled from the hug,maya spoke,I can't wait to try it and Pile smiled seeing her daughter happy.

Maya wore the uniform the next day and did a bun with her hair which made her look odd but she loved it. She rolled over with joy showing her mon the uniform. Pile smiled and said, don't waste your time on the cloth and go to school and Maya nodded. She carried her bagpack and opened the door and ran quickly.

She arrived at school and when she looked at the school, she felt embarrassed, she walked to her class and looked at the students and felt butterfly in her tummy. She walked to her seat. The class was noisy as usual. Jason walked into the class and the students admired him. he walked to Maya with the disapproval of some students. am so,he said and Maya looked at him and smiled. He smiled back at her and streched his hand for her to shake him. she hesitated but shaked him at last to the surprise of other students. The bell then rang, I have to go and Maya nodded.. She looked at him with happiness until he was out of sight.

she opened her locker and saw a letter. the uniform looked great on you, Jason. she smiled as she read it. She turned to go but was pushed by Cassy, she stood up and looked at her angrily, what will you do, she said arrogantly and Maya ls

Maya was in a bad mood during the late afternoon. they all had a general subject. Jason moved his chair vertical to him. He tried tapping her but she avoided him. take your chair away, he said continuously which made Maya angry and she put her leg on his chair making him scream in pain.

What happened, the teacher asked. nothing, he said touching his hurt leg. Maya tried not looking at his leg until the class was over. Eric walked to him and noticed his pain. What happened, he asked. Maya hurt me with her chair, help me, he said and Eric helped him out of the class and they saw Maya with Nancy. why did you hurt him, asked Eric angry but calmed down. He kept on disturbing me, she said defensive. I asked to move your chair, said Jason moving his hurt leg forward. sorry, take, treat your leg, she said and gave him her credit card. He collected it and looked at her and Eric helped him.

They were at the cafeteria, David came and sat with Jason and Eric, he saw the credit card and snatched it thinking it was Jason own. Is this your credit card, he asked. no, it's for Maya, Jason said. ok, said David and he walked out but didn't drop the credit card. Jason tried standing but couldn't. what is he doing, asked Eric and David soon came with a hand full of snacks, he shared it to the rich kids and gave the credit card to Jason. what did you do, asked Jason. I spent all the money, Maya won't care, he said reluctant. what, he shouted. Nancy soon came with the attempt to take the credit card. Maya needs her card, she said stretching her hand for the card. I spent all her money, David said. you know that's her expenses and feeding money, said Nancy upset and snatched the card from David and walked out. What a bitch, said David. quiet, shouted Jason.

Nancy walked to Maya who was on the roof, she gave Maya her credit card and told her the bad news, Jason and his crew spent all your money, Nancy said. Maya looked uncovinced and looked at the amount on the credit card, she saw the numbers were empty. no, I need this for a month, she said. Am sorry, said Nancy in a comforting tone.

The class was quite silent, no teacher was at the class. I was told to tell you guys our teacher is sick, said one of the students. Great, said a female as she stood up, let's have some fun, she shouted. heeey, shouted some of the students. They threw waters on each other, Cassy intentionally threw some water on Maya. oops, she said sarcastically. Maya stood up and wanted to walk out but Cassy streched her leg in between making her fall. Jason looked at what happened and stood up angrily but Eric stopped him by holding his arm. don't, leave her, he said adamant and Jason stood up. Maya stood up angrily and pushed Cassy and she fell to the surprise of everyone. Cassy stood up angrily and grabbed Maya hair and so did Maya. we can watch this, said Jason and Eric nodded. They stood up and seprated them. Jason held Cassy and Eric held Maya.

Maya shrugged her shoulder making Eric leave her and she walked out, immediately the bell rang and school ended for the day. Maya went to the shower and dried her uniform, she looked through the mirror and saw her reflection and Jason reflection. what are you doing here, she asked. take, he said giving her an handkerchief. She didn't take it but he dropped it in front of her and left. She looked at the handkerchief and collected it.

She ran out and didn't see Jason or Nancy, she saw Eric and walked to him, Jason gave me this, give him back, she said. give him yourself, he said nicely and left. she held the handkerchief tightly.

She had a part time job at a cafe. she cleaned the tables and chairs. The door was opened and Jason entered the cafe. He sat on the chair Maya cleaned. she ignored him and went to another table. bring me a juice, he said and a maid ran happily to him, not you, her, he said pointing at Maya making the maid envious. Maya brought the juice and it slipped from his hands mistakenly and fell. Maya got upset and held his hand and pulled him outside.

What do you want, you embarrassed me, you spent all my money, why do you want to do, she asked with tears in her eyes. Jason kept looking at the tears in her eyes, he didn't reply and she continued, I have to work extra hard to fill my credit card but you make my problem hard, your mother keeps embarrassing my mom and criticize us, why do you want to make my life hard, she shouted and a tear dropped from her eyes. I never did any of that to you, he said and Maya looked at him surprised. what, she said. Don't cry, he said and pulled her into a hug, she hesitated but soon gave in. he hugged her but she didn't hug him back but cried