
My unforgettable journey in high school

Emily_Deo · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

chapter four


After listening to an announcement which was given in school that we will be going for a trip which will take us a week before we will come back.. Made me feel excited cause I love adventures and to see and explore new things...My parents were both in when I got home....I runned to hug my Dad as a welcome back home greeting...he brought out a gift his room for me which I opened it quickly as I could to see what's inside...

Wow!.. it was a dairy.. it's design was so lovely... It was coloured red and gold with the heart symbol on it .. guess what it had,... one can set a password on it ... Thanks Dad, I love you soon much I really like it.. I said.. after I told them about the trip and was allowed to go.. I went up in my room to start packing up my stuff that are important to be included in the journey cause we had only two days to go and I don't wanna miss that just because I didn't prepare myself enough for it.. 

Today was when we were supposed to go for the trip.. as l was about to get on the bus, I saw Eric who finally said hi to me before also getting on the bus... I responded this time with a hey.. cause I couldn't feel comfortable around him anymore since I ignored his smile... 

We finally got to our destination around 6:00 pm... We started seeting up our tent that we will spend our night in.. after that, a fire was set outside to keep us warm. we gathered ourselves and sat bedside the fire in a circular way .. Suddenly Ziggy... Who also joined the journey brought up the ideal of playing a Truth or dare... He had a dark skin.. brown eye balls, he was wasn't short and wasn't tall either.. his upper lips was dark and the lower lips was pink making him look handsome with his dark curly hair...

He continued with, if you know you don't wanna take part please excuse us else you wouldn't get that chance again... I had wanted to exist the group but I didn't want to be called a coward especially when I realized Eric who I never dreamt would like to be in places like this stayed..this gave me some motivation to stay rather than be a coward...

No one is leaving ok...let's start rolling the bottle.. Ziggy added...

As the bottle was toasted on the table it pointed to Mable one of our mates.. here is it... Truth or dare, Ziggy asked... I choose truth, she said... Ok then here is your question how many times have you had sex since three months.. she replied with one and everybody shouted with.. ooooohhh.. I guess Eric and I were the only people who didn't react with what she said.. I noticed Eric was quiet the whole time...

The bottle was diced again.. this time around I was the one it pointed to... Truth or dare.. Ziggy asked.... I thought for a moment, if I choose true and they found out I'm a virgin and I have also never dated before, will be a mockry out of me.. that's because everyone in school had someone they were dating including Eric, but he doesn't show much love to her girl as if someone is forcing him to date her,I think that was why they choose to break up..for a reason I don't know.... just few months ago when I joined the school... So I choose dare....