

-Why are you running? It was you who concluded this contract. You remember it ? -... -So don't even try to escape -------------------- When Miroy's father dies, it's a descent into hell for his family whose living conditions become catastrophic. Until the day Miroy is offered $2 million by the army colonel for a special mission. But Miroy never thought that his life would become entangled with that of two twins. Kings of the planet Blue, who want Miroy to become their queen. No rape in this story. Everything will be consent and they are all adults.

Lilitee · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
22 Chs

Did we survive?

I lay there for a moment, barely catching my breath. The forest around me was different. The trees were thicker, their bark glowing with a strange phosphorescence. Luminescent plants cast soft light, creating an almost magical landscape.

When I got up, I noticed that, despite the pain, nothing seemed broken. It was a miracle.

After a while, I came across a small clearing. In the center, a strange rock formation stood, decorated with ancient and unknown symbols. As I approached, I noticed a spring of pure water gushing from a crack in the rock. Exhausted and thirsty, I squatted down to drink. The water was cool and invigorating, bringing some comfort to my battered body.

As I stood up, I heard a rustling in the bushes behind me. My heart raced again. Was this another threat? Or maybe an ally?

-Who's there?, I asked, my voice trembling with apprehension.

A familiar face emerged from the shadows. It was Marc, his expression both relieved and worried.

-I found you!, he exclaimed, running towards me. "When I saw you had fallen, I followed your trail. I'm so glad you're alive!"

Relief washes over me. "Thank you, Marc. We have to stay together. This forest is full of dangers, together we have a better chance of surviving."

We decided to continue exploring this new forest, looking for our lost companions or any other life forms that could help us. Every step was an adventure, every discovery a mystery to solve.

Marc and I were alone, lost in this strange and mysterious forest. As we pondered our next actions, a flickering light caught our attention. Human voices and the crackling of a campfire could be heard in the distance. My heart leapt at the thought that we might find other survivors.

-Should we go? Marc murmured, his eyes shining with hope mixed with distrust.

After a moment of hesitation, we decided to check it out. But before we approached, we pinched each other to make sure it wasn't another illusion. The pain confirming the reality of our situation, we moved cautiously towards the source of the light and the voices.

As we approached the camp, we discovered a group of five people sitting around the fire. Two of them were identical twins, their faces reflecting an uncanny symmetry. Next to them, three men were also present. One of the men was sitting on the lap of another, a scene that, while surprising, was not necessarily disturbing, but it did bother me a little when I noticed the man's hand crisscrossing his clothes.

The twins were the first to notice us. "Who ?" one of them asked in a calm but firm voice.

-We are survivors, I answered quickly. "We were with a group, but we got separated."

The men exchanged glances, then one of the twins stood up, beckoning us to approach. "Come near the fire, we won't hurt you."

We approached slowly, always on our guard. The twins watched us intently, their expressions unreadable. The other three men were also scrutinizing us, but their relaxed posture and the warm atmosphere of the camp reassured us somewhat.

-My name is Lorenzo, and this is my brother Alessandro, said one of the twins. "And these are John, Victor, and Max," he added, pointing to the three men.

-I'm Marc, and this is Alex, replied Marc, pointing in his direction.

-What are you doing here? I asked, curious to know their story.

Victor, the man who had a tattoo that extended to the left side of his face, spoke. "We are also explorers. We landed here by accident a few days ago. This planet is full of oddities.

John, the man sitting on Max's lap, added, "We've been confronted with strange things, illusions, and bizarre creatures. We've learned to stick together and be wary of anything that seems too good to be true."

I briefly recounted our own experience, including the haunting song and the deadly larvae. The faces of the five men grew serious when they heard our story.

-You were lucky to survive, said Victor. "This planet seems to want to test us at every moment."

Max leaned forward. "You can stay with us. We must stay united to increase our chances of survival."

A feeling of relief came over me. After so many adventures, finding allies was an unexpected comfort. We sat around the fire, sharing food and stories, warmed by the warmth of the fire and the company of others.

-We must be vigilant, said John.

that night brings new dangers. But together we can face them."

That night, for the first time in a long time, I felt a glimmer of hope. We may have been lost on a dangerous, alien planet, but with these new companions, our chances of surviving and finding a way home had just improved.

-Where is your botanist? Marc suddenly asked.

-Dead, replied Victor