
The Xianbei Confederation(3)

After that bout with Lu Bu, all of us returned to the main strategy tent when the rest of the soldiers began to remake the camp as we all stood around the map of the nearby region of China.

"Well then, before Master Lu Bu had joined us in such magnificent fashion, me and Master Wu Kong here were discussing how we should begin our marching plans on the regions of Anding and Shofang." He said laying out two military pieces where our base camp was located.

"We have a limited amount of men of roughly 50,000 men and possibly more joining our forces but we are at a disadvantage of numbers as they outnumbers us at a 1 to 4 ratio." Chen Gong said before setting more pieces across the map with one in each core village area along with two or three in the main cities of Anding and Shofang.

"Hmph, it matters not, these people are nothing more than mere savages trying to take our lands while everyone else desires to take China for themselves and make it their own." Lu Bu said as he scoffed with his arms crossed while looking at the map.

"While he has a point, we must figure out our war path to take back these lands, I propose continue west and take all of the regions of Anding before circling back and heading east, taking all of the regions of Shofang before finally taking the capital and forcing them out of China." I say as I use the war map to show the route marching path.


"Hmm, that is indeed the best and most straightforward way to use our army to its fullest." Chen Gong said before Lu Bu scoffed.

"And it would take to long to deal with these savages, give me a group of Five Thousand strong and I will be able to run through this pathetic villages with swift ease before meeting up once more with the main army at Shofangs capital." Lu Bu said as he proposed his own separate route from the original that I had planned out, the main army deals with the capitals while Lu Bu's elite force would sweep through the regions and reclaiming the areas themselves.


"That would speed up the process of this war, but the elite unit would be in more danger as the forces that they would face could be anywhere from twice to four times their army's size." Chen Gong said but Lu Bu waved it off.

"I fear no man, I alone am worth an army on my own, if I had it my way I would fight completely on my own and tear down these savages alone." He said with determination in his eyes, and he's not wrong, most people across China even put up a moderate threat to Lu Bu do to his strength.

'Among Men, Lu Bu, Among Horses, Red Hare.' As the saying goes, he is China's greatest Warrior riding on China's greatest horse, so his arrogance is justified.

Thinking about this, looking at the map and what I knew about the Xianbei Tribes, I finally had an Epiphany, something I remembered from all the many different historical tribes I had studied in my past life.

"Actually, Lu Bu's plan has a real chance of working, but it wouldn't be purely through the use of Might alone, but using what the Xianbei Tribes fear to make them more easily willing to surrender." I said gathering their attention, surprise the others that I would agree with Lu Bu's plan as it stood opposed to my original plan.

"In my travels I met the White Horse General, Gongsun Zan, and asked him how he was able to cow the Wuhan Tribes north of his territory for so many years, and he told me that the Wuhan Tribes found White Horses as sacred beasts thus made the marauding Wuhan Tribes to scatter in fear as they could never attack those chosen by their sacred beasts and were able to ride them at will, so in my travels I also found what the Xianbei worship and what they feared." I said while rubbing my chin, though I could see Cai Yan and Lin Biao looking at me with a raised eyebrow since they know who I really am.

"Ohh? And what would that be?" Chen Gong asked intrigued as it could be useful if we went with Lu Bu's plan.

"The beasts they see as sacred are White Tigers, but as we have none of those we would have to use what they fear instead, and the animal they see as Ill omens for them in battle are none other than red and black horses, Red being the representation of bloodshed and war with Black being the representation of death and destruction, they even refuse to wear these colors as they believe they bring bad luck to them, but would bring them immense fear seeing an army in all black and red armor charging at them with black and red horses leading the charge." I say and hearing this made Lu Bu grin.

"So, at the mere sight of me wearing my armor on the back of my Red Hare should put immense fear in these savages, thus an elite unit dressed in red and black armor with a strong black and red Calvary force will allow us to sweep through the country side with no issue whatsoever." He said pulling away the cloth on his cheek as the blood had already begun to stop flowing, no doubt due to gaming logic that he wouldn't require stitches, but it will leave a scar even after it completely heals.

"I see, then this idea will work, the main force shall depart for capital of Anding while Lu Bu's Force shall take down the various villages before regrouping with us at the battle of Heyin for the capital of Shofang province." Chen Gong said laying out the plan of attack for all of us.

"By tomorrow I expect everyone to have arrived, but Master Lu Bu would have enough of a force to set out today, but I strongly recommend that we all rest for the night and tomorrow when all the men are rested and fed we can have Master Lu Bu's army set out ahead of us and begin the attacks on the smaller areas with your elite group while the main army heads for Andings capital Jingling before heading north to Heyin." Chen Gong laid it all out their for everyone to which everyone agreed with how tomorrow would go.

So with that said we split up and prepared our tents before getting our meals which were supplied by the emperor for our army and luckily it wasn't all dried meats and grains but their was also fish, meat buns, and DimSum for us to eat and keep us full.

"So, who's going along with that meathead on that mission of his?" Lin Biao asked as she poked at the fire, by now the sun had set and night had come.

"I will probably go along with him, after all I have a black horse and I have red Armor, funnily enough the exact oppose it of him with his black armor and red horse." I did fit the outfit and horse to scare the enemy and thus I would be best suited for that elite force.

"Are you sure? Won't that be dangerous?" Cai Yan said with clear worry on her face but I just rubbed her head.

"Don't worry about me, I am the Legendary Dragon Mercenary, this shouldn't be an issue for me, Lin Biao, I leave leading the main Army to you, Ma Shun, Tai Yang, both of you should also stay with the main army as I expect that only me, Lu Bu, Zhang Liao and Chen Gong will depart with this small unit while everyone else will attack the capital provinces." I said as that is what seemed most likely the group for the small army that we shall lead would have us four in it with the rest leading the main army.

"Well…. I wonder about that…." Ma Shun said quietly to himself as he felt it wasn't going to be that easy to decide who will go with what group.

And sure enough when the next day came his thoughts turned out to be true.