
Chapter 756: Forces of Hell.

Chapter 756: Forces of Hell.

Abbadon, a City located in the Lowest Layer of Hell, specifically in the Demon King's castle.


The most powerful ladies of Hell were gathering in a hall where only they and the Demon King could enter.


"Preparations are complete." Vine declared. "The Hordes of Hell are always prepared to receive the King's commands."


"Internal logistics have been completed. With just one command from the King, billions of Demonic Hordes are ready to do his bidding." Vepar spoke.


"I have conquered the Fields of Hatred, Famine, Destruction, and Fear. The Demons of these fields are all under the control of His Majesty, The Demon King of Tyranny." Lily spoke in a neutral voice.


The Fields mentioned were all places where the most 'powerful' Infernal Demons tended to spawn. These places were completely hostile to the new 'King' as they were quite far from the King's area of influence.