
Unseen Conversations

There was a bit of confusion regarding my choice to refer to it as the "Rubber-Rubber Fruit" instead of "Sun God Nika." However, I'll share some background information to clarify. The system accurately records Luffy's abilities from his own memories. During that period, even Luffy himself was unaware of his Devil Fruit's true name and would unconsciously refer to it as the "Gomu Gomu No Mi."

Here's a special gift for all of you as my views reached 50K- Leo isn't the sole recipient of this system; there may be others with Named Template who also have it. (Note- Kyle has his own Konha Ninja System)


A satisfied grin spread across Leo's face as he observed his progress. "Not bad at all. It's incredible how much can change in just a week."

Leo's excitement was palpable as he contemplated his future growth. With every level gained, his health and energy increased by 10 points

"System, how do attribute increases work?"

[System: Every time you level up, you will gain 2 attribute points that will be distributed according to what type of training you do among your existing attributes: Strength, Agility, Intelligence, and Vitality.]

"Time flies, doesn't it?" Leo said aloud to himself, a sense of accomplishment in his voice. He stretched his arms and legs, feeling the strength coursing through his veins. The training regimen he had adhered to had not only enhanced his physical abilities but also brought him closer to his goal.

"Tomorrow's back to the grind at school, and guess what? I'm definitely diving into those freaking dungeon!"

I know you are surprised, right? Like, with all the insane stuff happening around here, throwing dungeons into the mix is just the next logical step. Crazy, huh?

Leo returned to his room, the exhilaration of the day's training still coursing through his veins. After a refreshing shower, he slipped into his comfortable pajamas and settled into his bed. With a contented sigh, he closed his eyes, ready to embrace the restful embrace of sleep.

On the other side of the world, within a dimly lit room shrouded in an aura of intrigue and power, twelve individuals sat gathered around an intricately carved table. Their presence exuded formidable energy, a testament to their strength and influence. Among them was an elderly man with a wise countenance – Sarah's grandfather.

"The awakening of another individual from 'Monkey' family has not gone unnoticed," a voice, tinged with a mix of curiosity and caution, broke the silence. "It seems history is destined to repeat itself, or perhaps take a divergent path altogether."

Sarah's grandfather Kyle, a man of years and wisdom, leaned forward. "Indeed, the awakening of a template with that name carries undeniable significance. The legacy of the Monkey family had a profound impact on the world. We must tread carefully and observe how this individual's journey unfolds."

A woman with a commanding presence offered her perspective. "Should we consider monitoring his actions closely? It's in our best interest to ascertain whether he follows the footsteps of his predecessor."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the room, with some nodding in approval. However, another voice countered, "Let us not jump to conclusions. The awakening of a template does not guarantee a repeat of history. We must allow this individual the space to carve his own path, for better or worse."

A man known for his foresight spoke next. "It is true that our actions must be calculated. We do not want to inadvertently create an adversary where none existed. Let us continue to observe and gather information before making any definitive decisions."

Sarah's grandfather, a steadying presence in the midst of differing opinions, offered his final word. "For now, let us keep a watchful eye. But remember, our ultimate goal is the preservation of balance and harmony. We shall act with prudence and wisdom, as we always have."

As the discussion continued, Leo's peaceful slumber remained untouched by the deliberations of those distant figures. In the realm of dreams, he was free to embrace the possibilities that lay ahead.


The next morning arrived with a gentle touch of sunlight filtering through Leo's window. He stirred from his sleep, his mind gradually transitioning from dreams to reality. With a stretch and a yawn, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and pushed himself upright.

Leo proceeded to his daily routine, moving with a sense of purpose. He freshened up with a quick shower, the cool water invigorating his senses. As he towel-dried his hair, his gaze fell upon the Straw Hat Pirates' poster hanging on his wall, a symbol of the incredible journey he had embarked upon.

Dressed in a clean set of clothes, Leo made his way downstairs to the familiar sounds and aromas of breakfast being prepared. His mother, a warm and welcoming presence, greeted him with a smile as he entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, dear," she chimed, the tinkling of her voice a comforting melody. "How did your training go yesterday?"

Leo returned the smile, his spirits lifted by her presence. "Morning, Mom. Training was awesome.

His mother's eyes twinkled with affectionate amusement. "I'm glad to hear that, Leo. Just remember to strike a balance between your training and your other responsibilities."

Leo nodded, his determination unwavering. "Don't worry, Mom, I've got it all under control."

As his mother plated a hearty breakfast for him, Leo took a seat at the table. The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, and his stomach rumbled in eager anticipation. They engaged in casual chatter, discussing his plans for the day and his upcoming return to school.

With breakfast finished and dishes cleared away, Leo stood up and shouldered his bag. "Well, Mom, I better head out. Got to make the most of this day before school starts again."

His mother walked with him to the door, her gaze filled with maternal pride. "Take care, Leo.

Leo's heart warmed at her words. "Thanks, Mom. I'll see you later."

With a final wave, Leo stepped out into the morning sunlight. The cool breeze played against his skin, energizing him for the day ahead. As he walked down the path that led away from his home, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The prospect of returning to school, of exploring dungeons, and honing his newfound abilities filled him with a sense of anticipation that was almost electric.

At the school gate, Leo spotted David waiting for him. They exchanged greetings and fell into an easy conversation.

"Hey, Leo, how's it going?" David asked.

Leo grinned. "Couldn't be better, David. I've been training hard and getting the hang of these new abilities. How about you?"