
My Tech Company

For more than 70+ chapter Visit my patreon patreon.com/Musely28 Only $3 dollor Due to a misjudgment, the company went bankrupt, and Chen Xing was reborn in 2014 with reluctance. At this time, Longguo was in the transition period of 4G network. Gaotong Company, which had exclusive 4G baseband chips, took the opportunity to raise prices by 70% and demanded to share patented technology with them. When faced with a life-and-death decision again, the god-level option was triggered. [Option 1, agree to all the requirements of Gaotong Company, and get a reward: 28-nanometer processor chip design! ] [Option 2, purchase Hanxing Group's Orion 8420 processor chip, produce 3G camera phones, and get a reward: Orion processor design drawings! ] [Option 3, independently develop baseband chips, break the technical monopoly barriers, and get a reward: top chip research team × 1, and bind the domestic light system! ] ... When Chen Xing took the self-developed 4G mobile phone to the new product launch conference, the era of Longxing Technology Company officially arrived. Relying on the scientific research talents in various fields recruited by the system, Chen Xing started from the mobile phone field and set foot in new energy vehicles, drones, artificial intelligence, aerospace... For more than 70+ chapter Visit my patreon patreon.com/Musely28 Only $3 dollor

Musely · Thành thị
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76 Chs

5G Network

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  Seeing Chen Xing's straightforward refusal, Cai Mingjie simply stopped beating around the bush and said bluntly, "Wait, Mr. Chen, don't you want to know whether Hanxing Group is involved in the sanctions?"

  "They were involved, I know that."

  Chen Xing took a sip of tea and said slowly.

  He has never regarded Hanxing Group as an ally. His cooperation with Li Zhenzhen is just to resume work and production as soon as possible and make the factory run normally.

  What he is really waiting for is the development of his own 14-nanometer chip.

  With it, the day will come when we will draw our swords against Apple. As long as we firmly control the upstream and downstream markets, a large amount of funds will flow in.

  Seeing that Chen Xing was not playing by the rules, Cai Mingjie threw out another piece of news: "Gaotong CEO Morenkof has already gone to the peninsula. As far as I know, he has already met with Li Zhenzhen. Aren't you afraid that they will tamper with the processor chip?"

  "Did they meet?"

  Chen Xing became somewhat interested.

  Cai Mingjie finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the wrinkles on his face relaxed a little. He said, "We met, I'm sure."

  "So what does Mr. Cai want me to do by telling me this?"

  Chen Xing asked with interest.

  Cai Mingjie glanced at the office environment, hesitated for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Let's continue to cooperate. I can provide you with a ten-core processor chip."

  Chen Xing: "…"

  Ten cores?

  He really wanted to laugh when he heard it.

  MediaTek itself doesn't even understand octa-core, yet it's trying to come up with a 10-core processor?

  They must be out of their minds!

  However, MediaTek had indeed gone astray at that time, thinking that it could surpass Qualcomm by just piling up chip cores.

  Little did people know that after Qualcomm released the "Fire" Dragon 810 processor, it learned from its mistakes, stopped mindlessly stacking the number of cores, and started to optimize the architecture and chip layout.

  Chen Xing didn't want to burn the motherboard, so he refused on the spot: "No need, Mr. Cai. The power consumption and heat of the ten-core processor may not be suppressed with the cooling technology we have now."

  But Cai Mingjie became more and more excited as he continued to reveal: "I can solve the heat dissipation problem, as long as Mr. Chen is willing to continue to use MediaTek processors..."

  "Why would President Cai do this?"

  Chen Xing sighed, already a little impatient.

  Longxing Technology itself is developing chips. Even Gao Zhengqian said that the microarchitecture of the ten-core chip may not be able to suppress the heat. Cai Mingjie said that it can be solved. Can he be more professional than the red quality talents?

  Chen Xing doesn't want to repeat the same mistake and put a low-quality processor with one core working and nine cores watching into the new flagship phone.


  They are developing their own chips.

  Neither MediaTek nor Orion will last long.

  Seeing Chen Xing's firm attitude, there was no possibility of cooperation, so Cai Mingjie simply made up his mind and stabbed Gaotong Company in the back:

  "Since there is no possibility of cooperation between us, Mr. Chen, if I tell you the reason why Gaotong Company is targeting you, how about we write off all the debts between us?"

  The contract is written in black and white and it is very clear that the party in breach will be required to pay ten times the compensation.

  The breached orders totaled 300,000 MediaTek MT6592 processors, with a total value of more than 30 million yuan, so ten times the compensation would be 300 million yuan.

  Although the lawsuit involving Formosa is not easy to win, as long as you persist, you should be able to get the liquidated damages within ten years...

  Chen Xing did not rush to answer, but took a sip of tea and said, "It's the Kaitian baseband chip. Qualcomm wants to get it, so they are trying every means to destroy my company."

  "Not accurate!"

  Cai Mingjie shook his head.

  Is an insider information worth three hundred million?

  Chen Xing was a little hesitant.

  At this time, Cai Mingjie seemed to see through Chen Xing's heart and smiled faintly: "I know what Mr. Chen is thinking. Let's not talk about whether the lawsuit is easy to win or how long it will take to collect the money. Even if I really don't pay, will your application for compulsory execution have any impact on me?"


  Mainland companies are fine, but for the Mishima region...  

  Chen Xing actually thought highly of Cai Mingjie's character. He put down his teacup, looked at the former king and said, "Please speak, Mr. Cai."

  "They want to use your technology for 5G!"


  "Yes, it is 5G!"

  Cai Mingjie didn't care anymore. If Hanxing Group could stab MediaTek in the back, why couldn't he? Besides, if it weren't for Gaotong's instigation, he would never have cut off supply to Longxing Technology.

  After taking a deep breath, he revealed everything: "Gaotung is developing 5G. They describe 5G as the Internet of Everything. Everything is connected to the Internet, making them intelligent. This may be the general trend of the new era."

  "The problem their chip team encountered was that the DSP digital processor could not efficiently receive and process 5G signals, so they wanted to get your multi-core architecture technology."

  The words fell.

  The office fell into dead silence.

  5G network, the Internet of Everything, this is indeed the concept of the 5G era, and it is not unfamiliar to the reborn Chen Xing.

  But what he didn't expect was that while other companies were still busy with 4G networks, Qualcomm had already started investing in the development of 5G...

  One step faster, every step faster, this saying is indeed true.

  When 3G was transitioning to 4G, Gaotong took advantage of the opportunity and targeted all technology companies in Longguo's mobile phone market. What if they developed 5G first?


  Chen Xing let out a long sigh, wrote down this crucial information and said, "I understand, Mr. Cai, this news is crucial."

  "What about the debt?"

  "The compensation will be written off, but you have to return the deposit for the goods to me."

  "Boss Chen really doesn't want to suffer any loss at all!"

  "It's a small business."

  "When I return to Formosa Company, I'll ask the finance department to remit the money back to you."

  "Why not now?"

  Cai Mingjie: "…"

  Chen Xing didn't want to let him go. Cai Mingjie had just said that if he was determined to default on his debt, there would be nothing he could do to him.

  Since there was nothing he could do to him in Taiwan, he was now in Shenzhen, at the headquarters of Longxing Technology. How could Chen Xing let him go without paying back the processor deposit?

  Cai Mingjie was silent for a long time. He felt insulted.

  Although MediaTek is on the decline and its high-end market share is decreasing, in the global sinking markets, such as poor small countries in Africa, every mobile phone has a chip produced by MediaTek.

  As the CEO of MediaTek, would

  he really refuse to pay the two million? But Cai Mingjie looked at Chen Xing's serious expression and compromised. He felt that if he didn't pay back the two million today, he might not be able to leave Longxing Technology Company.

  no way.

  He called the finance department.

  After a while.

  The two million deposit will be returned to the account of Longxing Technology Company.

  After confirming that the money had arrived, Chen Xing immediately smiled and said, "It's arrived. Mr. Cai, please come to Shenzhen often in the future."

  Cai Mingjie glanced at Chen Xing, forced a smile and responded: "If we have a chance to cooperate, I will definitely come."

  After saying that, he stood up and said, "Then I'll go back first."

  "Okay, take care."

  Chen Xing stood up to see him off.

  After sending Cai Mingjie to the elevator, Chen Xing had just returned to the office. Before he had time to think about the 5G network layout, the landline phone on the desk rang again.

  The girl at the front desk said: "President, a man named Cao Run wants to see you. He said he is here to submit an application form for the national chip support fund."

  (End of this chapter)

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