
MY TANGLED LOVE! (moved to a new link)

Well! LOVE in reality is not like any fairytale where the price charming fall I love at first sight. Love is more challenging and sometimes it's just not worth fighting for it. Just like in Gaya's life. Her love life is messed up just like her grades. Loving her best friend who is different ethnicity from her and him being a player is not helping. All she wants is a simple love life but fate decided she have to go through drama. When she decided she is done with love.. She caught up in love triangle between her best friend and her senior What will happen to her next?

Gayastry · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Mission On

I dropped the flowers that I was holding. I can't believe my eyes. Aidan was on stage with GAYA! My love! His germ filled hands were roaming all over her fragile body. How I wish I could punch his face until his jaw gets dislocated. Let that Handsome face be ruined. Lets see how he can use that face again to trick Gaya. I clenched my fist tightly when Aidan purposely pulled Gaya more towards him. I should stay calm. Gaya is here and she hates violence. I am good boy not a bad one like Aidan. Wait a minute! Is that guy sniffing Gaya's neck? The neck?! That's not part of the routine. That disgusting prick...how dare he do that to my Gaya? I clenched my jaw as Aidan keep on doing weird things on stage. Calm down Jay! Only focus on Gaya. Look how beautiful is she in that cute dress! Ignore Aidan, Admire Gaya. That's the motto of the day for you Jay. As I see the performance coming to end, I picked up the flowers and dust off the dirt. I saw Gaya getting down the stage.

"Gaya!" I called out for her. She waved and gave me her killer smile. Ohh! My heart. All my anger vanished just like that. My face brightened as she sign me to give her a minute. She greeted all of her seniors presence there for her rehearsal. She is so polite..ahhh my ideal type of girl.

She finally able to get off the stage and approached me. My heartbeat increased every second. My sweaty palm didn't help me either. I am being nervous again. Only this girl can make me go all nervous for absolute no reason.

"Is the flowers for me?" She asked in her honey like voice. Yes my love! I want to reply like it but I don't want to be a creep by saying strange things so I restrain myself. Its too early for this.

"Only for you.....It was a great performance Gaya...You always give your best even its just rehearsal." I said while handing those lilies to her. She accepted it and give it a little sniff. I like the way her face got all red and hot when I complimented her. The satisfaction on her face when she smelled the lilies. She can be pretty by just doing nothing. Ahhh! I am lucky guy.

I got a little closer to Gaya when I saw Aidan looking at us. This is my chance! The holy opportunity has come! I got more closer and whispered to Gaya.

"Let's grab lunch. My treat." I gave the puppy eyes hoping she would agree.

"Oh come on senior Jay. You bought me flowers so let me treat you lunch as a thank you...Deal?"

"Deal!" I showed her a thumbs up. et me drop some of my cuteness here.

Anything would do. I just want to spent some time with her. The 30 minute lunch would make my day.

"Shall we my princess?" I extended my arm a little. She chuckled again and linked arms with me. Gaya is playing along?! I can't contain my happiness. I purposely whispered random things to Gaya to make it look like we are very close. Oh Damn! If his eyes had lasers, my head might have a hole now. This is what I felt all this years when Aidan was clinging to Gaya. Its his turn to experience the rollercoaster emotions I went through. Suffer Aidan!

This is feel like a therapy for me. I can finally get my revenge. Aidan don't even think about snatching Gaya from me. It will be more difficult than statistics maths. You can't beat me this time .

"What are you craving for Senior Jay?I am craving something spicy.."

Well... I can't handle spicy food but Gaya is suggesting so I must go with her to make her feel satisfied. I maybe have to make a trip to hospital after the meal but for Gaya it will be all worth it. If only I have a little bit more of spice tolerence. Should I admit the truth..Nooo! I must win this war.

"Spicy food it is. I LOVE spicy food." I said to her in exaggeration. That's a lie.

"Really?!Then compete with me! I love to eat spicy food like you too..let's order the spiciest dish in our cafeteria today."

"Ohh okay.. I am warning you then....No one have ever beat me in spicy food competition before. Just saying...." There you go. Another lie. I dug my own grave here.

We just laughed and headed to our school cafeteria. Gaya listing all the spicy menus possibly available today while me praying hard they will not left with any. Okay lets just tell her the truth and get over it. I am man but I have issues too. I decided to speak when Gaya interrupted. Enough with the lies. We can't start our relationship with a lie.

"Hmmm.....what about the spicy potato dish. I heard it's super spicy." Gaya said it with a pout. She look so cute when she do that face.

"Good choice! One of my favourite." JAYYY!YOU IDIOT! We agreed on something earlier. I can't help it she was too cute just now. So back to my praying...Have mercy on me god! Well its all for love! Just a little sacrifice for your love Jay. Don't be coward and show Gaya what you are capable off. Spicy food? Easy peasy..lemon squeazy.


I stared at my plate for a minute now. I saw Gaya eating the spicy food without any problem. Wow she must love spicy food. My stomach is in pain just by looking at it. What will happen if I eat it? Explosive diarrhea it is! I gulped for nth time today. I can't lose my face in front Gaya.

"Senior Jay. Aren't you eating? You don't like potato?" Gaya asked me. Her worried look made me guilty to hell. I am going to lick this plate clean today. No one going to stop me.

"I love potato..Its just that I lost myself staring at you. What to do I am full by looking at you." I used some flirting tips from google yesterday. I pulled all nighter for this.

"Senior Jay. You can't eat spicy food, Can you? Are you trying to escape by flirting with me.. Not happening. We are competing now .Who ever drink water first ,Lose." Gaya innocently challenging me. I brought this upon myself.

Gaya you misunderstood here. I was seriously was flirting with you. This girl didn't even realise I am flirting with her. Is my flirting skills that bad?

"Go on Senior Jay. Eat up." I just gave her a little nod.

Well. Mom and dad I love you. Your son death is nearing and the reason will be eating too much spicy for his love.

"GAYA!!! MY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!" A voice echoed around the cafe.I haven't took a bite and here comes another trouble of the day.