
Parasitic Sect

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

The stairway, the corridor, the walls.

Everything was silent.

No one had noticed anything.

Layers of paint on the old walls fell off.

Meanwhile, gray mist seeped into the walls.

The entire building transformed quietly as if it was a living creature.

The windows on the exterior walls were its pitch-black eyes.

No one living in this building noticed anything unusual.

"Have you finished shrouding the place?" Bai Ye took a bottle of juice out of the refrigerator, sat on the sofa, and switched on the television.

"You can rest assured when I carry out my tasks," said the Lord of Eternal Nightmare.

"Okay." Bai Ye acknowledged its answer.

The school had just reopened, so Bai Ye did not have any homework. Therefore, he could watch television and relax for a while.

The first channel on the television was screening an adventure survival show.

This kind of show was very popular on all major television stations.

It was about the exploration of unknown wilderness and discovering new species of monsters, new plants, and new source materials.

This type of show had been popular for decades, and its popularity never waned.

Some scandals had also been exposed. While pretending to be exploring unknown wilderness, some television stations had been exploring safe areas that had already been explored and discovered.

Everything in the show had been planned in advance.

This kind of show had been very popular in the early days, but after these deeds had been exposed, the public had boycotted it unanimously. This had become a major scandal of the year.

The view counts of the television station had plummeted as a result.

Since then, exploration shows had been particular about portraying reality, and there had been cases of explorers losing their lives.

"We have to be careful," the male explorer on the television show whispered back to the camera. "A wild cow is in front of us. This cow is more than three meters long and has a yellowish skin tone. If it was a domestic animal, its skin tone would have been smoother and brighter. Judging from its body size, this wild yellow cow should be between the silver three-star and silver five-star level. Its hearing is not very good, but it is very sensitive to vibrations, so we have to fly over carefully."

The camera shifted and the image changed from the cameraman's shot to a first-person shot from the hat of the male explorer.

The male explorer flew over cautiously, holding a spear.

Was he planning to attack it personally?

Bai Ye at first thought that the male explorer would summon his tamed beast, but he was almost 30 meters away from the wild cow and there were still no signs of such a summons.

Considering the distance, this was a danger zone.

The male explorer had an insect-like tamed beast on his back. The tamed beast's paws were grabbing the hook on the back of his clothes. The insect was flying in the sky, carrying him along.

"Chen Gou is going to do it himself again. He wants to show off his parasitic tamed beast again. Parasitic sects are all heretics."

"I always feel that Chen Gou is advertising the parasitic sect."

"Forget it, the parasitic sect has no future, and no one teaches this in school. It is just a small sect. A Beast Tamer should command their tamed beast to fight. If they are not careful and get beaten to death, the tamed beast won't be able to protect them."

Several live comments flew across the bottom of the television screen.

Television shows had a bullet screen feature, and text messages could be edited and sent via a cell phone so long as they passed the review and did not flout the rules. However, each word cost 1,000 stars, and a longer sentence would cost tens of thousands of stars.

Upon looking at the bullet screen, Bai Ye finally understood.

However, he seemed to have seen the parasitic sect somewhere before…

Bai Ye took a sip of fruit juice.

He picked up his cell phone and searched for "parasitic sect" online.

Soon, he found the content he wanted.

However, the content was sparse, and at the top of the webpage was a promotional website.

It was the official website of the parasitic sect, Wanmu Church.

The network connection on his cell phone went through the local main server of the Obsidian Planet.

The content inside was basically local information on the Obsidian Planet. Although many people were aware of the existence of other planets, for the majority of people, other planets merely existed in words.

There were also very few videos.

The Obsidian Planet was in the territory of the human race. Humans also lived on the habitable planets nearby. Therefore, although many people were curious about the other planets, they did not feel that much yearning to know about them.

For example, people living in a town would be curious about their neighboring towns. However, everyone was living in a town, and there were no major differences between their living environments.

Boom! As Bai Ye had been checking the information, the male explorer on the show had already thrown the wooden spear in his hand.

The wild cow not far away had been killed with a single blow. Its head had been pierced by a wooden branch.

This wooden branch extended all the way to the bottom of the screen.

The image changed, and the cameraman behind the man chased him.

It was only then that Bai Ye saw the entire scene.

The man was floating in the void in midair.

As he was stretching his right arm forward, a vine was entwined around his wrist and arm, extending all the way into his clothes.

The other end of the vine extended into the head of the wild cow.

From the looks of it, the male explorer had used his ability and killed this wild cow himself.

"Aren't I handsome!" The male explorer turned his head and grinned at the camera.

"We, the parasitic sect of Wanmu Church, are recruiting students. Anyone who is interested can come and register. On the Obsidian Planet, although we are…" His subsequent words had been censored.

A paragraph in the middle of his speech turned into a beeping sound.

Bai Ye looked down at his cell phone and clicked on the official website.

The first thing to appear was a video that occupied half the webpage.

He clicked on the video.

"The parasitic sect belongs to a major sect in the universe, and Wanmu Church is one of its major churches. Vines have the innate ability to parasitize, and it is easy for them to parasitize humans," a man in white clothing that stood in a clearing said loudly in front of the camera.

He raised his arm as he spoke.

Suddenly, countless golden vines sprang from the wide openings of his sleeves. Tearing the void like a long whip, they transformed into golden lightning and shrouded the small hill ahead.

Boom, boom, boom!

The earth and the rocks on the hill started flying everywhere.

Smoke and dust filled the place.

By the time the smoke was cleared away, the hill had already turned into a mess full of rubble.

"Although the beast-commanding sect…" The man in white frowned and looked in a certain direction before he continued to look at the camera. "Although the beast-commanding sect is the major sect of the universe, they're not as handsome as the parasitic sect. Strength is temporary, and looks last a lifetime."

Bai Ye touched his chin. He had a feeling that the man in white sounded forced as he uttered the last few sentences of his speech.

However, the parasitic sect could satisfy some people who would get a kick out of fighting independently.

Logically speaking, the parasitic sect should not be that obscured. If this sect were to spread widely, many people would be learning its teachings.

Was it because the mainstream sect of the Obsidian Planet was the beast-commanding sect?

Bai Ye could only guess.

Foreign sects were suppressed and could only expand under certain restrictions.

Could there be other sects as well?

Bai Ye speculated.

The television show continued to be broadcast, and Bai Ye lost interest after watching it for a while.

Maneuvering a piece of wood while flying around was not elegant at all.

"Silly bird, have you finished shrouding the Nightmare Space?" Bai Ye turned around and addressed the Lord of Eternal Nightmare.

The Lord of Eternal Nightmare ignored him.

"Bald one, I'm talking to you!" Bai Ye continued to call out.

The Lord of Eternal Nightmare turned around, looking dumbfounded. Wasn't 'silly bird' the nickname of that stupid eagle? It said furiously, "Don't call me bald one! Call me Lord of Eternal Nightmare!"

In the past, this would have been fine.

However, now that it had learned that there was an old ape in the house who had reached the domain level, the Lord of Eternal Nightmare felt that it could not lose to that braggart.

'He keeps calling me the bald one. Where is my dignity?'

After pausing for a moment, the Lord of Eternal Nightmare said, "I finished shrouding the place long ago. Beast Tamer, there's something that you should know. I found a strange platinum-level tamed beast in this building."

Bai Ye was startled.

A platinum-level tamed beast?

This kind of beast was considered a bigshot in the base city.

Would it live in such an old, shabby neighborhood?

"What does it look like? Let me take a look."

The void in front of Bai Ye became distorted, and a cloud of smoke condensed and formed.

In a bathroom, a gray-haired old woman wearing a blindfold over one eye was sitting on the toilet bowl sinisterly…

"Stop it, stop it."

Bai Ye quickly turned around. This was hurting his eyes.

'This ability of yours is indecent.'

"Will she leave the city if you make the illusion stronger?" Bai Ye asked.

"I still need a bit more time, but tonight should be fine," said the Lord of Eternal Nightmare.

It had only reached the bronze ten-star level so far. If it could break through to the silver one-star level, it was confident it would strengthen the coverage of the illusion 10 times.

"That is fine. Break through as soon as possible today and lure her out at night," Bai Ye said.

The Lord of Eternal Nightmare understood.

They had to sleep early today.