
My System Wolf

The strongest being in the universe that exists, will have a devastating force but boring with the repeated cycle of seeing worlds and galaxies die without a possible happy ending, create a system. Completely finishing it he takes pride in his creation, throwing him into the endless cosmos as the system searches for a host. And Our lucky protagonist is the chosen one. =============================== Will the salvation of this or just another problem? =============================== Vol1=Chapter every 1 days

Yisu221 · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

False expectations

The next day I woke up with the usual headache, but this time it didn't feel as strong as the previous times. I tried to get up, but noticed the little lump next to me.

My sister.

Seeing her so helpless, he whispered trying to wake her up.

"Tss! Tss!" My voice sounded like a snake, but I couldn't think of anything else like waking her up.

My sister had her eyes closed, but hearing the sound of the snake scared her a lot and she squeezed her arms as she hugged me. I'm not going to lie that she felt good when someone depended on you.

Then she whispered in his ear: "Little princess, get up ..."

My sister this time woke up and rubbed her eyes, while she rubbed herself, she asked me.

"Eh ... Is it morning already?"


She replied with a smile: "Yes, now go to your room before our parents ask you why you are not in your room."

Hearing this, my sister replied with a proud smile: "Brother! Mom and Dad are not here! "

"Eh how are they not?" I asked in disbelief

"Yesterday when we had dinner and since you didn't come down, Mom and Dad told me that they were going to work early"

I instantly realized why Emily didn't care about getting up early ...

"As expected of Little Genie ..." I muttered.

However, my sister managed to hear that last, it only made her feel more proud of her intelligence. And I could only shake my head how shameless this little imp is.

Clearing her throat, she replied: "Anyway, I have classes and you have classes, go to your room, today I am taking you to school."

Before my sister starts talking again I pick her up taking her out of my bed princess style and I run to her room, ignoring my sister's words and the cute pouts I open the door leaving her on the bed I leave without hearing another word her.

Going back to my room I see the time.

'Damn, I'm late ...'


Grabbing my notebooks, I put them in my suitcase, then I start to get dressed in what takes me 5 minutes. I go to my sister's room and knock on the door

"Emily! Did you finish changing?"

My sister responds: "Come in"

When I open the door, I see my sister that she had not dressed, anything is like she was 5 minutes ago with her pajamas, but before I ask her why she did not change, she gives me a paper.

When I look at the pepol, I see that it is just a statement from the school that there were no classes today due to a teachers meeting. I felt like a fool for rushing, so I gave the paper back to my sister and told her.

"Umm ... I didn't know ... I'm sorry ..." I felt a bit silly.

"Don't worry brother, but ... Next time listen before you act!" Emily said with a cute pout on her face.

Seeing my sister's pretty face brightened my day.

"Hehehe, yes I'm sorry ..."

Then I realize that no one was going to stay home. But Emily, seeing my fears of leaving her alone, tells me.

"Easy brother, Mrs. Fiorella will come to take care of the house," she said.

That calmed me down, I gave Emily a quick kiss on her cheek saying goodbye to her.

"Goodbye Little Princess" I said smiling.

But she, feeling the kiss on her cheeks, blushes and responds shyly.


Laughing, I emerge victorious knowing the imp is embarrassed.


After 30 minutes of walking and with the bag of the sandwich that I just had breakfast, I arrive at school. It will not be the best school in the country, but they have a high academic level.

'Sigh. Finally'

Looking at the clock in the hall and seeing that it is not late yet, I sigh in relief.

When I walked in, they patted me on the shoulder. Turning my head I see that it is my friend Julio.

Although when I was little I was cute and they had told me that I could have been attractive when I grew up, the reality is different ... my parents, since they work in a laboratory, took me to his laboratory to teach me what it is. they used to ...

Of course this is silly, who the hell takes a 4 year old to a chemistry lab? Where there are numerous chemicals that are harmful to such a young child!

But hey, even though my parents treat me differently, I love them in their own way and have long forgiven them for that stupidity ...

In his carelessness I splashed a little nitric acid, luckily I just fell on my left cheek and did not splash my eye. The burn was annoying at the time, but I got used to having it, it doesn't hurt and it doesn't affect me, I treat it as part of me. I don't care if I am teased for having this blemish, so I turn a deaf ear.

Well with that they mostly annoy me by calling me a monster, but I take it as a joke and my bullies when they saw that it did not affect me stopped bothering me, although sometimes they hit me, but that happened rarely.

Julio is the complete opposite of me, I am a normal student with nothing to highlight apart from my younger sister.

But he is from the soccer team, his figure is attractive, he has no blemishes on his face, he has no burns or scrapes. Tall and with a little muscle in the body, he is the dream of many girls, but he does not interest her.

Well, he's my best friend and thanks to him they don't bother me for that I'm always grateful to him.

Smiling, I respond with a hug from ... Men!

"Hahaha, you scared me for a moment, I thought you were another bully gorilla."

"Hehe, a strong grip on the shoulder never goes out of style, even my captain is scared."

As we walked together we went to the classroom, on the way I wonder.

"So… did you do your homework?"

He seemed nervous and I guess he hadn't done his homework. Then I take out my notebook and enter it whispering in his ear (We are not gay men).

"Finish quickly before the master arrives"

Julio heard my whisper and trembled… Man… That's… very…. Manly!

While he took my notebook and went to the classroom to copy the homework, I went to the bathroom, before handing him my book I told him to leave my suitcase on my seat so that nothing heavy was on me.

A boy from the bathroom starts to bother me when he doesn't see Julio next to me.

"Oh ... the beast left him to the vet"

"Hey ... you shouldn't be outside, this is for humans, not animals"

And so they kept pestering me with stupid insults that even a 10-year-old could do better.

Without bothering to turn around knowing that no one has the balls to hit me knowing that, then I will tell Julio that I am going to the classroom.

The bell had already rung when I enter class, going to my seat, I see my chemistry notebook with a note of 'Thank you'.

Smiling to myself, I put it in my suitcase and listen to the professor's lectures.

Classes lasted 3 hours until the recess bell rang.

"Well with that we finish today's classes, then another teacher will come, don't forget the homework for the next class, Bye."

The teacher was cool, even though he is old and bald he is not a curmudgeon like the previous teacher last year.

Julio and I went out to hang out on the patio, when we saw a beautiful girl, we recognized her and greeted her.

"Good! Juliet! "

We responded in tandem, to which she laughed.

"Hahaha, Good morning also Daniel and Julio"

She was Juliet, although she was not the most beautiful in school, I don't care about her, she is the girl I have liked for 4 years.

Her fine nose, blue eyes with reddish hair and her delicate features combined with her white skin was the fantasy of some men who could not help but curse that she is not in the top beauties of the school.

And she It should be said that she does not lose anything in the chest part, she has D Cup and developing curves.

Well next year I know that she will be in the top of the school beauty, but that topic is for another day.

The 3 of us were friends, I the animal, Julio the Romeo and Juliet well… Being Juliet.

It was weird, but we laughed when they mentioned that.

4 years ago she was the one who defended me when they were beating me, her defending me made me instantly fall in love with her. After that Julio, who was next to her, also followed her and we became friends from that day on.

After saying hello we walked to the patio together, today is the day I was going to confess to her. Even though I know that she might reject me, I have a slight hope that she would give me a 'Yes'.

For this case 3 days before I told Julio to help me, when he mentioned my confession I noticed a slight displeasure, but… in my imagination.

The plan was to go to the movies together with the three of them, and that before returning home I was going to leave me alone with her to confess.

Yup, perfect plan.

Encouraging me that she would not refuse the invitation to the cinema, I tell her.

"Ummm Juliet .." I was a little nervous.

She stopped her talk with Julio and looked at me.


Hearing her speak to me made my cheeks blush and my stomach flew illusory butterflies as she tried to answer him.

"U-Oh .. W .. you want to go out?"

Looking at me strangely, he replied: "Go out? After school? "

Encouraging myself, I replied: "Yes! With Julio we will go to the cinema. Do you want to come? "

Laughing out loud he answers me.

"Hahaha Sure no problem, don't be so nervous it's just a friends' outing or that you were confessing hahahaha".

His charming smile mesmerized me and I replied, "Eh .. Yes ..."

"Okay, see you after class ~ ~"

Julieta gets up from her seat and enters the school building.

Turning my head towards my friend, I see that he is shaking his head.

"Sigh ... You're so obvious how lucky he didn't realize the intentions ..."

I could only answer with shame: "I was nervous ..."

"All Right. Let's go back to class because the bell is going to ring"

We also went to the school building to go to our classroom, Julieta was from the same year, but from a different classroom a little further away than ours, so we would meet alone at recess or at the exit.

Another teacher came in, he was short and this one if he was curmudgeonly, so I knew that today I will leave with a lot of homework ...


The exit bell rang and I stretched out as a sign of fatigue.

"Damn how abusive this teacher is, 3 hours writing and he doesn't get tired, if I didn't see him in person I would think he is a young man in his full 20s"

And Julio… it can only be said that he is flying. Although I am not a student, my grades are always normal neither so good nor too bad, they never pulled me through the course so I went unnoticed.

Approaching Julio and seeing him in a half-dead state, I tell him: "Julio, calm down, then I'll pass on what you couldn't write."

Julio, hearing that, recovered himself and told me: "Better now, then you won't be able to show me your notebook I'll take pictures with my cell phone"

I sighed and showed it to him.

Finishing taking photos we went out together in search of Julieta, she was waiting for us outside the school.

"Come on, we're late"

We each bought our tickets from our cell phones, the movie was Spider-man. After dating her and Julio so many times I realized that her likes were for action movies she also liked to study a variety of many insects, so I told her to buy

her ticket to this movie and she happily replied that it was a movie that she had been waiting for a long time having the reservation 1 month ago.

The cinema was a 30-minute walk from school so it wasn't a long time for us, we just walked while we talked about how cruel the teachers were leaving homework.

By the time we were about to arrive, Julieta's cell phone had dropped, I picked it up before she fell to the floor. By chance I touched the cell phone, she did not realize that I had picked up the cell phone and since she was in the middle of the 2 a little further back I did not notice that her cell phone was missing either.

Out of curiosity I looked on her cell phone that she was talking to a friend about which person she liked.

================================================ ===

Friend: Mmm Juliet but really, you like one of those 2.

Julieta: This ... We have been friends for a long time so I will answer you with the truth, Yes ..

Friend: Oh God! Who of the 2 although the answer is obvious I think.

Juliet: I doubt you know.

Friend: Oh .. Then who is it?

Juliet: Hmm, I'll give you a hint.

Juliet: he is the smartest of the 2.

Friend: Oh really ?!

Julieta: It's serious, and although I don't think he will tell me personally, I will take advantage of this outing to… make my feelings known.

Friend: Luck <3

================================================ ===

But before finishing reading Julieta takes the cell phone out of my hand and she says blushing.

"You saw it?"

Her cheeks were very flushed. And This made me excited when I read 'The most intelligent of the 2' and it is obvious that that is me! .

He replied nervously: "This ... No ... look, the boss wouldn't let me in."

She looks at her cell phone and notices that the pattern is active and sighs in relief, while she tells me with a cute pout.

"Don't do that next time!"

I just apologized and after that slight exchange between the two of us, we started to go to the movies and when we got there, I wanted to go to the bathroom so I told Julio and Julieta that I was going to the bathroom and they would go in without me.

Before going to the bathroom I called home, told Mrs. Fiorella that I would be home late, after telling her that I cut off the call saying goodbye.


After I finished relieving myself in the bathroom, I went to the living room where the movie would be shown. Showing the virtual ticket of my cell phone to the manager of that area, I went in and looked for my seat, but when I saw that Julieta and Julio weren't seated, I left the room telling the manager that I was going to the bathroom.

Looking for them in the nearby stores, I see them sitting on white chairs, although I only see their backs I can perfectly hear what they are saying and they laughed while chatting.

Hidden in a nearby corner without being aware of my presence, I listen to what they say.

They started talking, sometimes a little laugh from Juliet, minutes went by and I heard Juliet telling Julio to come back to see the movie. She was going to come back so they wouldn't realize she was spying on them when ...

"Juliet I love you!"

Hearing my friend confess to the person I liked made me feel betrayed… I told her for a long time that I liked Juliet, but when she asked her what person she liked she always answered me.

"The one who hasn't arrived yet"

But more than a betrayal I felt sorry for him, he is my friend and after seeing the messages I know that she will reject him.

But to my surprise I did not reject it, I was already sweating thinking the worst. But what broke my heart was when Julio kissed Juliet ...

"No ... No ... No ..." he murmured upon seeing the scene.

I didn't want to accept it, but this is the reality. Looking away, I run, various scenes where she smiles and my friend supporting me on different occasions occurred in my mind.

I stopped at a wall shedding tears as I looked up at the sky.

"Why? ... Was it all an illusion?"

Remembering the messages she sent to her friend, I remembered a time when the three of us were studying together ...

In those days she didn't know how to talk to her and she always stuttered when he talked to her ...

But she asked that time who was the smarter of the two, and my friend puffed out her chest with pride and said it was him. Every time she had a problem with some exercises, because I was shy, I didn't want to tell her, so she would tell Julio to help her with those questions.

"Ha ... I'm the stupid one ... all this time I had false hopes ..."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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