
My system is a bastard, and I like it

System: Host mission is to seduce host's sister and turn her into a proper brocon. Lucius: The hell I will. that is my sister your talking about you bastard. System: Time limit 2 months. Lucius: FUCK YOU. I aint doing this. System: Failure will result in the host's reproductive organ being shrunk by 8 inches. Lucius: You won't dare!!! System: Heh

Sooraj_Thampi_3366 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

So, what did you say you were again?

Well, that was a shit show.

A single question I asked my mom yesterday resulted in a lot of unnecessary drama.The clan physician, alchemist and even the auror came yesterday to find out just what happened when my overprotective mom thought I was losing my grip on reality due to yesterday's outburst. After an entire night's worth of drama I finally caught some shut eye while convinced this was a shot moment of reprieve before the embrace of the void, which now brings me to this moment. I woke up.

Now I am really confused because I am pretty sure that I was killed yesterday. Brutally at that. Yet, now here I am wide awake with a head full of bed hair, in my 5 year old body. Even though I try my best to think of everything as nothing but a really freaky nightmare, something from the depths of my very being tells me that i really went through that shit. Then that would mean that I travelled back in time, huh? Even if it really is hard to believe that I get a second chance, it is not like I am complaining here. Though it is surprising that the first thoughts in my head right now is not revenge against that fucker, rather i really don't want my previous regrets to happen again I guess.

<So, since you don't want revenge I guess that categorise you as a wimp right?>

'No it doesn't. I never said I won't have my vengeance, it just comes second in my list of priorities after all'

<Oh ! Then what is first on your list?>

'Isn't it obvious, first is to resolve all my regrets and only then will ... '

<"What's wrong?>

'Am i really just going crazy since I am hearing voices in my head? '

<No you're not.>


<I am your system spirit.>

'My what? '

<System spirit>

'Like the one from the novel in my dream about the weird Earth place. '

<Those aren't dreams you know. Since you are a system holder, your fate is not under the rights of your native world. This can cause you to dream occasionally about your past lives if you had any.>

'What? '

<You aren't very bright are you? Else you wouldn't have fallen to such trash in this timeline, though it did result in you being lucky enough to awaken me. Hmph>

'What? '

<Wow! Are you really stup.....>

" THAT IS NOT THE POINT HERE. " I screamed out loud as if to vent the previous info dump which was so nonchalantly laib bare in front of me.

"Young master, is there a problem? " My mom's personal maid Delia rushed into my room. "Nothing Delia. I was just thinking out loud. "

"Are you certain young master?"

"Yes. You may leave."

"If you need anything I will be outside young master. "

I smoothen my brow and once again attempt to converse with the new roommate in my head.

'So, what are you and what can you do? Please explain appropriately or I really will conclude I am becoming retarded.'

<Geez, didn't I say. I am your system spirit Driria. As for my purpose, it is to help you go to your rightful place again.>

'Rightful place? What does than mean? Also why are you with me? '

<Sorry can't answer that since you don't have enough authority as of now. After you do our assigned mission you can know more about my origin.>

'Missions, what missions? '

<Oh, about that, just think the word status in your head and a virtual screen that only you can see will pop up real time. It will show your current stats, mission that you can do to increase your strength, authority and gain system points and also a shop to buy all sorts of items imaginable or ever to exist. So how is it, awesome right?>

I don't reply back and simply try saying the magic words, 'Status'. In front of me a black virtual screen appear with a bunch of data.

Name: Lucius Archer

Title:< ******* >?????????

Age: 5

EXP: 0

Providence: Black 50 (avg for normal person is 10) - Destined villain

System points: 0

Cultivation: none (mortal)

Items: Starter pack

Remarks: Shops and

Looking at the data shown on the virtual screen, the reality of all this crap finally dawns on me. While trying to ignore the incredulity happening now, there are some things I have to ask.

"So, are you similar to those villain systems? Does this mean I have to destroy protagonists and steal their women."

<Not really. You can get points and providence for all acts that result in the altering of affecting the flow of fate or destiny. The essence that is released due to such actions of host is the primary source that can be used to strengthen the host. So there is no limitations to the host actions. Host can either support or go against heaven's children. The choice is really up to you.>

"So then, where should we start?"

Just then a mechanical ding sounds in my head.

<Please choose:-

1) Destroy James Ascott

2) Support James Ascott

Please think well before choosing, missions will be given in accordance to hosts choice.>

Well, I don't think there is much to think about here. "Well let's destroy that son of a bitch."

<Confirming hosts choice.........

Generating 1st mission..........

Mission: To prevent betrayal once more, seduce Jeanne Archer and make her obsessed with you and baptise her as a true siscon.

Reward: Art of the END (Penultimate art in reality)

Failure penalty: Loose qualification to be a boy. (PS you toy will disappear)>


"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"