
Made Up For My Sins; Second Will Become Crippled

Dịch giả: Larbre Studio Biên tập viên: Larbre Studio

When Gu Zhishen let go of Yun Jianyue, she was already gasping for breath while leaning onto his embrace. Her small, egg-shaped face was fluttering red, her small hands held the shirt in front of his chest tightly like a drowning person holding on to the last lifesaving straw!

It was a good thing Xu Shi wasn't in the car. Otherwise, she would definitely be so embarrassed that she would need to find a crack to crawl into.

She took a couple of deep breaths and her breathing gradually calmed down. She lifted her head and looked curiously at his handsome and mesmerizing face. "Why do you like to…kiss me so much?"

She was so shy that her front teeth bit on her tender lips. The sound of the last few words was unclear but he understood them.

Why did he like to kiss her so much?"

Even he didn't know, so how could he give her an answer?

"Don't meet that one whose first name is Su in the future!" Gu Zhishen changed the topic. His deep and husky voice sounded out in the narrow carriage.

"What if I accidentally see him on the streets?" Yun Jianyue blinked her small astute eyes at him.

Gu Zhishen saw through the scheme in her heart with one look and his thin lips ticked up, "If Bo Lun accidentally buys out the Su family company…"

He didn't need to say the rest. Yun Jianyue still understood what he meant.

She cursed him as a tyrant in her heart, but her mouth still obediently promised him.

She was the type of person who wouldn't hold back a question in her heart and would ask whatever came to her mind. "Why did you suddenly come to my house?"

Gu Zhishen looked disdainfully at her out of the corner of his eyes. She actually still dared to ask.

"You can bring another man back home, so why can't I come?"

Yun Jianyue's jet-black pupils opened wide. As expected, it was not a coincidence. She asked again, "How did you know?" After she finished asking, she squinted her eyes. "It can't be that you have someone following me like in the movies, right?"

If that was the case, it was too scary. She couldn't accept it and would get mad!

"Thank you for the reminder. Why didn't I think of it earlier?" Gu Zhishen raised his lower jaw slightly, while looking like he was in serious thought.

Emm… Yun Jianyue was speechless. Could this be like taking a rock to smash her own leg?

"Then how exactly did you know?" Yun Jianyue asked, wanting to get to the bottom of it.

Gu Zhishen saw how much she wanted to know, so he didn't hide it from her. "Second saw your date with Su Xu."

Bai Changan?

Yun Jianyue's eyes squinted; her teeth ground together until they made a creaking noise. Very good. Bai Changan, you're a big man but still tattletale. I despise you!

"What date? I only asked him for help. Moreover, I said it very clearly. It was only an act!" Yun Jianyue didn't like him using the word "date" to describe her and Su Xu. She subconsciously didn't want to make him misunderstand that there was something between her and Su Xu.

"In the future, it isn't allowed, even if it is an act!" he said in a commanding tone.

"Oh!" Yun Jianyue nodded. He seemed to hate Su Xu even more than she did!

For a moment, neither of them spoke and there was silence in the car. Gu Zhishen thought of something and asked, "Did Second deliver the medicine to you?"

"Medicine?" Yun Jianyue looked at him in bewilderment. She asked curiously, "What medicine? I didn't see him!"

The inside of Gu Zhishen's eyes deepened. Just from looking at her reaction, he already knew that Second didn't deliver the medicine to her at all!

Yun Jinayue saw that he wasn't speaking and pulled on his sleeve and shook it. She continued to ask, "Exactly what kind of medicine?"

"I was in a hurry on my previous business trip and couldn't give you the medicine on time. I ordered Second to deliver the medicine to you!" It seemed Second was too old right now; his memory also deteriorated. When he headed back, he would properly help Second grow his memory!

Business trip?

Yun Jianyue suddenly understood. It turned out he'd gone on a business trip, so he didn't contact her!

"What?" Gu Zhishen saw her complexion change as if there was something, and he raised his eyebrows.

"No matter how much of a rush you were in, you should still have the time to make a call, right?" Yun Jianyue mumbled quietly.

Gu Zhishen stared blankly and realized what she meant. "I didn't have this habit previously. In the future, I'll try my best to notify you! If I don't call you, you can also call me."

"Won't it interfere with your work?" Yun Jianyue's bright and clear eyes looked at him very sincerely.

They had known each other for so long, but besides when she'd called him before, she basically never took the initiative to call him, because she saw how busy his work was. That's why she didn't dare to lightly go bother him.

"No matter how busy, I still have time for calls." His thin lips opened into a shallow and clean warm smile. He borrowed what she said to answer her question.

Yun Jianyue laughed. Her eyebrows and eyes shone brightly like starlight, the sparkle dazzling the eyes. Looking at it made Gu Zhishen's heart overflow with softness.

In order to not make Chen Xiaoxiao feel suspicious, Yun Jianyue didn't sit in the car for too long, and she ran all the way back.

After Xu Shi put on his safety belt, he asked, "President Gu, back to Jia Yuan?"

Jia Yuan was where Gu Zhishen lived. It was also the place where he'd slept with Yun Jianyue.

"Go to Bi Luo!"

Gu Zhishen threw out these four words and took out his phone and called Mo Boqing. "See you in thirty minutes at Bi Luo!"

After thirty minutes, at Bi Luo's tae kwon do hall, one of the entrances was open and the lights were shining. From time to time, bitter howls came from inside.

When Bai Changan was given the twelfth shoulder throw onto the floor by Gu Zhishen, he just lay on the floor and didn't get up. His entire body was about to fall apart. He wailed in pain, "Eldest Brother, I was wrong…I know I was wrong. You can't go so far as wanting to take a brother's life over a woman, right?"

"A woman?" Gu Zhishen repeated. The eyes he looked disdainfully out of were filled with danger.

Bai Changan felt he said the wrong words and was aware of the danger. He quickly crawled up and broke into a run in fear. However, he wasn't as fast as Gu Zhishen and was once again caught and thrown fiercely onto the floor.

Gu Anyang stood at the side and couldn't bear to watch anymore. Both her hands were in front of her eyes, and she turned her gaze to Mo Boqing and asked, "Exactly what kind of heartless thing did Second do to make Eldest Brother punish him so brutally?"

In her memory, Eldest Brother rarely ever punished them like this.

Mo Boqing looked at Bai Changan as he was being fiercely punished. He didn't have the slightest intention of stepping up to beg for mercy for Second. He answered expressionlessly, "Eldest Brother ordered him to send medicine to Sister-in-law before he went on his business trip. Second went on a date with a nurse after he got off work and forgot about it."

It turned out it was related to Sister-in-law. No wonder Eldest Brother punished Second like this!

"Serves you right! Didn't you notice Eldest Brother cares about this new Sister-in-law very much? You go so far as to not place Sister-in-law's matters in your heart. Second's courage is a bit too big!"

Mo Boqing didn't speak. His gaze looked toward the calm and composed Gu Zhishen who was punishing Bai Changan. What he thought in his heart was, Eldest Brother never set his heart out for any woman before. This time, he especially cared about Yun Jianyue's matter. Could it be Eldest Brother had true feelings toward her?

Bai Changan was thrown to the floor by Gu Zhishen for the twenty-first time. He didn't even have the strength to run. He knelt down on the floor straightaway and hugged Gu Zhishen's thigh. He said while gasping for breath, "Eldest Brother, no matter…no matter what, I could be considered as having made up for my sins. No matter what, you still need to show mercy. If this goes on, Second will become crippled!"

Gu Zhishen kicked him away in disgust. He felt it was about enough. He said while he walked to the side, "You go and settle the things in C city!"

"Ah!" Bai Changan howled in grief, "I have quite a few surgeries scheduled, transfer…"

Before he finished, Gu Zhishen turned his head back and a cold light shot over. Bai Changan immediately shut his mouth.