
A Whore And Her Dog; May They Last Forever

Dịch giả: Larbre Studio Biên tập viên: Larbre Studio

Gu Zhishen didn't reply to her immediately. He got up and said, "Once things settle down and I'll bring her to see you, won't you know then?"

The space between Bo Wenqing's eyebrows moved slightly. Before she could say anything, she heard him say again, "It's getting late; go rest earlier. Good night!"

She saw her son obviously didn't want to continue chatting, so she could only sigh, nod, and drop the subject.

The next day, Gu Zhishen went to fetch Yun Jianyue early in the morning. She sneakily came out from the Yu house and got in the car like a thief. She urged Xu Shi, while feeling embarrassed, "Can you start the car quickly?"

Gu Zhishen frowned. Was she so afraid of the people of the Yun family knowing the relationship between them?

Yun Jianyue sensed his face became ugly and coughed once. She explained softly, "My mother was still asking about my sister last night and my dad is still angry! I feel…can we postpone talking about these things until later?"

She supplemented a sentence in her heart at the end, It would be best if we never say it!

Gu Zhishen didn't speak. He knew she hadn't eaten breakfast yet, so while they were on the way over, he'd asked Xu Shi to buy a portion, and he gave it to her.

"Thank you!" Yun Jianyue was a bit surprised. It turned out the reason he'd called her was that he'd wanted to know if she'd eaten breakfast yet. He prepared breakfast for her, and her heart was touched for some strange reason.

The car stopped at the company's entrance. Yun Jianyue unbuckled the car seatbelt and wanted to get out of the car. She heard his deep voice sound out, "Has the exhibition ended?"

Yun Jianyue nodded. "Yeah!"

Gu Zhishen swept his gaze over her and didn't speak.

Yun Jianyue didn't understand and asked, "What is it?"

"Nothing. Come see me after you get off work!" Gu Zhishen finished speaking and signaled to her that she could get out of the car.

Yun Jianyue took a deep breath and suppressed the impulse of wanting to argue with him. She said goodbye and got out of the car.

Gu Zhishen ordered Xu Shi to start the car. He still needed to rush back to handle a very urgent business plan.

Yun Jianyue stood where she was and watched his car disappear onto the main road. Only then did she turn around and head into the company. Before she even took two steps, someone suddenly called her from behind.

Yun Jianyue stopped walking, turned her head, and saw Lin Yaxin running over as fast as the wind while wearing high heels, her dark eyebrows slightly wrinkled. Why was this woman everywhere?

"Yun Jianyue, you're so shameless! You already humiliated me. Why do you have to treat my family like this? Could it be that you can only be happy after my family becomes bankrupt and the people dead?"

In the past two days, their family's jewelry company had suffered a malicious takeover. The company had been disassembled and her father had been taken to be questioned by members of the economic crime unit because of some problems with the company's accounts. He hadn't been released even now!

This was all because of Yun Jianyue!

Lin Yaxin was staring at Yun Jianyue with vicious eyes, wishing she could swallow her whole. 

Yun Jianyue looked at her with a confused expression. She completely didn't understand what she was talking about.

"Miss Lin, I think you might be misunderstanding! I completely don't understand what you are saying!"

"Misunderstanding? Hah…" Lin Yaxin let out a sinister sneer. "Yun Jianyue, I never thought that even though you look like a pure and innocent white lotus on the surface, you're actually so malicious in your bones! Su Xu must've really been blind to have taken a liking to you! Don't think that just because you climbed up onto a tall branch like Gu Zhishen, it means that you can leap off the branch and turn into a phoenix! You're just an ordinary person. Are you worthy? You're just momentarily novel to Gu Zhishen. Once he's tired of playing with you, he'll kick you away like a ball!"

Yun Jianyue was good-tempered, but that didn't mean she didn't have a temper. Hearing Lin Yaxin's attack, she called the security room without hesitation. "There's a crazy lady making a scene at the company's entrance. You guys come and take care of it!"

When Lin Yaxin heard Yun Jianyue scold her as a crazy lady, she was unable to restrain her anger even more. She pointed at her name and wanted to scold, but Yun Jianyue had zero interest in listening. She turned around and left.

"Hold it! Yun Jianyue, you better stand still!" Lin Yaxin chased after her and wanted to grab Yun Jianyue's wrist.

Before her fingers could even touch the edge of Yun Jianyue's clothes, the security guard intercepted her.

"Miss, please don't make a racket at our company's entrance. Please leave immediately!"

Lin Yaxin was unwilling as she stared at Yun Jianyue's body, which was moving further and further away. She screamed with a sharp voice, "Yun Jianyue, I'll watch how you fall to your death from the clouds! You won't have a good ending…"

Yun Jianyue used her work permit to open the door. Out of the corner of her eye, she swept her gaze over to look at the erratic Lin Yaxin, who wasn't far away. She frowned and muttered to herself, "Mental case!"

The exhibition had ended and the winding-up work wasn't as intense. Yun Jianyue wasn't really busy for the whole day. During the afternoon break, she even called Zhu Jingyi and "reported" what had happened the past two days.

On the other side of the call, Zhu Jingyi rolled her eyes and said, "How did you take a fancy to Su Xu back then? He's entirely a scummy man. He and Lin Yaxin are simply a whore and her dog; may they last forever!"

Yun Jianyue sighed. "My heart was blinded by obsession!"

Truth be told, she did feel quite disappointed that Su Xu had found a person like Lin Yaxin after breaking up with her.

She really couldn't figure out which part of Lin Yaxin was so good that made it worth it to betray her.

"God closed a window for you and now opened another window for you!" Zhu Jingyi said, incessantly excitedly on the other side of the phone. "Gu Zhishen leaves Su Xu behind by more than a hundred streets!"

When Gu Zhishen was mentioned, Yun Jianyue rested her head on the table. She said, her breath present but vigor absent, "Darling Zhu, don't forget. He's my brother-in-law. He's Siwan's boyfriend!"

How could she snatch him from Siwan?

Zhu Jingyi said with contempt, "Yun Siwan ran away from the marriage first. What's done between you and Gu Zhishen is already done, and it's too late to change. I agree with what God Gu said. Why not give it a chance? Don't waste those nine dollars! After all, keep the goodies within the family, right!" 

Yun Jianyue thought, Darling Zhu, can you be any less moral? How could you say something like this?

"Darling, did you really have relations with Gu Zhishen?" Zhu Jingyi couldn't help but ask again.

"I don't know!" She was really drunk that night. How could she know if anything really happened? "In any case, Gu Zhishen wants me to take responsibility for him. It probably did happen!"

Zhu Jingyi slapped her own forehead and was resentful toward Yun Jianyue for failing to meet expectations and was impatient to see improvement. "You should be given the title of a pig!"

She didn't even know if she had relations with him. Even pigs would find it unacceptable for her to be called a pig.

Even pigs weren't as stupid as this!

Yun Jianyue didn't want to talk about this with her anymore. The more it was mentioned, the more upset she became. Right now, she really wanted to be an ostrich and shove her head in the sand. It would be best if she couldn't see or hear anything.

When she got off work, Yun Jianyue got a call from Gu Zhishen. He wasn't at Bo Lun, and he'd already asked Xu Shi to come to pick her up.

Gu Zhishen didn't say where he was on the phone and Yun Jianyue didn't ask after she got in the car. Xu Shi didn't say either until the car stopped at the entrance of a large building.

"This is... " Yun Jianyue got out of the car, lifted her head, and saw the building's name. Her clear pupils suddenly widened. "Bi Luo!"

"Missus, head on in. President Gu and the others are already waiting for you." Xu Shi also knew the real relationship between Yun Jianyue and Gu Zhishen, so he naturally called her "Missus."

Yun Jianyue was still completely immersed in "Bi Luo" and didn't notice that Xu Shi said "the others."