
Spoilt Rotten

A grumpy voice came, stopping Li Ming from shouting more, ''XIAO MING!''

The servants and maids looked at the door, Li Ming stopped shouting and also stared at his grandpa.

He gritted his teeth and said, ''Grandpa, that witch actually dared to publicize it-''

He was cut off by Li Yuiming's grumpy voice, ''Xiao Ming! She's your fiancé's elder sister! Don't insult her!''

Li Ming felt wronged as he spoke angrily, ''Grandpa! She's not my fiancé!! I'm not going to marry her!!''

Li Yuiming immediately yelled, ''XIAO MIN-'' His words got stuck on his throat as his body suddenly fell forwards.

His hands clutched his chest and he groaned in pain, his face becoming pale as a sheet of paper.

The butler, who had brought Li Yuiming over to Li Ming's room, quickly rushed towards the old man who had just fainted and caught his falling body.

Li Ming noticed something was wrong as he promptly ran towards his grandpa and panicked as he shouted at the butler, ''What happened to grandpa?!''

The butler was currently sweating buckets as he supported Li Yuiming with the help of other servants.

Hearing his shout, the Butler just shook his head as he said gravely, "Young Master.. Old Master fainted all of sudden.. I'll quickly call the family doctor to come over!"

Li Ming bit his lips as he turned to look at his grandpa lying on the floor and he felt as if he was dump by a bucket of cold water.

His eyes were full of panic as he knelt beside his grandpa and trembled as he shook him, "Grandpa.. Please wake up! G-Grandpa!!"

The butler hastily stopped him as he spoke, "Young Master! We need to take Old Master to his bedroom! Please don't block our way! Otherwise his life will be in danger!"

Li Ming immediately stood up as he stepped back to let the servants take his grandfather to his bedroom.

He watched blankly as they quickly brought Li Yuiming to his room and followed after them.

Li Xing, Li Ming's father, was busy handling business matters in his office when he was informed that his father, Li Yuiming suddenly had a heart attack.

He was shocked but he came back to his senses and quickly left the office.

Li Ming's mother, the head Mistress of the Li Family, Ji Wang was a well-known painter.

Because she loved painting and arts, she usually spent her time in art galleries that she owned.

Right now, she was in 'Art Illustrations Gallery'. She was busy in an important meeting with the art gallery's owner and their most renowned artist.

''Madam Li, I hope you liked my works!'' the artist grinned as he politely said.

Ji Wang set the cup of tea on the table as she said in a merry tone, ''Of course! Mr. Ning's arts are really one of a kind! Actually, today I was here to invite-''

She was suddenly interrupted by a phone call. Ji Wang smiled, ''Excuse me for a while...''

She then walked towards a corner and answered the call.

Ji Wang coldly said, ''What do you think you're doing by calling in the middle of a very important meeting?''

Xi Luo gulped as he tried to speak in a calm tone but he couldn't help stuttering from panic, ''M-Madam Li.. Something... something happened to Old Master Li..''

He knew really well that Ji Wang didn't like being interrupted during her work but he had no choice.

As her manager, he had to inform her about the situations in both Li Mansion as well as her company.

Ji Wang had a drastic change in her cold expression as she asked him worriedly, ''What happened to Father?!''

Xi Luo wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, "Old Master Li... He... he had a sudden heart attack... he's still unconscious right now... The doctor... said that he... he's reaching his last stages of life... and if it continues...''

He did not complete his words but Ji Wang understood his hidden meanings.

She quickly hung up the call as she turned towards the two people and apologized to them.

"I'm very sorry, something came up at home so I'll have to leave right now! Let's meet another time!"

The two people were stunned but soon waved their hands and told her that it was okay.

After that, she hurriedly left the gallery.

When she reached the Li Mansion, Ji Wang immediately rushed inside.

Old Master Li's Bedroom

Li Yuiming was lying on the bed, unconscious and he looked very pale as well. Li Xing was seated on the chair right next to the bed, his expression dejected.

Li Ming was standing outside the room, his eyes full of tears and his fists were clenched. There was a distinct red handprint on his right cheek, making his face a little swollen.

His father did not allow him to even enter the room once he found out about the incident earlier.

He even slapped him hard in the face, resulting in his swollen face.

Li Ming slammed his fist on the wall, blaming himself for being such a cruel grandson.

After he had heard the Doctor saying that his grandpa was nearing his death, his heart had nearly stopped beating.

His grandpa really loved him the most and spoiled him since he was a child as Li Ming was his one and only grandson.

Whenever he wanted a new expensive toy, his grandpa would buy the whole toy store for him.

Hence, Li Ming grew up spoiled rotten by his grandpa.

As his parents were always both busy in their own work, Li Ming spent time with his grandpa and became very close to him.

His grandpa was his angel, someone who cheered him up while he was sad and made him laugh while he was crying.

Even after he grew older, Li Yuiming basically never asked anything of him and hadn't even forced him to take over company matters.

Now, that he had finally asked him for something, which was to marry that Zhang girl, Li Ming couldn't even do that.

He even refused to the point that his grandpa couldn't stand any longer and had a heart attack.

He didn't want to hurt his grandpa, he just wanted to say that he should have the biggest say in his marriage choice.

He was still waiting for that someone to return back, yet Grandpa suddenly brought a random girl and talked about marriage, making Li Ming very agitated.

This chapter is based on the marriage of Zhang Qianmi and Li Ming. So, the reason he would agree to the marriage is that he couldn't hurt his grandpa anymore.

Dear readers, Song Xia's revenge will start on the engagement day so I hope you won't get pissed off by these chapters. Stay calm and read my novel. Leave a comment down below if you have any complaint and thank you. Love You~

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