
My Sweet Battle Maids

After saving an old man from a monster attack, the old man blesses the protagonist with a fortune beyond belief. That fortune is a massive massion with eight maids at his command that will serve him. The protagonist is grateful for this fortune, but before he can become their master he has to prove himself to the maids. How must he prove himself? By defeating all eight maids. Only then will they recognize him as their master. The eight maids may look cute but they are insanely powerful, only having one previous master in their history of being maids...the old man. The protagonist seems to want to take on this challenge as he's never backed away from a challenge before in his lifetime. This will be the start of a new chapter in his life.

ShiningZero · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

The Kitsune Goddess (1)

I sat in my office and looked at the information about Kyurama. "Io Kyurama, a Kitsune Goddess. Her master is Einhart and our battle is today. I don't know how they are going to be able to combat a Goddess. Only two of my maids have ever faced off against someone with that power. No matter what plan I come up with...it doesn't change the fact they will not be prepared."

I stood up and left the paper on my desk then left my office to head downstairs.

"It doesn't matter though. I don't have enough time to come up with a viable strategy that will ensure a win for my maidens. We just have to go there and hope we can get something done." I said then met up with my maids outside.

"Are you ready, Master?" Rose asked.

"Yeah. Let's do this. House Lasslow against House Einhart. We will win. One way or another." I said then closed my eyes and had a flashback to the days at the Frontier. "We have to."

Fionna stopped at the first outpost in the Frontier. She got off her horse and walked to one of the guards who was laying on the ground. She found a note on the ground then picked it up. She read the note and looked ahead. "I can sense you behind me. You did this?"

"Fionna...The Last Paragon. Your "older brother" will be facing off against Einhart. One of my allies. I was thinking maybe you want to watch him die." The man behind her said.

"Ain Herschel. One of my brother's biggest enemies five years ago. I recognize that voice anywhere." Fionna said then grabbed the handle of her sword that was on Blizzard's side.

"There's no use in using your claymore. I am not here to fight you, but to escort you to Heinnaway Stadium. The Battle Maid Games are starting." Ain said and walked off. "Stay here if you'd like, but you won't be getting the answers you seek here."

Fionna looked at Ain and glared. She decided to get on her horse and follow Ain cautiously.

Rose made it to the stadium and parked the car then we got out. I looked up at the stadium and thought about the Arena at the Frontier.

"If I'm right...fights like this are always five against five. But this isn't the Frontier. No way they will follow those rules. Especially if it's against me. Whatever happens, don't hold anything back okay?" I said and looked at my maids.

They nodded and we headed into the stadium. I was escorted to the Master area and sat in a seat beside Einhart. I looked down at the battlefield and listened to the excited crowd.

"This roar is all too familiar to me. We sat up here just like this...as the Kings of the Frontier. Look at us now, years later. You'll still always be...number two." Einhart chuckled.

"Hmph. No longer am I number two. My maids will come out on top against your maids." I said.

"Maids? No I only need one." Einhart chuckled.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen! The moment you've all been waiting for the official Battle Maid Games have begun! Today we have a pretty famous Master in Heinnaway, Einhart with his only maid, Io Kyurama!" The commentator yelled with excitement.

The crowd cheered and Einhart stood up and waved to the crowd.

"And his opponent, a newly blossomed Master with 12 Maids and Hero of the Frontier! Asin Lasslow!" The commentator introduced with excitement.

I stood up and looked at the crowd then waved. I had a lot on my mind now. Einhart was only using Io. She is a Goddess after all so it's only understandable that he does only use her. I sat back down and sighed softly.

"Now! Since Einhart has only brought one Maid, Io Kyurama, that means Io Kyurama has to win five battles to claim victory while Asin's maids have to beat Io ONCE to win! Io Kyurama is a Kitsune Goddess so that's why the rules are set like this! As it stands now, Asin has no chance against this but this is anyone's battle people! Let the Games begin! The Five Maids will be a random selection from the twelve! These fives will me...Florence, Yoko, Alice, Astrall, and Crimson! Bless your souls." The commentator said.

The crowd laughed a bit and I glared a bit.

"You got some lucky picks, but as it stands...the only one who stands a chance out of the five is Astrall. Rose would've also been a great pick, but Yoko and Alice also can snag a win if they battle properly." Violet whispered to me. "Good luck...I don't know how we are getting out of this one."

"All we can do is hope." I said softly.

"Okay so who's going first? Our strategy should be to tire her down. As it stands Astrall is our best bet so she should be last." Yoko said.

"You're the smartest, Yoko. Who do you think would be a good opener?" Alice asked.

"Florence. Her and Haji can inflict some statuses on their targets, but I don't know if it would work against Mistress Kyurama. We can try though. So it would be Florence, Crimson, Me, Alice, and Astrall. Alice is second to last because of your ability to use a Godslayer Weapon. Does this sound good?" Yoko asked.

"Sounds reasonable to me." Florence nodded.

"Yeah...I am just worried about what happens if we lose, so because of that I'll fight harder than ever." Crimson nodded.

Astrall stayed quiet and just stared out to the open. She closed her eyes. "None of you can do enough damage for me to get anything done. I just used my precognition. Our loss is inevitable."

"Astrall.." Florence started.

"But...I do see growth in all of you. I won't be telling you how you grow, but just know...Master will be pleased." Astrall smiled. "All we can do is fight hard and make him proud."

The other four nodded and smiled. Florence turned around and walked ahead. A guard escorted her to the battlefield.

"Good luck!" Alice called out.

"Yeah! Make sure to score some big hits!" Yoko called out as well.

"Alright! Enough waiting because the first round is about to go underway with Io going against Florence!" The commentator announced.

"Get ready for the first battle! Io Kyurama vs Florence Dasliah!" The referee said. "Ladies to the center!"

Both Florence and Io got to the center of the arena then the referee had his hand in the middle then raised it up.

"Begin!" The referee called out.

"Haji! Go! Full power!" Florence bellowed and Haji ran out and evolved into his full power form.

"And Florence and Haji opens up with their Full Power Form! They are planning to get as much done as possible!" The commentator yelled.

Haji roared and ran to Io then slashed his claws at her. Io dodged the attack then began to dodge each swipe and stomp Haji attempted to hit her with. Io countered Haji and fired ten blue fireballs at his face and hit him. He roared in pain then shook his head. He looked around for Io and noticed she was gone.

The crowd gasped in awe as they noticed Io raising Florence off the ground by her neck. Florence grunted, choked, and coughed. She gripped Io's wrist.

"Powerless...It is a shame you yourself can't fight. You're a Beast Tamer meaning any magic you possess is only defensive. Surrender and your death will be avoided." Io said.

Florence chuckled and her aura surged powerfully. Haji howled and aura spiralled around his body then his stripes began shining. Io looked back and grunted as she was hit by Haji's paw. Io dropped Florence and was sent flying back. She landed on her feet, sliding back and her eyes shined.

"What a counter attack people! Haji actually landed a hit on Io and had grown stronger!" The commentator yelled.

"Yes! Go Florence!" Yoko cheered.

"Haji! Let's do this!" Florence bellowed and her aura surged even more. "We will grow stronger and stronger! Now rush! Rush! Rush!"

Haji roared loudly and dashed to Io and rushed her with attacks. Io swiftly dodged each attack and blast that came from Haji. She countered with her own energy blasts and Haji tanked the blasts then roared.

Astrall closed her eyes and smiled. "Their bond...I know Master can feel it too."

I watched and sensed their ever growing power. I smiled and my eyes shined. "Florence...Furball."

Io bellowed and her aura surged then she drew a symbol in the air then palmed it. "Rakshak!"

A massive aether beam was fired and hit Haji then a massive explosion happened. The crowd was on the edge of their seats. Haji staggered and devolved into his normal form. Florence looked surprised and looked at Haji.

"Haji!" Florence called out.

Haji panted and mewled, trying to keep standing. He didn't want to lose. It felt different to him...like he knew his life was on the line. Like he knew Florence's life was on the line.

"What a show of resilience, but will resilience be enough to keep this battle going?!" The commentator said.

"It's over for her. She might as well surrender and save herself the embarrassment. One serious attack from Io was enough to stop them. Florence can't even fight by herself. Only give out basic commands. She's your weakest maid." Einhart said.

I looked at Florence. "That isn't true. None of my maids aren't necessarily the weakest or the strongest with the exception of Astrall and Agnis. They all have their strong points and weak points. Florence may not be able to fight for herself, but she makes up for that with her defensive abilities, which she has the best defense out of the maids. Haji is the stronger one of the two and when they are both together...they can get a lot done."

Haji looked back at Florence and meowed. Florence looked at Haji and balled her fists.

"Haji...I know I can't fight and that's holding us back, but together...when I am with you I feel like the strongest in the world! Even if we lose this, we aren't going down without a fight! Let's show the world that we are more than just pawns!" Florence yelled.

Haji let out a loud cry and their auras began surging around the area. Io watched and braced herself.

"We will become stronger! Stronger Haji!" Florence bellowed and her aura began to fully fuse with his.

Haji's body began shining and a powerful roar was heard. Haji began evolving and the crowd was shocked by the transformation. Haji evolved into a massive lion with four wings and a halo.

"Haji's True Form. It's called the Apex King Form. Haji is one of the Four Sacred Beasts of Old and his true power was sealed because he never bonded with anyone until now. The Apex King has awakened." Astrall smiled.

Haji roared and spread his wings. Io grunted as the high winds blew. Florence growled and her nails became claws and her eyes shined golden. Wings also formed on her back then she let out a roar.

"Apex Form Florence! This is the power of their bond." Astrall said and her uncovered eye shined.

"Florence! That's how you do it! Show them your power!" Alice cheered.

Florence dashed ahead and ran straight to Io. She went for a punch and Io dodged her attack then dodged Haji's attack. Haji roared and fired a beam at her. Io dodged it and ran off. Haji turned his head to make the beam follow Io. Io turned around and a barrier formed around her body, blocking the attack. She countered by using the energy the barrier took then fired a beam at Haji, but he dodged and Florence appeared in front of Io then punched her face. A pulse like wave blew around the area and she sent Io flying. She dashed to Io and jumped up then kicked Io down to the ground.

Io recovered and landed on her feet and bellowed. Her nine tails shined then she vanished and appeared in front of Florence. She palmed her stomach and Florence groaned then coughed. She blasted Florence away and she crashed into a wall then unleashed a massive beam at her and a massive explosion happened. Haji reverted to normal and looked surprised then looked back at Florence as the smoke cleared. Florence fell to her knees and reverted to normal.

"Florence is unable to battle! The winner is Io Kyurama!" The referee called out.

The crowd cheered loudly and roared.

"What a spectacular first battle! Florence and Haji managed to bring the pressure but sadly it wasn't enough to take down this Goddess who looks like she hasn't even broken a sweat yet!" The commentator yelled.

The recovery team picked Florence up and carried her back to the waiting room. They brought Haji with them as well. After entering, Yoko and the others hurried to Florence.

Crimson balled her fists and looked at the screen to look at Io who waited for her next fight. "I knew this would be difficult, but she took down Florence in her Apex Form like it was barely anything. I guess that's to be expected of a Goddess."

"Crimson, you're up." A guard said.

Crimson looked at the guard and nodded then walked with him.