
My Strength Comes From A System

" sigh ....... I regret my previous life ......... Now that I have another chance I will not make the previous mistakes ......... I will live a happy life and protect my beloved ones ....... I definitely will become the strongest ......... no one will bother me and stay alive " This is the story of Alex who get a chance to live again in a world where the power is everything with the assistance of the system he will become the strongest , and discover his true identity . Follow him in his journey . did you like the story ? comment below :)

AHM · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Ch . 38

alex went to the natural school in the next morning , he met ben and his fiancée marry .

" good morning alex . " ben said .

" hello , i am very sorry , we have discussed about visiting you but i was busy in this weekend . i will visit you in the next week . i promise . " alex said in an apologetic tone .

" don't worry , we can make it next week , if you don't come to my house , i will visit you instead . " ben said .

" ok , deal . " alex and his friend entered the classroom and sat on their desks .

the teacher entered the class and began explaining a new advanced spell , the lava burst . it is a combination of fire and earth elements .

" you can create an earth wall and reinforce if by the fire element , this will be a lava wall , it will be more powerful than the ordinary ones . also , you can use the lava burst in attacking , lava will start to erupt from the underground . " the teacher said .

" teacher , the lava can be created by combining the two elements the fire and the earth , so we can reinforce every earth spell with fire and obtain new spells . " a student asked the teacher .

" right , you can do that . the new spells will be powerful but the mana consumption will be huge , because the spell will absorb twice the normal energy . some people prefer to focus on the quantity of the spells , so they will not use the lava spells also some don't know how to control two types of energy at the same time . "

the teacher led the students to the training hall , he started to teach them at first how to combine to elements and how to channel the energy to cast the lava wall spell .

the class spent the rest of the time learning this single spell . the majority of them faced difficulties in using two elements at the same time , and some of them remain stuck at the basics .

as for alex , he knew how to use two elements at the same time , he only tried the spells the teacher mentioned in the class , the lava burst and lava wall .

in the school's cafeteria .

" ahh , today's lesson was hard , we learned a lot of new things , and a lot of students found the lesson hard ." ben said

" that's right , but don't forget we are mages and we will study for three years in the natural school before we enter the academy , we should learn as much we can to survive . " alex said .

the next class was the array's speciality .

teacher liza stood in front of the students in the training hall , she bagan casting an array , magic circle appeared under the teacher then the circle began to rise until it reached her head and it disappeared .

the teacher began to move in the hall in a fast speed .

" as you can see , i used this array to reinforce my speed , it can increase my speed for some minutes . " the teacher stood infront of the students and explained .

" we can also use magic circles that can decrease the mana consumption and one that can increase the damage of your spells . today you will learn the one i used the speed accelator array , this array can help you to create distance between you and the enemies so you can cast your spells without interruption . "

the students began to do as the teacher , they began with studying the shape of the circle then they create one using their energy and lastly they activated the array .

the array was easy to perform and a lot of students finished it before the class ends , they began to try it and move faster for some minutes in the training hall .

" finally , i can go home . " alex was feeling bored , he was waiting for the class to finish .

At wayen's mansion .

Alex arrived home , he was very tired . he had a warm bath and then he ate his launch with his family .