
What now

As Dave looked at me, his eyes bulging out of its socket and his mouth ajar,I tried to hold his hand he resisted and his frame stood still then without hesitation he just walked away.


I screeched out while tears rolled down my checks and drops left on my shirt he didn't even look back at me.

“I’m all alone I can’t do this I wish my mom was alive,I did something and now I have consequences to deal with I know I shouldn’t have” I mumbled to myself.

Shortly after the bell rang I had two more classes. I quickly wiped my eyes and I walked back to my next class.

As I got inside Mandy was at her locker I tried ignoring her as I swiftly rushed through the corridor, but she saw me.

"Chels wait up" Mandy said worrily.

I continued to walk to the next class as she was running behind me. As i entered the math class, I sat way in the back away from all my current problems, mainly from seeing Dave and hearing the nagging from Mandy, I just needed a break from all of it.

I dozed away from the lesson, as my thoughts got a hold of me causing me to reflect on when Dave and I were happy, he had a smile that made me feel safe from the world, his warm hugs and his soft lips that tasted of something sweet, then I heard someone calling me.

"Chelsea!" Mr James yelled across the room

"...yes ?.."

I replied confused. Everyone was staring at me, I then rolled my eyes and looked into my textbook. I tried so hard to stay focus but it was extremely difficult.


" that's the bell remember your homework to be handed in and completed and Chelsea pay attention in class you might actually learn something that way for a change”

I left Math class and never responded to his statement. I quickly heading to my Humanities class with Mrs. P.pemberton thank God Dave's not here I felt relieved for a bit but still Mandy sat next to me.

"Hey what’s up why did you sit way in the back of Math class? You usually sit with us why aren't you answering me? Did I do something I wasn’t aware of? "

she constantly harassed the living life out of me I ignored her until she realized I was ignoring her.

I somehow paid attention in class but it sounded like Mrs.P was a fish trying to speak to me. The clocks hands clapped quite quickly the bell rang.

“Class dismissed students”

I then packed up and quickly left the school campus and ran all the way to Cantun bridge to jump into lake, somehow I felt I was being followed but ignored the feeling.

The bridge from a distance looked quite tempting it made me feel as if I needed to end my life so I don’t have anymore problems to deal with it looked peaceful and the water just stood still.

Then tears slowly rolled down my face I stepped up upon the rails, I can see my while life flash before my eyes over and over.

As I was about to jump off suddenly I heard Dave’s voice

"Chelsea ! please don't do this I love you I know I was upset but please just find it in your heart not to please" he pleaded begging me to come down.

“Why are you following me? Do you really care about me ? why didn't you answer me we were so in love and blinded by it that we had sex for crying out loud now look what happen to me I’m pregnant. Do I belong here really ? I love you but I just .... can I trust you again ? "

I asked with my eyes filled with tears.

"Chelsea I really do care about you, we made a decision that’s going to be life changing that will probably ruin both our futures. We’re only sixteen ! we're teenagers! I’m sorry but I'm here I am deeply in love with you, I wanted to be with you then, and I will forever I promise. So please”

he said crying and down on his knees.

" Are you crying for me ?" I asked as I came down I hugged him showing I forgave him.

"Thank God you came down" he replied relieved

"Want a ride home?"

"Yea cause it's going to be a far walk home "

We both got into his car, when he approached my house, he kissed me and waved goodbye and he drove away as I opened my front door.

As I opened the door I smelt such a delicious fragrance, I put up my backpack and washed my hands and came to the kitchen where Dad was cooking up a scrumptious storm. After eating I helped Dad clean up the table.

" Night dad "

I said before heading upstairs to bed.

"Good night hunny"